
My Sassy Mate

Fed up unable to find his mate for the past 35 years, Alpha Blaze Astor of 'The Freecrest Howlers' pack turned more arrogant and started behaving like a beast. Frightened by his behavior, the pack members confronted his father. With no choice left, his father decides to give over the Alpha position to his brother-in-law's son who had already found his mate at an young age of 18. And the brother-in-law is none other than the Beta himself. In this tough situation what will happen when Blaze falls in love with a girl named Bella Nicholas, who is sassy as hell and literally a high school brat ??

shining1pearl9 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Blaze Astor POV

It seems like we have arrived early as my younger cousin is still seated in the passenger seat of my Mercedes SUV, waiting for the right time, waiting for his mate to be honest to step into the school.

"Daxon! why don't you just wait outside the car, so that I can carry on my works at home! I have lots of pending works to do !" I said sighing.

"Blaze! Can't you just wait for ten minutes for God's sake! Why are you repeating the same fucking question every time?" he replied narrowing his foreheads.

"Daxon! Don't you dare swear at me! You are too young to curse!" I warned not minding the Alpha tone I mistakenly used on him.

He remained quiet for a while after my outburst being aware of my bad temper and beasty wolf. No longer than five minutes have passed, when his mouth started speaking again.

"My lovely mate will be here at any time. So, come on Blaze! let's exchange our seats" he stated hurriedly before taking his bags from the back seat, leaving me confused.

"And why should I do that?" I asked him puzzled at his weird suggestion.

"Oh, God! Hurry up! I don't have time. Stella will be coming" he said shrugging his shoulders and getting up from his seat. Seriously! This kid!

"What for?" I asked in a loud tone making him stiff and I sighed massaging my temples. Why can't I just control myself!

"I-It's just that I don't want Stella to see me like I am poor with only a Ferrari. I want to show that this car is mine too and that's why I want to be in the driver's seat. You can sit here though!" he said pointing at the seat he sat before. Is owning a single Ferrari considered poor? Boy? He behaves and speaks ridiculously at times! Anyways he just wants to impress his 16-year old mate. He is lucky to have one though and here I am living a life in hell being cursed with no mate!

"Hurry up! Stella may come!" he muttered and nonetheless I got up from the seat and exited my car.

"I will just go around for a walk in the meantime" I mentioned before slipping my hands in my pockets and walking wherever my legs took me to.

The school was maintained neatly with bushes covering the corridors and pteridophyte plants planted at the sides. My eyes wandered around at the peaceful sight and it landed on a bench in the garden next to the wide basketball ground. I moved towards the bench and positioned myself on the very edge of it since there was already a girl sitting at the other side. As it was spring, the trees nearby had baby pink cherry blossoms making my soul feel at ease. Everything seemed perfect except my mate! I imagined how it would have been felt to sit at this bench with my mate laying her head on my shoulders and my arms securely wrapped around her waists with these cherry blossoms showering their pretty flowers towards our love. How I wished to have a mate for myself! Only mine! But seemed like all my dreams would remain as wishes till the end. My beautiful thoughts were disturbed when I felt someone's stare from my peripheral vision.

I turned around and looked at the owner of the stare only to find the girl on the other side of the bench looking at me with keen eyes. She had blonde hair which was let free and it barely touched her shoulders and she had matching golden amber eyes! The most beautiful eyes I have ever come across in my life. Her ears were closed with white ear pods on either side and I couldn't help myself but stare at the beauty in front of me! She didn't smell like a werewolf and so she must be a human! Is this destiny? I have never been interested in anyone but her. I was never interested in blondes too! Is this the one called love at first sight? Is it true? Can I love someone? I know I am cursed but the whole situation seemed perfect! It was like a dream and I felt my heart fluttering.

"You!" she started to say something in her melting honey voice and I felt myself getting addicted to it. Am I dreaming? Is she even real? She looked gorgeous and I felt some kind of force pulling myself to her.

"Huh?" I felt myself asking her like a fool completely lost in words. She averted her eyes quickly making me feel disappointed and before I could say something, She took her bags and walked away.

I looked from behind as the girl moved farther and farther from me. She wore leather maroon boots and ripped jeans with matching maroon jackets and to be honest she looked so cool. She had a different aura, which showed her strength. I watched as she walked away swaying her hips before vanishing out of my sight.

I felt like a pervert checking on her from the back but I didn't care. I didn't know why but I felt downhearted due to her absence. Is this love? I know I am not allowed to love in this birth! If only I was human-like her, then I would have got a chance to have her. I would like to give up on anything only to have her.

I know that she isn't my ideal one. I was always interested in cute, sweet, and girlish types and this girl is far away from my ideal traits. Well, she is cute. She looked hyper-cool and I could clearly say she is a tomboy one. I have heard that love happens at the most unexpected times with the most unexpected persons! I never believed it in my life but not today! I am not even sure whether I love her but my mind keeps on thinking about her non-stop and I can't help it. Though I am interested in her I don't think it will be right to have her. She is a high school girl and specifically a human too. Even though I look younger, I am 35 and I don't want to fall in love with someone at such young age.

With an avalanche of thoughts flooding in my brain, I walked to my car and by the way, it seemed empty, I know Daxon would have executed his plans to his mate already! Opening the doors and sliding the keys at the locks, I started the car and rushed to the Packhouse.