
My scam marriage: It is real.

After the tragic death of her mother and being abandoned by her father with her new born sister. Kaleah finds out she is about to get deported; her friend comes up with a plan to get her married so she can stay in the country. Her first date with her potential date ends up in a disaster, also earning her a stalker. She thinks it is hopeless after meeting her friend’s big brother and sparks fly, enough to earn herself a rich powerful husband. The catch, it is a fraud to get her to stay in the country. But it is not, she just hadn’t realized it yet.

MonarchTheFirst · Thành thị
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72 Chs

The wrath of the angry husband

[Third person POV]

Alex had been pondering about all the information they had, what was he missing? Where could he have hidden that is under the radar?

"Detective we have some news?"

"Tell me you know where they are?" he said in a tired voice.

"We might have an idea," his subordinate says, "Mr. Beckett is on the move along with Mrs., actually with Agent Evelyn Carter, I think they might know where Ellen Mule might be."

"What are you waiting for? Get some of the officers and let us follow them, we need to stop them from doing anything stupid," Alex says taking the car keys in his desk, this is going to be a blood bath, he knows that for sure.


"Can you drive a bit faster there?" Clayton groans impatiently.

"Can you stop being impatient? We will get there," Joshua says.

"You don't know of the condition my wife is in while we patiently drive," Clayton says.

"Just shut up Clay, we will get there," Evelyn shouts rendering him a mute, along the car was Conan who could stay behind as he wanted to give Ellen Mule a piece of his fists too.

On the other hand, Ellen was having the time of his life, he had just shown the world how much Kaleah and himself loved each other though he had to delay in until this morning, it still was exciting.

"See that Kaleah, our fans keep praising us," he says browsing through all the hate comments on his last video.

"Oh… look at you, only if you followed everything, I told you, you wouldn't be in so much pain," he mocked.

He had let her clean herself up before making Zoey's milk and feeding her, he thought having Zoey here was a bad thing, but watching how Kaleah treats her, it makes him excited for their future kids.

"Anyway, you should get better, we are going to make another video," he says, Kaleah opens her mouth to protest but flinches when she sees his hand on the Sjambok.

This was the first time she hadn't protested to his ideas, at it made his happy, he cannot help but like this new obedient woman in front of him.

"See that is a good thing, if you continue to be a good girl, you might get rewarded," Ellen says, "what is your first request for the reward?"

She didn't say, "come on tell me, I am being a good husband here."

"Well…... I...if you can let Zoey go, that would be nice," Ellen frowned, letting Zoey go, yes, she was annoying with the constant crying, but letting her go would be a terrible thing.

"Still thinking of running away from me?" Ellen says standing up.

"What? No? I…... I was…..." she tried to explained, but Ellen was already angry.

"I will teach you lesson for trying to run away from me," he says yanking Zoey from her before violently placing her to the car seat.

He had taken the rope to tie Kaleah to the bed, "today we will show the kinky side of our relationship," Ellen says tying her.

When he finished tying her, he had run to the mounted camera turning it on, before going live,"

"Good evening, two videos in one day, I am feeding you aren't I," he says ignoring all the angry comments below his video. "Kaleah and I are going to give you yet another one of our lovers special."

He says showing Kaleah who was struggling to get out the rope, this action made him angry before he picked the Sjambok and hit her, opening the old wounds from her body.

She yelped as her freshly open wound bleeds, Ellen laughed before hitting her again.

"I told you to be obedient, stop screaming when I am scolding you," he yells through the screams and crying. Once she had concealed her screams he stopped.

"Sorry about that, my girl seems to be very disobedient, anyway let us...."

He wasn't able to finish what he was saying as the door broke down, and five buff men entered.

"What are you doing in my house? Get out, my wife and I are busy," he chimes.

"Your wife," Kaleah's tears could stop when she heard a familiar voice, "I really cannot understand your brain."

Ellen gritted his teeth in anger, Clayton Beckett was here, he hated even more how happy Kaleah seemed to see him. She had finally fallen unconscious; her husband was here to rescue her.

The other men picked Zoey from where she was and were nursing her, ugh… how dare they disrespect his home like this.

He picked the Sjambok directed it at Kaleah, the woman who is supposed to be as angry as he is for these men to come at their home and disrupt the peace.

But he felt a kick in his back making him fall down, one of the buff men had kicked him, 'ugh… this hooligans' he cursed, "you still act like you are in the right in a situation like this?" Clayton says looking down at the man.

He walks to untie Kaleah from the bed, before giving her a kiss on the forehead, "I am sorry, I am here now," he whispers before signaling Conan to come pick her up.

This was a sign of disrespect to Ellen; this was his home why do this man act like they own it. Watching Conan take Kaleah away, he tried to stand to stop him, but he got kicked to the ground again, this time by Clayton.

He extended his hand to take the Sjambok in Ellen's Hands, "you will regret even being born after I am done with you."

Every time it hit his skin, he felt the anger, the rage that Clayton felt, he felt his skin tear apart. He screamed and hissed at the pain; the pain he had made Kaleah feel.

Blood was spattering everywhere, and Clayton didn't seem like he was going to stop, not even the men that came with Clayton wanted to stop him, they just stood there watching Ellen getting beat up.

"Help…." He shouts, feeling his blood spattering everywhere, "Please... help me," he screamed and hissed at the pain.

Soon Clayton's white shirt was crimson with Ellen Mule's blood, he threw away the Sjambok, Ellen felt relived, the pain was still too much but he didn't want to feel the rage and pain of that man.

But the relief was short lived, as Clayton folded his sleeves and wore Brass knuckles on both his hands, "you better not die, because I want you to feel every pain."

With every punch Clayton didn't feel satisfied, he wanted him to feel every humiliation his wife felt, every pain his wife and daughter felt, every scream Zoey made when she was agitated, he wanted him to feel it all.

He could hear his bones break with each punch, he was already covered with the man's blood, but it wasn't enough, it was enough, the pain Ellen Mule felt wasn't enough to compensate for the pain Kaleah felt.

"Mr. Beckett stop what you are doing," Just then detective Alex enters.

Clayton Snorts, "you now do your job?" he asked condescendingly, still on top of Ellen's body whose life was now hanging by a thread.

"If you continue to hit him you will go to jail and will not see you wife and child," detective Alex warned, "please, you are better than this."

Clayton drops Ellen's body before turning to look at detective Alex, "Am I?" he asked.

His eyes had turned red not only from rage by from the crying, tears still fell down with blood covered face.

"Come on Clay, let's go, he learned his lesson," Evelyn says, wiping the blood that splattered on her face, "we need to get the Mrs. to the hospital anyway."

She had seen that her friend was going through too much to even let him keep beating the man up, maybe talking about his newly safe wife will make him better.

"And you need a bath," Joshua joked.

The two husband and wife moved to drag their friend away, leaving the detective and his people to clean and assess the scene.

But one thing people failed to mention was that the whole thing was live, the whole world watched as Clayton beat Ellen Mule mercilessly. And the entire world had so much to say about it.