
New Student

Jovita stood in front of the principal of the school as he browsed through the required files she had brought,necessary for her admission. She had always wanted to attend CBA college since junior high school but she could not due to her parents financial status.

It seemed God heard her prayers ,her mom got a promotion last month and she could now go to the school of her dreams in her ss1 class. She had written and passed the school test,and had undergone a routine test to make sure she was stable medically .Now the principal nodded in satisfaction and said "alright ,follow me I'll show you to your class"

Jovita thought he was quite cool he had a good manner and dress code and looked quite friendly unlike her former school's principal that was so harsh and unkind .she followed him ,and kept jumping steps because he walked too fast.

He brought her to her class it was on the third floor and was quite large good enough to contain 50 students.They all looked bright and beautiful she almost felt intimidated .would she be able to level up yo them? would she be able to compete with them academically? she was so nervous she kept her head so low .The principal sensed her nervousness and spoke in a low tone"they won't eat you no need to be scared",his word had an effect ,she raised her head but feeling the number of eyes on her she lowered her head again."This is your new classmate" the principal began "she is Jovita Ndubisi from Great minds college,what do you say to her","you are welcome" the whole class chorused "thank you "Jovita murmured ,"I want you to treat her well make her get used to the environment no bullies ,and if you know you are a bad friend stay away" everyone laughed and started pointing at each other "hey you the principal was talking about you" "are you talking about me I'm a hundred times better than you"they all argued among themselves,as Jovita walked to her seat,and watched them in silence.The students realized they had neglected their new class mate. They all rushed to her seat and started asking questions Jovita thought were weird "do you have a nickname" "are you an introvert or extrovert","are you bright or dull ","do you like making friends ,see I can be you friend ","did you do French in your junior high see I can speak French,bonjour monsieur""what do you like the most".all these questions were thrown one by one she didn't know which to reply so she buried her head in her palms ,they didn't stop asking though,"shut up all of you"everyone turned Jovita even raised her head to stare at him "amebo,all of you what is your business with all these questions you are asking,can't you mind your business"one of the girls that looked like a gossip queen faced him"hey you tell me what's your business,are you the one we asked or did the questions affect you "another added"abi you like her ni"everyone laughed and faced him instead he ignored them and came close to me and said "don't mind them all they want is a gossip topic" I simply nodded.

Few minutes later a young handsome teacher walked into the the class everyone stood up and greeted him "sit " he said his accent was so cool I kept staring at him then he starred back ,smiled and said "your name " I stood up and said my name"such a nice name,you can sit"I sat down"how do you feel about your classmates,do you feel uncomfortable with them,before she could form a 'no they are nice in my mouth',the boy that helped me scale through those questions whose name was Enoch stood up and said "they are so rough with her ,they kept asking questions to fill their gossip bellies".The handsome teacher squeezed his face a bit in a frown "is that so ",he looked a bit angered ,Jovita couldn't help but smile then she slapped her self 'what was she doing 'she said within herself ,then she stood up"they did nothing they were only trying to be friendly"Enoch turned"you.." "Enough "Mr Williams said "that's okay now,but you all don't ask such stupid questions again,that's enough,let's get back to work"

After the class ,it was break period everyone went down to visit the cafeteria ,she was not going to buy anything so she stayed back and brought out my lunch box and started eating,I didn't mind the way I ate because she thought no one was in the class ,she had eaten half of my lunch box I felt someone starring at me so she turned and almost choked .Enoch had been starring at her ,she wiped her mouths in embarrassment and gave him a what-you-want stare , he smiled and said "you are carefree when no one is there but look so organized when everyone is around " what did he mean"don't be scared I won't tell any one ,but me have to trade","what"she coughed "hey new student you don't know me I'm Mr handsome or call me smiley ,everyone wants to be my friend ,especially those girls", "so what should I do about this info?"Jovita asked he smirked " be my friend".