
My Sexy Vampire

Young Terra gets a horrible birthday present. She’s involved in a horrible accident and dies, or so she thinks at first. Before she can pass, she’s turned into a Vampire, a powerful supernatural being. But before her new Master can take her away, he’s stopped by a valiant man who saves Terra from a fate worse than death. This mystery man turns out to also be a vampire and offers to take Terra under his wing and help her with her transition. Turning isn’t an easy thing. It involves pain, emotional stress, among many more challenges that Terra must overcome. While she navigates this new life, feelings for her savior, Cameron, start budding in her chest. Luckily, she’s not the only one! When she and Cameron finally come together as one, the union is beautiful for all of a few weeks. Cameron is urgently hunting down the man who turned Terra into what she is. This man broke the biggest rule of all: cause no harm to a female vampire. You see, their kind is very rare, and must be protected at all costs. Unfortunately, he must leave his new mate alone for a while so that he can bring this villain to justice once and for all. While he’s away, Terra won’t sit idle! Her best friend, a young werewolf, comes to her aid and helps her become stronger for the one she loves. Will Terra finally come into being a vampire? Will Cameron survive his mission to hunt down her Master? Will they all be okay in the end? Read more to find out about this world brimming with romance, mystery, and supernatural creatures! ***Please be advised, this novel is rated R17+ for a reason! It contains crude language, sexual content, and portrayals of mental illness that some may find upsetting.***

SteamyWriter · Huyền huyễn
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43 Chs

A Walk Through the Woods

The day passes by smoothly after Lawrence leaves, though Cam seemed a bit on edge. I try my best to cheer him up throughout the day, but he still seems concerned with something else.

As we lay down in bed at night, Cam doesn't try to have any fun, we simply cuddle and enjoy each other's company. Which I'm okay with, but I'm worried about him still. I can feel across our bond that he's anxious. Eventually, he falls asleep, leaving me awake to wonder what's on his mind

The next morning, we get up and start breakfast. As we sit there, Cam is picking at his food, hardly eating. I can feel his anxiety and anticipation. What's on his mind?

Then, he says "I'm thinking about going back to work."

I stare at him a moment. Was that really all that was on his mind? Mistaking my silence for me being upset, He rushes to reassure me. "I promise it'll only be a few days a week, and only for a few hours. I just have some things to take care of."

"Cam, you can calm down" I say. "I understand that you had a life before you met me. You're an adult with responsibilities. I'll be fine on my own for a few hours."

He's visibly relieved by my reaction. "Thank you. Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?"

Smiling at him, I say "Of course, Cam. I have things around here to occupy my time. Just make sure the fridge has what I need so I don't get crazed."

He nods. "Absolutely, I'll keep it fully stocked." He finally takes a bite of his food, swallowing before he continues. "I'd like to go in today, if you're fine with that."

I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed. I've gotten used to him being around constantly. But what I said was true. He had his own things to do. I had to get used to it sooner or later. "That's fine. I might go for a walk, or read or something along those lines."

He looks satisfied with my answer. I can feel his relief, it's a soothing feeling after all of his stress. How will I kill time while he's away?

Cam gets ready to leave after breakfast. We're standing at the door saying goodbye. He reassures me that he'll be as quick as possible, but I have a feeling it'll definitely be several hours before he comes home. After I give him a kiss, he walks out the door.

Man, it feels so empty without him already. I walk to my mini library that Cam set up for me. Grabbing a random book off the shelf, I curl up in a chair and stare at the pages more than actually reading the words printed there.

I can't focus. It feels too quiet in here. I can see what Cam meant before about the house being too big to be alone in it. I take a deep breath and lean my head back. What to I do? I have to get used to him being gone, but it's so lonely. I feel a tugging in my chest, pressure building in my heart. Stupid bond. I know he's gone, I don't need you to tell me.

Maybe a walk will clear my mind? Getting up, I go put on shoes and a jacket. As I had out the door, I'm hit with a wave of cold air. When did the weather turn so chilly? I guess I don't really get out of the house very often. I start for the trail Cam showed me. As I walk, I notice just how far it goes. This thing is miles long. Well, I need exercise anyway. Meandering down the trail, I look around and study the nature here. Leaves are falling from trees, and I see squirrels running on the empty branches. They must be collecting for winter. Soon, I'll be the only one awake in this little patch of forest.

The pressure in my chest starts to burn, filling me with anxiety. I can't tell if it's mine or Cam's. I stop and take a deep breath. Calm down, Terra. You're okay. Cam is okay, too. There's no need to panic. I tell myself this, but my stupid body won't listen. Despite the cold, I'm overcome by a hot flash. My body feels like it's burning. I can barely breathe. What the hell is going on?

I turn around and slowly head back to the house. My body is barely cooperating. It wants me to curl in a ball and hide, but I can't do that here, I need to get home. My breath comes out shallow and harsh. The burning spreads over my chest, face, all the way down to my toes. I unzip my jacket, hoping the cool air will help. It doesn't.

I reach the point where the trail branches off to Cam's secret spot, about a mile from home. Breathing becomes impossible. Falling to my knees, I lower my head, trying to force oxygen into my lungs. Why is this happening? What the f*ck is going on with me?

Tears start to slip from my eyes. The pain is overwhelming me, and my emotions are on overdrive. I feel useless. How am I supposed to become a strong vampire if my stupid body won't work? The frustration forces more tears out, a stream down my cheeks. Through the tears, black spots start flashing in front of my eyes. Oh no, not now of all times. Who knows when Cam will come back to help? How will he even find me? The pain becomes too much, and I slip into unconsciousness.

The pain in my chest is easing. My body is cooling down too. I carefully open my eyes. Things are blurry, and my head is spinning. Shutting my eyes again, I lay continue to lay there, trying to catch my bearings.

My head is pounding. Each noise is like a hammer in my skull. It doesn't help that I hear someone running, their feet pounding on the ground. That's funny, I thought this was a private track, just for Cam. Who else would know about it?

As that thought crosses my mind, I hear the person talking. As shouting actually. Jeez, can't they be quiet?

I can barely make out what they're saying but I catch my name. "... Terra!" Who's here? I can tell it's not Cam...

A wave of fear and anxiety washes over me, my breathing hitches at the sudden influx of foreign emotions. I recognize the way they feel though, and my stomach drops. Why did it have to be him?

Lawrence stops just short of me, bending down to check if I'm okay. I still don't open my eyes, too dizzy to watch the world spin. I feel his fingers on my neck, checking my pulse. "Damnit..." He says. Another wave of his emotions hits me like a rock. I can't help but to groan at the pain.

I feel his arms slide under me. Ew, I can't stand this prick touching me. His emotions are too erratic as they flood my brain, and touching him makes it worse. As he picks me up, he must be able to tell that I'm in pain. In a soft voice that I never expected to hear from him, he gives me works of comfort, gently hushing me like a baby. It's annoying, but it's also kind of nice. I still feel his panic but it softens, just like his voice. Where was this guy the other day? He's always such an ass that this side of him surprises me.

What are you thinking brain? This is the ass who always picks on me. There is nothing soft or kind about him. In fact, he's pricklier than a cactus.

With each step he takes, my head throbs, making me dizzier. Why is this my life? Always filled with feinting and getting hurt these days. We get to the house and Lawrence gently sets me down on the couch. Being in the house, I feel the burn start to spread across my skin again, making me whimper. Lawrence places a hand on my forehead. He curses as he draws it away.

I can hear his footsteps receding, then him talking. He must be on the phone, since he clearly isn't talking to me. I catch bits of the conversation here and there.

"Cameron... get your ass over here... collapsed in the woods... not my fault.."

He asked Cam to come home. That's great, now he'll be upset that I passed out again. The thought troubles me as my mind starts to fade to black again.