
My Space-Time System

Blake, a pro gamer and the winner of the Zetron gaming competition for the MMORPG Lord of Legends meets his doom together with few other participants or so he thought. Together with others, Blake gets summoned over to a world of fantasy and magic filled with danger and mysteries. However, to go back, they have to fulfill the job of wiping away a foreign civilization that threatens the existence of both the infinite realm and earth

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'Let's hope that him being inactive for more than a week now means he had a bountiful harvest.' Langford thought as he led the way.

By the time they had moved to a much larger room, Langford had prepared his mind for both shock and disappointment, but the moment Blake began taking the corpse out of his dimensional space all his preparations were for nought.

'12 magical beasts, 3 chief ranks, and an elite rank jackler!' Langford's mind was in turmoil. He couldn't help but switch glances between the corpses and Blake.

He had expected, a higher number of magical beasts and maybe one chief rank beast, but seeing him bring out another elite beast shocked him. It now looked as if elite beasts were now cabbages, that anyone could head into the forest and get themselves one.

'Apart from the elite beast, 12 magical beasts, and 3 chief rank beasts… Someone tell me why he is still in D rank?!'