
Chapter 15 : Opening Up

Miles sat in his wheelchair looking at me with a small smile playing on his lips. His eyes were tender and soft, and his aura alone was enough to calm some of the chaos that my father had induced.

For a moment, time stood still and it was just he and I who existed in that moment. There was no one else but us.

It was a blissful moment.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, breaking the calm moment. “You gave me quite the scare.”

“Umm…” I tried to find my voice, “I’m sorry. I just…a lot happened.”

“I’m sure.” His features twisted into one of deep concern. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Do I?

Dylan was a thing of my past and so was the incident. But somehow my history had followed me to the new life I had created here.

Why? Why could I not just have peace for once? All my life, all I had ever known was pain and suffering.

My father. My mother. The assault. Dylan.