
My Soulmate The Fox Goddess

For 18+ & 21+ Fifty thousand years ago, there was a Great War in the 13 Realm God's Kingdom, which was carried out by King Arthur, the King of the Demon Kingdom of the Black Nation. The war takes place in the West Tower led by the Third Priest Casello in the God Kingdom of the 13 Realms. As a result of the war, fate tied God Channing, Prime Minister of the 13 Realm God Kingdom with Level A Goddess Stellina with the original form of the 6-tailed Red Fox. At that time Stellina was still a one month old baby, God Channing found in the Cave of Hell after He sealed King Arthur. 50 thousand years later, Stellina grew up to be a cheerful beauty, and went to the 13 Realm God's Royal Palace at the behest of her Mother Goddess Estella. Stellina accidentally nudged King Arthur's Bravee Ridge Seal, so that Bruno and the 13 Realm God Royal Troops chased after him, then entered the Ice Room where the bodies of the 13 Realms God Goddess were stored on Mount Kramat. It was there that Stellina met the deceased Lord Channing. Stellina had feelings for God Channing, and inadvertently wept bitterly when she learned how the God had died. It turned out that his tears, which contained sincerity, raised God Channing from the dead for 50 thousand years. God Channing himself was struck by Asmara when he saw Stellina, the Goddess who raised him from the dead. Therefore, God Channing pleaded with the Great Emperor Brylee Salvador, Supreme Lord of the 13 Realm God Kingdom to place Stellina by his side in the Eastern Palace where the God resided. God Channing besides wanting to be closer to Stellina, he also wanted to know why Stellina could resurrect him. Still unanswered, God Channing saw Stellina possessed by the Aura of King Arthur the Demon King who was imprisoned in the Hell's Cave on Mount Kramat. Meanwhile, Stellina saw that God Channing was often attacked by the Heat due to a duel with King Arthur on the Battlefield in the West Tower 50 years ago which resulted in his death. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 - The Rise of The Prime Minister

Stellina broke the kiss, wiping her tears, as if relieved to have offered her condolences to Lord Channing. She also pulled his hand away from Dewa Channing's face. Then slightly away from the God of Channing, his eyes scanned the figure of this God, then saw a necklace lying on the right thigh of the God. Stellina took the necklace, looked at the pendant.

"I think," Stellina spoke to herself, "I've seen the shape of this pendant before." Trying to remember where to recognize the shape of the Pendant which is the Royal Coat of Arms of the White and Red Fox.

At that moment something happened, the Body Protective Light that was circling God's Corpse Channing disappeared, not long after that both God's eyes opened, and looked at Stellina in surprise who for some reason turned her gaze to Him.

DEG..The two of them stared at each other for a moment, then

Stellina gasped to see Lord Channing awake, the necklace hidden in the palm of her hand, immediately running away in fright.

God Channing saw this even more surprised, then felt the surface of his lips wet, rubbed his lips, then looked at his hands, seen by his six senses, the water that wet his lips came from Stellina's tears. God Channing immediately looked at Stellina who was running scared while looking at her, so Stellina bumped into a God Corpse,

"Good grief!!" Stellina screamed in surprise. "Ah!" she screamed again because the Jazat he hit fell to fall on other bodies.

God Channing fast sling fly,


He landed right behind the Corpse, held the Corpse back upright, then looked at Stellina with a sigh. He didn't blame Stellina who he saw was innocent and young.

Stellina saw this was about to run away again, but her hand was quickly grabbed by God Channing's hand.

"Let go of me!" Stellina screamed frantically, trying to get rid of God Channing's hand, "Let it go!" she whined looking at God Channing who was watching her very seriously. Made the hairs on his neck stand up. Stellina then lightly thumped God Channing's hand which was tightly holding his hand. "Your Majesty, please release me." she was almost about to cry at this point.

God Channing was forced to hug Stellina's waist so as not to hit her hand, for Stellina to see. They stared at each other, unconsciously love entered their hearts and minds.

'This girl is beautiful,' whispered God Channing's heart judging Stellina to be beautiful, 'Why is she in this place? This place is not a place this girl deserves to go." He tried to find out why Stellina was here, "Who is this Girl? Why is it that after she wept for me, my Divine Soul was able to return to my body, and I rose from the dead?'

Contrary to what Stellina thought,

'Who is this God? What is the God of War? But according to the Books I've read, the God of War is not this one. The God of War who was after me just now.'


Main Palace

God Kingdom 13 Realms

The Great Emperor Brylee who was sitting on his Throne looked worried, He didn't expect Stellina who he didn't know, could open the Bravee Seal, so that the Beast was free, and now fled with Stellina.

In the vicinity were Priest Bentley and a few God Realm Official Goddesses of the 13 Realms.

"Bentleys!" Great Emperor Brylee summoned Priest Bentley.

Priest Bentley stood up, his palms folded together a few inches in front of his chest,

"Servant, Your Majesty the Great Emperor."

"Have you sent Dante to catch up with God Bruno who spells Bravee and that little Goddess?"

"Already Your Majesty."

"Have you ordered Dante to take the little Goddess from God Bruno's hands? I don't want God Bruno to torture the little Goddess to find out why the little Goddess was able to break the Bravee Seal, and be taken away by the Bravee."

"Already Your Majesty."

"Your Honour!" Lord Zhao Yang stood up, made a move like Priest Bentley did, "Allow Servant to catch up with Commander Dante."

"What for?" asked the Great Emperor Brylee astonished looking at God Zhao Yang.

"I have a feeling Commander Dante will have a hard time taking that little elf from God Bruno's hands. So let me help him. I know the little Fairy is not guilty of anything. She came to this Palace to meet someone, because she brought a Box."

"Bringing a Box?"

"That's right, Your Majesty. After I saw the contents of the box, it turned out to be a Party Dress for a Goddess who lives in the 13 Realm God's Royal Palace. Another thing, I'm a real witness that the Elf had no intention of opening the Bravee Seal at all, because it seemed that it was the first time he had been to this Palace."

"It's best if you go with me after Dante." Priest Bentley interrupted, "Bruno is stubborn about it. Another thing, only I can tame Bravee, because Channing is dead."


Mount Kramat

God Kingdom 13 Realms

"Where's the girl?"

"I saw him heading to this place earlier."

"Could it be that he entered the Ice Room?"

From outside the Ice Room came the voices of Two Men who were definitely Soldiers from the 13 Realm God Royal Army. They were looking for Stellina still on God Bruno's orders.

Gods Channing and Stellina heard the voices. God Channing immediately looked at Stellina, it seemed that Stellina was scared so that she subconsciously snuggled into her body.

God Channing sighed softly, 'Is this girl that the Warriors outside this Room are looking for? Why are they looking for this girl? This girl doesn't seem to have done anything wrong.'

"Should we go inside the Ice Room?"

"But we are not allowed in. Only My Lord Priest Bentley is allowed to enter the 13 Realm God Kingdom's Head Priest."

"We were ordered by God Bruno to find the girl to bring before His Majesty the Great Emperor in the 13 Realm God Realm."

God Channing and Stellina heard again, the two Soldiers talking about Stellina.

'This is terrible,' whispered Dewa Channing's heart as he looked back at Stellina. Stellina was getting more and more scared, getting closer to her body. 'I have to help this girl. She has woken me up. She's my Goddess of Saviour.'

God Channing stretched out one hand, made the hand lift Stellina's face, he looked at Stellina who was very frightened.

"You hide there first." God Channing felt his heart touched with pity seeing Stellina like this. Then a row of Jazat was appointed which was a little far from where they were standing. "Don't be afraid to hide there." He continued because Stellina saw the one he was pointing at, then immediately looked at her in fear. "They all won't bother you." Released his arms from Stellina's waist, then turned Stellina's body towards the row of Jazat, he pushed slowly so that Stellina walked there.

Stellina had no choice, quickly approaching the row of Jazat, hiding behind one of the Jazats, but still being able to peek to see what happened next.

God Channing twirled his hands in the air, then removed the Shield of Sighting Shield to Stellina, so that the whereabouts of this girl would not be seen by the Two Soldiers. He then smiled at Stellina, then moved one hand while speaking softly to Stellina,

"You're calm right there. I'm still with you here."

Stellina heard God Channing's words, then nodded her head, believing God Channing. Because God Channing was hiding him instead, not chasing after him like God Bruno had done to him.

It wasn't long before the Two Warriors entered the Ice Room, and were surprised to see Lord Channing.

"Good grief!" The two Soldiers trembled, "God..God Channing! He..He..He got up?" soon They were half kneeling before God Channing. "Greetings Your Majesty God Channing, Prime Minister of the 13 Realm God Kingdom." Say hello to Lord Channing.

Stellina who saw all this, also heard the words of the two soldiers dumbfounded.

'This god is called God Channing, and is the Prime Minister of the 13 Realm God Kingdom' His eyes scrutinized Lord Channing who turned out to be looking at Him. God Channing smiled, making his handsome looks beautiful in Stellina's eyes. But then Stellina came to her senses, patted her forehead,

'I'm dead. Apart from Dewa Bruno, Dewa Channing captured. I might come home dead.' His face turned into a worried frown.

God Channing smiled amused at the sound of Stellina's heart. 'How could I kill you, my Goddess of Saviour? How can I let you go back to your house, I have to know who you are, why can you wake me from the dead.'

Lord Channing then calmly spoke to the Two Warriors in front of him.

"You guys stand up."

The two Soldiers slowly stood up, then looked back at Lord Channing, wondering why the Lord could rise at this time.

"What's going on outside?" God Channing ignored the two Warriors' curiosity, "Then why did you dare to enter this Ice Room? Have you forgotten the Rule made by His Majesty the Great Emperor Brylee, that only My Lord Priest Bentley may enter here?"

The two Soldiers gasped, immediately kneeling, "My majesty. We were forced to enter here because His Majesty God Bruno was ordered to find the young girl who freed King Arthur's Demon King Beast Bravee. Even Bravee took the girl to this Kramat Mountain."

God Channing gasped at all this, immediately looked at Stellina, 'You freed Bravee, and it was Bravee who brought you to this Kramat Mountain? Who are you? There's no way you're from that Black Nation. Your figure is very clean and beautiful. Your aura is the Aura of the young Goddess.'

Stellina became smitten again to see Lord Channing looking at her questioningly. Imagine being killed by Dewa Channing again.

"Oo I see?" God Channing returned to these Soldiers, realizing the look in his eyes on Stellina scared the Girl from being killed by him, "The girl you are looking for is not here. And it's impossible to get in here." He said lying to the Two Soldiers.

The two Warriors sighed.

"Now," Lord Channing spoke again, "You return to Lord Bruno. Tell him, don't look for that girl anymore. Just take care of Bravee. You hear this?"

"We heard Your Majesty."


The two Soldiers stood up, took three steps back, then exited the Ice Room.

God Channing breathed a sigh of relief. Then he immediately pulled the Shield that was protecting Stellina with Six Senses in his hands, immediately approached Stellina, played with Stellina's waist from behind, and spoke to Stellina.

"Come on follow me. You are temporarily in my Palace in the 13 Realm God Realm."

Then took Stellina out of the Ice Room before Stellina said anything. Once outside, they heard Bravee's shrill voice, and saw Bravee raging. The beast spouted Fire at God Bruno and the 13 Realm God Royal Troops. It even rammed its Horns at the Gods and Troops. Then it seemed that God Bruno was flying here and there while releasing his Six Senses to Bravee. Some hit, some missed. When hit, Bravee bounced in any direction.

But Bravee did not give up. Bravee must finish off those who made him lose his beloved Stellina.

Stellina's eyes filled with tears as she watched the battered Bravee fight these Gods and Troops. Stellina loves all Animals, except Reptiles. He knew Bravee lost him so raging like this.

God Channing saw Stellina crying over Bravee. One side of her heart knew that Stellina couldn't bear to see a battered Bravee go berserk. On the other hand, he was increasingly curious as to why Bravee could meet and love each other with Stellina.

Bravee sensed that Stellina was not far from him, his eyes sifted around, trying to find Stellina.

Lord Channing knew this, quickly flicked the fingers of his right hand into the air, and in an instant they were in another place that was still part of Mount Kramat.

"You were here first." God Channing spoke to Stellina while one finger wiped the tears from the corners of Stellina's beautiful eyes. "Not going anywhere until I pick you up. Understand?" instructed to have Stellina wait for him here.

Stellina nodded her head, letting God Channing go.

God Channing stopped not far from the Bravee duel arena, stretched out one hand in the air, then saw a strong wind blowing, accompanied by a roar. Then you can see Lightning darting fast towards Mount Kramat where all the weapons and Six Senses of the Gods and Goddess are stored on Mount Kramat. Lightning then entered the tip of a White Gold Sword that glowed red like a fire, making the Sword move, then shot flying out of Kramat Mountain.

The incident was seen by the Great Emperor Brylee and all the God Goddess in the 13 God Realm Kingdom. They looked at each other, for the Sword belonged to Lord Channing. How can the Sword be reactivated when its Owner died 50 Thousand Years ago in the Battle of the God Nation with the Black Nation, in the West Tower and Kramat Mountain.

Priest Bentley and Lord Zhao Yang, who had just arrived at Kramat Mountain, also saw God Channing's Sword reactivate. The two of them looked at each other, 'How did that happen?' then looked at the front of God Bruno and the 13 Realm God Royal Army that surrounded Bravee.

The darting blade arrived in front of the Bravee, then emitted a Blue Light which instantly encircled the Bravee, and sent this poor Beast to the Hell Pool where it sealed the Bravee-like Beast. After that, God Channing was seen holding the hilt of the sword.

"God Channing?" God Bruno stared in disbelief at God Channing before him.

"His Highness God Channing?" God Zhao Yang couldn't believe what he saw, "My Lord Priest Bentley." The same rebuke of Priest Bentley seemed to be in disbelief that the dead Lord Channing could come back to life, "That's His Highness God Channing, right?"

Priest Bentley sighed softly, "For the sake of the Universe. There's something Channing hasn't finished yet, so he's resurrected from the dead."

While elsewhere, Stellina was restless because Dewa Channing had not come to pick her up. He came out of this hiding place.

"There's no need to wait anymore, Lord Channing." Stellina sighed, "Well I'm back to..." Her words were interrupted because the Three Warriors of the 13 Realm God Realm were standing in front of her. And before he could escape, Two Soldiers immediately grabbed him by the arms, pulled away.

At the same time Lord Channing was not in the mood to greet Lord Bruno and the God Royal Army of the 13 Realms, leaving immediately where his Sword was already tucked away in his right Palm. He immediately went to where he had hidden Stellina.

"Good grief!" he sighed as he saw Stellina being led away by Two Soldiers and One Soldier, "Hayah why is this girl disobedient to me? Look at her being captured by the 13 Realm God Royal Army." He sighed again seeing the reason why Stellina was caught too. He wanted to help, but his eyes saw Commander Dante blocking the Three Soldiers, issuing Command Tokens from Priest Bentley wherein the Soldiers gave Stellina to Commander Dante and the Imperial Palace Troops of the 13 Realms of Gods. "Thank God, Dante came to help the girl." He was relieved, "Surely Dante was sent by the wise Lord Bentley. My Lord Bentley knows the girl is innocent."