

As time went by, we all were mesmerized at such a special moment that we finally got to go home.

As we were packing to go Dave got a phone call he stepped outside to answer it.

”Agent Foy protect the child they want her dead she’s the next heir to the throne, looks like troubles in the way get out of there and to the safe place”

”yes sir”

Then we were finished and Dave came back inside and started taking the bags to leave the hospital.

”who was it..?” I questioned curiously

“oh it’s an old friend shall be we going now ?” He questioned as he placed a kiss on my cheek then I nodded in agreement and we left.

On our way back, it seemed someone was following us, when Dave saw this he did something that shocked us all he climbed up open the top of the car and shot the car wheels and it began swirling around and eventually came to a stop.

”Hit the gas and turn off the next exit!” He quickly yelled I was left speechless and froze.

Then the sound of Chloe crying brought me back to reality she needed to be breastfed.

“I’m so sorry guys but I'll explain it to you very soon you can make a right down here.

After driving for about an hour we drove through these security gates that opened by a passcode, beyond the gates was a beautiful meadow and there sat on the top of a hill was a beautiful farmhouse that had two gigantic trees on either side dancing in the wind.

As we got closer to the house, there stood a woman figure, she wore a black jumpsuit had hugged her curves perfectly, her small full lips complimented her almond shaped eyes. Her glasses beautifully sat on her straight nose.

The car then came to a stop, she then approached the car door when she opened the door she smelt of vanilla and roses.

“Hello Your highness pleasure meeting you”

“your highness?” Cynthia my Dad and I questioned simultaneously

“Oh Agent Park they don’t know ok let’s get you guys out of the car into the house”

”yes Agent Revira haven’t explained as yet” Dave responded

”what don’t I know, Agent park, Dave whatever the hell your name is” I confusingly asked. We all got inside and sat in the living room.

“Who are you, Whose after us why are you addressing Chelsea as your highness wha-t what explain ” Cynthia stated

“oh they don’t know.” She stated

“know what?!!”we all questioned simultaneously

Dave then looked at her then they both looked at us.