
my experience on my college

it's my first day on my first year of btech ..

feeling nervous ,anxiety ,anger etc. ..because initially I am not good at English .so I Dono how to talk with others ..feeling nervous and I started moving towards my classroom

while entering the class ,I remembered the words said by my roommate who's staying along with me in college hostel .he said that the students of the college are fast that we need to be quick in answering and talking to them ..finally entered into class .the twist that lied here is I found an similar personalities like me in classroom itself.

after entering into class ,I just gone to middle bench of last row .there I met two friends namely someswar and yaswanth .after talking with them for an hour ,finally I came to know that they are also similar to me that is they too fearing like me .

the first work that an any person does on his first day of college is looking into the class members (girls )..and I too checked out there and i found

I found !! I found two beautiful girls in my section ..

with the full of anxiety and eagerness ,I am watching them carefully .the guys who sat beside me noticed that but they are acting like they haven't seen anything .

in between these ,lecturers came to class and asked us our names and schools where we studied Nd all ...finally I got out their names .

then the next task that remaining is to talk to them .the main difficulty is lying here because the two girls are Tamil .so I Dono how to talk with them

I am just wondering and thinking how to talk with them.

with all these my first day of my btech is completed .like this way days are going on ..daily morning going to class ,listening to classes and looking at those girls and thinking how to talk with those two girls

one day ,senior of my college came to our college and asked us to create and WhatsApp group for sharing an informations ...so finally it was created ..

but now a days ,all the people are hiding their names and in place of keeping their names they are keeping some emojis or some funny names

this time one day my friend named yaswanth helped me ..he gave me the contact of one girl and he said he already talking to girl from past days .

now I got number ..what's remaining now ? I need to text her .my legs are trembling ,my heart is beating very faster than ever before ,my hands are shaking.

finally I kept one text to her with brave and courage ..she read and replied an then I introduced myself .

she too introduced herself .as i thought to explain her ,I said why I messaged her ..she liked my frankness and started texting me .

the days start moving and daily I am texting to her and she's texting with me. the days going on and the relation between me and her is getting strong.

she became my best friend and then realised that she's not beautiful from outside.shes most beautiful from inside

whenever I feels happy ,she felt happy .whenever I felt sick ,she too felt sad and worried for that .she cared me a lot .

i felt very happy for what she's doing .

like this way the days going .

wheres the second girl ? yeah still I Dono her number and I haven't talked ..

still that pain going on inner me .

finally that second girl bday came and I came to know her number .

but this time ,I doesnt have an enough courage to talk and text her.so waiting daily and one day I kept one small text and she replied and then I said the real purpose and she thought I am flirting her .

so at first she not talked with me properly .days are going on and I just waited .daily she's texting but not properly .I mean just plain replies shes giving .

feeling worried about that ..finally after asking many people and getting known something about me she then started talking with me properly.

now I am completely happy ..whenever I am feeling sad they both are pacifyng me and they made one belief on me that after my parents there are two more people who feels more sad for me