
Chapter 36 : Take Care Of Him


Sabrina: Just say the word and I will torch his house down. I can even make it look like an accident.

Amy: Must you always think of felonies as solutions? I’m shocked you haven’t ended up in jail.

I read the messages in the group chat after my shower. The last two days had been a whirlwind of emotions, but I can safely say that I had never been happier in my entire life. I was just so…happy.

Dove: I think we can hold out on getting criminal charges onto our records. We don’t need the police after us.

Sabrina: What part of I can make it look like an accident don’t you guys get?

Sabrina: Anyway, it’s fine. When are you coming back to work, D?

Oh yes, there was that little thing that I still needed to address. Work was the last thing on my mind right now. All I wanted to do was just hide in this little bubble that Miles and I had created.