
Side Story: Can't Stay, Can't Follow

When Muriel stepped through that door frame, I was 100% sure I was going to die. I could feel my entire body shake and tighten up in fear. That was my first mistake, tightening. When the Young Master's engorged cock jerked and his seed spilled into me, causing my to undergo a sudden and violent orgasm as his mother entered the room, I had once second of pure bliss and then what felt like an eternity of cold chills down my back as Muriel's rage fell upon me like a flood.

I wanted to run, but she's long since sealed my powers. Thankfully Damien was quick to react and ran the instant the woman sent a beam of watery death at my head.

Now, this would have ordinarily made me breathe a breath of relief and thank him for his swift action. But considering the scoundrel had the gall to continue pumping into me even as his mother hurtled all sorts of attacks our way. I honestly don't know about this brat. He infuriates to no end. How the hell can someone continue to have sex while being attacked by their own mother?

The fear and embarrassment had me panicked and that meant for those few minutes I couldn't stop the constant orgasmic convulsions that rocked my body. I got mad at him for keeping hold of me, but I'm glad he didn't mention how my legs wound themselves around his waist and brought him deeper inside me or how I buried my face in his neck, fighting the urge to grind against him and bite his lip. Considering the situation with not just his mother chasing us, but Vera also escaping along with us, it just wouldn't have been appropriate.

I felt I was becoming much naughtier since becoming his lover. No, I definitely was. I mean look at me, I was still using that weird toy he'd made. The one with the tail. Between one of the "scenes" Damien had replaced the normal one with this. He's poked his finger in my bum and released a strong stream of warm water, cleaning me out and surprising me. I would never admit it aloud, but it'd felt good when he did that. Weird, but good. The new plug was a little larger than the one with the bright jewel affixed to the back. The lifelike tail that came out was also very soft and fluffy. Only complaint is that it made me feel like I had to poo at first, but as I got more used to it I only felt a pleasant pressure.

No one had commented on it yet, I think, but maybe that was because we were so close to my true physical body right now. Even now, as I was seated on the grass, I could feel it's distinct shape filling me. It was such an erotic feeling and made me almost unbearably horny. I was glad I had at least the blanket to cover me.

With Elias up on that raised platform too I couldn't bring myself to meet his eyes. I felt...bad. Yes. Bad. That was the only word for it. Like I should be ashamed of myself. And I was. More than that I had a feeling of vague loss and despair at the thought of him having found out about my relationship with his son and him catching me naked with my legs around his boy...even though that was blocked by the blanket back then...but still. Despite that, the shame brought it's own brand of pleasure, somehow.

Even with those complex emotions, I still felt hot and restless. From time to time I'd meet Damien's gaze and the knowing gleam in his eye sent thrilling shivers down my spin. I would shift uneasily and that would cause the buttplug to move from side to side in my ass.

I'm surprised that they all couldn't smell the lust coming off me. Again, likely thanks to my true body overpowering their sense of smell. For once, I was grateful for being what I was.

Maybe this is why I felt like I could get away with a lie.

"I...did not have sexual relations with that boy, Young Master Damien. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time. Never. These allegations are false and I--"

It was a slightly edited version of what I'd once heard Damien say to weasel out of some misdemeanor or another that he'd committed. It had worked, too.

Suffice it to say, I didn't have his same charm. The somewhat red-eyed Muriel still didn't fall for it and she called me out in front of everyone, telling them all about the sexcapade she'd born witness to. I hid it well but that really was mortifying! The bitch.

"...You're just mad because your son calls me mommy too." I'd muttered in spite when everyone began to bicker. I don't think she heard me, but I noticed that Chelsea woman snicker just after I said it so I'm pretty sure she, at least, did. For some reason I felt a bit proud of the comment because of her reaction.

That was a very momentary feeling, because after Elias asked about Damien's rape all the memories came flooding back. I had an instant where I could remember all those hands over him, all the tongues roaming over his body. I could recall in vivid memory how they rubbed and pressed against him greedily.

It was sickening, the way they ate at him. And what really disturbed me? That it was more than just sexual, the things they. It was needy, possessive. It just felt...wrong. The vacancy in his eyes, too. That more than anything set me off. They were treating him like a toy almost and he didn't even know it. He happily went along with them.

He called my name a few times, during. It was painful to hear him call for me for me and say how beautiful I was, then see him kiss some stranger. I...I didn't love him...but how could I not hate having to go through that? I don't know. I felt protective of him. From the bottom of my heart I couldn't stand seeing him being taken advantage of like that. When I hurt him during our date back then I wasn't even scared of his mother's reaction as much as I felt like I'd done something unforgivable. Was that because of his bloodline, perhaps? He is the descendant of my creator, after all.

Anyway, that question of Elias' just brought a host of negative thoughts and I could only nod and apologize.

I should have been able to protect him. But I wasn't strong enough. And because of my weakness he had to go through all of that. The saddest part is that he didn't even seem to care. If it was Vera who'd had to witness all that she'd hated herself for not being able to stop it. If it was Vera who'd hear how little he appeared to care about himself she'd have broken apart.

It was a miracle she was able to find love with anyone with my inherent distrust and jadedness in her. There's no way she could find someone to replace Damien as easily as he made it sound.

To be honest I wholly agreed with Muriel's reaction. I couldn't find it in myself to forgive the things done to him. Why did it anger me so much? Why did it make me so furious? If he didn't care, neither should I. Logically that should be the case, no? However it wasn't like that at all. I felt like a hypocrite. I was using him too. I wasn't much better than them. I was with him only because his father didn't accept me and because he made my body go wild. Only that.



"You're always so clingy!" I'd told him even though secretly that's what I couldn't get enough of. It was almost laughable when I think about it. I'm not strong enough to reject his advances even when I know I couldn't bring myself to trust them.

He's a weird one, Damien. He isn't as simple as his father. I couldn't understand his thought processes at all, yet sometimes he was even more direct that Elias ever was. The boy goes from a sensual womanizer to a drug-loving goofball at the drop of a hat.

Looking at him now, sitting with a gathering of child-like dwarves and passing around a pipe while recounting his various "drug adventures", I couldn't see any hint of the walking wet dream he'd been during our first night together. Apart from his body itself, that is. No, right now he was just a very handsome and laid-back stoner having a good time with like-minded people.

I'd seen many sides of him apart from the mischievous rogue he was famous as. But which was his truest self? I was curious to the point that I just wanted to open him up and pick his brain for answers.

I stood up and left, resisting the urge. I passed a very mellowed out Muriel who was seated on an exposed root from one of the enormous trees surrounding the area. Further down was Rhiannon and her daughter talking quietly. Mira was holding her belling protectively, seemingly not at ease with her own mother. I don't think she had to worry. The woman's reddened eyes indicated she was already intoxicated from my physical form's aura. Mira was being effected too but it wasn't as bad for some reason. I saw her shake her head and head towards Damen, taking a place beside him,

The youth created a chair for her out of wood, spawning it straight from the ground. It was had a bump at it's back for support and he placed a patch of grass on the seat for more comfort. It was sized perfectly for her so that she could easily sit down and get up again. The surrounding dwarves were awed at his actions.

Minerva and Evie were a part of the group. The cat-woman laid down with a very thick cigar in her mouth. Evie was swaying back and forth with the surrounding smoke generated from all the people indulging in recreational activity. Her bandaged form leaned on Damien for support while her sister...mother...whatever she was to the girl...giggled at something all of a sudden.

As for where Chelsea and her sister ran off to, I hadn't the faintest idea. I could find out if I wanted, but I chose not to.

"Where are you off to?" Someone called out. I knew the voice immediately. Elias. He was leaning against a tree while taking a hit from one of the instruments offered by the dwarves. He let out a steady stream of fragrant smoke.

"I was going to take a walk. Clear my head."

"I'll go with you." He put down the object in his hand and stretched. I didn't give any indication of denial or acceptance and simply continued on my way.

"Did your heist go well?" I asked after several minutes of silence.

"Great." He nodded. "It went great." The pace with which he said that made me sure there was a story to be told but he wasn't willing to share at the moment. To be honest I wasn't interested either.

"So. You and Damien. And Vera...that's something." He cleared his throat. "How'd that happen?"

"I pretended to be Vera and had sex with him in your bed." My harsh, blunt reply caused him to miss a step.

"Are you being serious right now?"

"It's fine. He knew all along. He just wanted to fuck me." I didn't hide anything at all. "I let him." I couldn't see his expression. I stared ahead too hard for that.

"Well shit. Alright." He took a moment to let that sink it. "That was Vera we saw then, wasn't it?" He muttered.


"Nothing. We just saw a few things using Muriel's scrying magic. We must've mistaken Vera for you. How did she even get like that? We couldn't have known since you two look so similar now. That���s why Muriel's been short with you."

"Yes. I guessed that." After finding out about Vera's transformation the pieces fell together easily. I knew there was a reason Damien mistook us, I just didn't know why until then. "Something happened. She's entered adulthood early due to a certain complication, that's why she and I now look alike."

"I see. He cheated on her then." He observed. "Little shit."

"He certainly goes after what he wants," I said drily. Unlike…

But I couldn't say it.

"Want me to beat him up for you?"

I felt my anger flare. What did he mean by asking me that? I told him I let Damien have sex with me. Did he think that I've been wronged? I'm far from innocent.

"He is my lover." Was all the response I gave. Even I felt my words were clipped. I felt sick. Did the man really not care at all that I was having sex with his son?

"Oh, I think that point is clear." He laughed. "I've never seen you holding onto anyone like that. I take it that means you like the brat?" A grin.

Somehow I felt his words grating. "No, I let him fuck me because I hate him. Are you stupid?"

"You've gotten a bit vulgar, haven't you?" A lift of the lips.

"I'm already shameless, don't you think? I may as well be vulgar too."

"Shameless?" He stopped. "I don't think that at all. Why would you say that?"

"To have sex with the son of a longtime friend isn't shameless?" I asked back. "I'm several thousands of years older than both of you. I'm basically a granny. "

"You're a woman." He shrugged. "Besides, with Muriel's bloodline maybe it's expected for you to be attracted to him. What does your age even matter? Long as you look young and pretty. I mean Muriel's a good few centuries older than me, too."

"So you're fine with this. It doesn't bother you."

He really doesn't care at all. Well, I knew that. This shouldn't change anything. It doesn't. No matter how much it hurt.

"Honestly? I'm just glad you found someone." He stated. "I really am." His smile faltered. "But you know you can't stay with him...right?"

I walked on in silence. Idiot. How couldn't I know? I understood very well. "He can't remain here." I answered.

Elias trailed along in a more subdued fashion. I could hear the reluctance in his steps. The guilt. "I'm sorry."

"He's hostile to the Angelic faction now. You can't send him to the Angels like you wanted. You can't let him stay, not unless you want to let Muriel kill Alex and marry him off to Dahlia. Not to mention that she'll bring a war here soon enough." One that would surely devastate me. Maybe kill me. But what did that matter?

As for the Angels, that's the least of the problem Damien had.

"There's no way he can stay. You were always going to have him leave anyway."

"I'm really sorry." He repeated. " I didn't know this would happen. You and him…"

"It's fine." I waved off his concern. "You were right. We have to get him away from here." I turned off my heartache, from Elias' lack of care, from having to give up Damien's, and planned. " I'll do it when they come for the Gate. He and Muriel both want to go to the Dragon ancestral homeworld, albeit for different reasons. I'll take the chance to send him away. Him, Dolly, Baz, Vera. I'll send them far away. Where no one could find them."

Not even a Divine.

"Thank you." He released a breath of relief. "And, uh, I know it's a bad time to ask, but...since when did you have a tail? And what's with the purple streaks in your hair? And we should find you some actual clothes, you can't just go walking around in that blanket all the time. By the way, are you using a new perfume lately or something? It's really strong. It smells a little familiar, too...almost like...hmm..." He cast a suspicious eye over me. He coughed, turning to walk away. "Well, nevermind. Forget I asked."

Ah...the humiliation….

Somewhat, it's not so bad, actually...