
Dark Aura

I could feel my blood flowing from my stomach down to sidewalk pavement. I'm slowly losing blood and become light headed. I can no longer think straight. What i saw in front of me was Zayn smiling and a half demon mask person on the other side of road.

'He's giving a helping hand! Come on just say Fiend Compact, and he'll give a chance to be alive. Open up you mouth!' I trying my best to stay awake and say those 2 words. My dried lips moved to form 2 words.

"F-Fie-Fiend Com-Compact" I said with great difficulty. Zayn heard a mumble from my mouth. She didn't hear it clearly. She start laughing at me after heard my last word.

"You sure are pathetic! What is that? Is that your last words? Hahahaha... You are a fine prey to play with." She laughing maniacally. I feel terrified by her personality. Is this your job? Killing and torturing people? This person is a phychopath.

Zayn started to feel uncomfortable. The longer she stay near me, the more she felt herself being poke. From tingling feeling to poking her body. She felt someone watching her, but she don't know who. Before she wanted to turn her head around, her whole body can't moved. Only her eyes move around to search the person stare.

She quickly turned into her beast mode and gain control her body again. She leap to a nearby tree. She was a warrior and killing machine, how could something made her can't move. Thankfully she can move again after she transform. She checked the surrounding and found a dark aura on the other side of the road.

The dark aura slowly crossing the empty road. Zayn feel the evil of the dark aura and feel envious to its raw power. She didn't make a move instead she just watch the dark aura slowly approaching me. I see half demon mask person walk towards me while his hand in the pocket. He walk leisurely like nothing is happening. He didn't rush nor too slow.

As he arrives at me, he look at me while smiling. 'I'm dying and he still laughing? Are you really gonna help me or laughing?' Im can't talk anymore as my blood loosing every time i tried to talk. His face behind the mask just smiling while saying:

"I WILL FUSE OUR CORE. ENDURE THIS. IT WILL STUNG A BIT" He stretch his arm out showing his red skin hand. He has rough skin like lizard scale. While his nails were all long and black in color.