
The Mission

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

"Master, please relax. I am a smart system that has traveled through time and space. I have been to universes. Now, I am residing inside your brain."

"Parasite? Are you trying to eat my brain?" Qin Ze was horrified.

"Not at all. Beings in the three-dimensional world have difficulty comprehending the definition of my existence with their intelligence. You can think of me as Goldfinger, the male protagonist in the web novel."

"Oh," Qin Ze nodded but bolted out of his chair abruptly. "I don't believe you. I'm going to the hospital."

He stood up from the chair, but he suddenly lost control of his body and sat back down.

Qin Baobao stared at him. "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Ze cried, sullen-faced, "Sister, help me. I think I need emergency service."

"You're a nutcase." Qin Baobao protected the cell phone in her chest with one hand. She reached out with the other free hand to feel his forehead. "Do you have a screw loose in your brain?"

"No… there's something in… I'm fine." He couldn't control himself and lied against his wishes. Just then, the mechanical voice in his head said: "Master, a word of caution. Please do not reveal my existence, or else I will have to wipe you out."

"What exactly are you?" Qin Ze roared inside his head. "You even have control of my body. I can still tell the difference between reality and fiction. I don't care what system you are."

"I have been to many universes and changed countless hosts. I met many people just like you. It'll be alright. You only need time to adjust and accept this. Right now, your first mission is to assist Qin Baobao to sign her contract with Star Talent Entertainment Co., Ltd. You will be awarded points for your successful missions. When you fail, there will be points deducted. When you have zero points…"

"Wipe out?" Qin Ze asked with a shaky voice.

"That will not happen. I will choose a new Master."

"Good riddance."

"I used up all the energy when I traveled to this universe. I can only choose a new Master in this world. If I am to leave my current Master, I will have to absorb all your energy from your body. Are you sure you want to forfeit?"

"F**king h*ll! What will happen to me after you sucked all my energy?"

"You will go into a vegetative state. I love being Goldfinger…"

"Are you sure you won't eat my brain out?"


"So what do I do now?"

"Start your mission. The time frame for completion is three hours. Repeat mission: assist Qin Baobao to sign the contract with Star Talent Entertainment Co., Ltd. 300 points once you succeed. Failure will result in the deduction of 100 points."

"Sister, we need a plan if you really want to go into showbiz." Qin Ze put on a warm and gentle smiling face like an elderly teacher trying to instill good values into his students.

"Gosh, you're really sick. I'll call 120 for emergency…" Qin Baobao frowned as she quickly took the phone out of her bosom to dial the number.

"Screw 120." Qin Ze threw himself at his sister and regained possession of his phone.

Qin Baobao thought he was going to call their father. She fought him like a mother hen trying to protect her chicks and clung onto his 1.72-meter-tall frame like a koala bear.

Qin Ze picked her up with one hand and shoved her into the living room sofa. While he moved his face away to avoid his sister's incredulously fast-moving hands as she attempted to scratch his face, he said, "Stop it. Cut it out. Let's get down to business. You have my consent to be a star."

"No sh*t." Qin Baobao glared at him with her foxy eyes. Her hair was disheveled, and her face was slightly flushed after their fierce exchange.

"You have my word."

"Oh, my sweet brother, I love you so much." Qin Baobao's face broke into a wide smile instantly, and she began to kiss Qin Ze profusely on his face.

"Having a gorgeous face alone is not enough to secure you. It's not that simple to convince the entertainment companies. I need time for a self-discussion." Qin Ze frowned.

"No need for that. I have everything prepared. I'm happy as long as you don't tell on me." Qin Baobao sat on the sofa with both her legs folded like a duck. "My boss asked me for the reason when I tendered my resignation. I told him I wished to give a shot in the entertainment industry. Coincidently, he had some connections, and he kindly made some arrangements for me to have an audition. I only need to show up at 10 AM later."

It suddenly dawned on Qin Ze. His sister had everything arranged. They were living under the same roof. She confronted him knowing it was impossible to conceal her resignation from him. On top of that, the system had assigned him to assist her with signing a contract with Star Talent Entertainment Co. Ltd. It was obviously not a coincidence. The pieces began to fall in place as he analyzed deeper.

What means could he possibly have as an undergraduate to help his sister secure a contract with an entertainment company? The success rate for such a mission was next to nothing. It's like the village chief telling a rookie: 'My brave warrior, go and kill the Big Boss for me. That boss only had a drop of blood left.'

This made more sense.

The time for the audition was 10 AM; it was only 8.30 AM. There was sufficient time for Qin Baobao as she swiftly went into her room to change her attire. When she emerged, she was a changed woman in a PORTS professional suit for women. She wore a white blouse on the inside and a pair of black heels with no stockings. It transformed her into a strong and competent businesswoman. Even her makeup was perfect!

Qin Baobao's face was already flawless. She simply looked amazing after the makeup. Qin Ze quickly moved his hands to cover his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Qin Baobao smoothed her marooned curls.

"It's so dazzling I'm going blind," Qin Ze exaggerated.

"Get lost." Qin Baobao rolled her eyes at him, but a smile appeared on her lips, showing her complacence.

The two siblings took the lift and went down to the underground parking space in the estate. Qin Baobao drove a brand new red mini BMW. She bought it at the start of the year using the salary she had saved over six months coupled with several ten thousand dollars.

Qin Baobao removed her heels and tossed them at Qin Ze in the passenger seat. The mini BMW reversed out of the parking space. Once it gained sufficient space, it disappeared in a flash.

Star Talent Entertainment was located twenty kilometers away from the sub-district that Qin Ze was living in. Another district separated the two locations. Qin Ze and Qin Baobao were traveling during peak hours when others were going to work. The traffic in Shanghai could be so bad that it made one doubt their life. The mini red BMW made its way out of the sub-district past two traffic lights and successfully onto the overhead bridge. After that, it started advancing and stopping at thirty-forty kilometers per hour.

Qin Ze hugged his sister's black heels. He leaned against his seat, pretending to sleep; and he communicated with the system in his head. "What exactly are you?"

"Cosmic Calculating System."

"What's that?"

"The intelligence of three-dimension beings found it hard to understand the definition of my existence. I was created with the aim of calculating the universe."

"Why are you in my head?" Qin Ze didn't understand anything so he changed the topic.

"It was a random choice of Masters. The choice of my master in each universe is always random."

"Every universe? Although I don't understand everything you said, it still sounded awesome to me," Qin Ze said.

"Time and space are the biggest mysteries in the universe. Time moves in a single direction whereas space consists of infinite layers overlapping each other. The universe is so big that it has no borders, and there are countless planets inhabited by intelligent beings. I have traveled to many universes because my ability is limited to the space realm. Every intelligent being who became my host grew to be an influential figure in their world."

"Dear Guru, you have my utmost respect," Qin Ze said sarcastically before continuing, "I've read in the novels that the moon and stars are within one's grasp. One can also live forever."

"I've been to similar worlds, too."

Qin Ze became excited. "Can I attain immortality or even become a deity?"

"That's ridiculous. Nothing is forever in the world. There will be a day when even the sun comes to an end. According to my calculations, neither the universe nor I will not be around for eternity, too."

"Will I be able to live as long as the sun?"

"Negative. The formation of a world depends on many factors. Each world is different, and the laws of existence are also different. The same goes for your world. Mankind, on its own, can't fly or go underground."

"If that's the case, what do I need you for?" Qin Ze was filled with despair for every boy who had his own fantasy.

"Qin Ze—born in 1995; average physical condition. Average intelligence. Mediocre performance in school. Led an uneventful life. From your current life records, your sister—Qin Baobao—will be the most beautiful woman you will encounter. Your life will be boring and ordinary. However, I can change your life and destiny. I think I may be of use to you after all."

"From what I just heard, I already wish I was dead." Qin Ze covered his face with his hands. "What can you do?"

"We will go into a novice's training session. Please open the system interface."

"How do I do that? Can you at least give me a joystick? You expect me to call out 'System interface' towards the sky for it to pop out?" A blue virtual interface popped up before Qin Ze's eyes. It reminded him of a 3D projection that he saw online.

Qin Ze's name was at the top-left corner of the virtual interface. There were two options: Missions and Points Mall.

Qin Ze reached out and tapped on 'Missions' with his finger. Details of his current mission appeared on the virtual interface. Main mission: assist Qin Baobao to sign on with Star Talent Entertainment Co., Ltd. 300 points for a successful mission. Deduction of 100 points for a failed mission.

Next, he tapped on 'Points Mall', and a message popped out on his screen: Function needs to be unlocked.

"System, what is in Points Mall?"

"It is a function that helps you attain the highest peak in your life."

"I can't unlock it now because I have zero points accumulated?"

"Yes, Master. Please try your best."

"May I know what the h*ll is in 'Missions'?"

"Missions' is not a h*ll. However, I think I know what Master means. There is no such thing as a free meal in the world. You need to work for the things you want. If you wish to redeem the items in 'Points Mall', you have to keep doing missions."

"What are the conditions for a mission? Don't tell me it's something like arson, murder, or kidnapping a young woman."

"The formation of a mission's condition depends on Master's current status, the people surrounding you, and the situation. Your desires will also be taken into consideration."

"What if I wish to abduct a girl? Is it possible for such a mission to occur?"


"I think that's enough." The corners of Qin Ze's lips twitched. Everyone has a dark side.

"You can choose to forfeit if you encounter a similar mission. Points will be deducted automatically when you do so."

"Hey, what is 'Mission Tools'?" Qin Ze found a line of gray wordings 'Mission Tools' at the end of his mission details.

"This is a tool to assist you in completing your first mission. You have not reached the stage for its activation. Master, please be patient."

At this point, Qin Baobao turned and looked at him. She asked curiously, "Why are you waving your hands in excitement?"

"I have a screw loose in my head. You have an issue with that?" Qin Ze asked as he moved his hand to shut the system interface.

Qin Baobao gave a snort, and then she returned her attention back to driving on the road. Qin Ze stared at his sister's side profile in a daze. Her pretty nose, thin lips, and slightly pointy raised chin reminded him of a Greek goddess. They looked nothing like each other. Since she was a little girl, the relatives had often complimented Qin Baobao's beauty and how gorgeous she would be when she became an adult.

She was the most adorable child in kindergarten. When she started schooling, she became the school belle. The number of love letters she received over the years was more than enough for Qin Ze to use as toilet paper. He would still have leftovers after ten years! On the other hand, Qin Ze was much more ordinary. He had regular features which would make him good-looking at best.

He had seen photos of his father when he was young. One would probably describe his father as a handsome man while his mother looked delicate and pretty at most. Both of them had a daughter together and passed on all their good genes to her. When it was Qin Ze's turn, everything was insignificant.

It didn't make any sense and was not in line with genetics. Qin Ze had always suspected his sister had come from another family. That was the only explanation for why she had been so outstanding.

Was it true to say children from other families were the best?