


Chapter 1

By : BigToFu

There was a sudden whoomp and a rush of displaced air as I fell only to land into a crumpled heap. Hanging just five feet over my lying form, a portal glowed blue and purple as it's light washed right over me. Idly I noted the ceiling of my room, my desk, and the location where my seat was supposed to be.

Laying there stunned, it took the portal closing before panic started to set it. The vanishing portal had me springing up as I panicked overrode my senses. Jumping up in a panic, I looked left, then right, only to find myself inside of a junkyard.

Eyes wide I started to pat my pockets down, I found my wallet in my lower right cargo pocket and my phone in the upper right front pocket. Pulling out my phone I was greeted with a no signal logo flashing on the screen.

A tingly ran up my arm from my phone but I ignored it to try and fail to make a call. Nothing went through and even a restart got my nothing, not even trying to SRT code the damn thing. All that did was get me another five minutes of waiting. Grumbling, I sat down with a huff as I took in more of my surroundings.

The first thing I noticed was that I was sitting on a broken-down FORD pinto, then I noticed the grass between my toes. Looking down with a frown, I noticed that somehow I no longer had any socks on. Then I noticed the holes in my pants, but it was strange that my shirt was at least alright.

The phone cracked in my hand as my anger started to peak, letting go the phone almost fell in shock. The arc of energy into the phone repairing it did cause me to miss my catch. Staring down in shock, it took me a good moment to get over the surprise.

Finished gaping like a fool at my phone, I nudged it, but there wasn't a flash of electricity. What I did get though was that tingle feeling again. That was accompanied by knowing everything from the GPS to the low-quality microphone my Galaxy had installed.

The rush of information struck me and I yanked my foot back, this time unbalancing myself on the Ford Pinto. Quickly I pushed myself off of the Ford to stop from falling, steeling my nerves I bent over and snatched my phone up from the ground.

Information quickly flowed its way through my mind's eye and I could see how to improve the processor, the lithium battery. Then things started to click into place as my mind broke it down into more parts, stress limits, energy levels. Once I got that digested the truly bazaar struck me as different variations of the T-cog and spark chamber housing came to mind.

The widening of my eyes couldn't get any larger as I stared at my phone.

The only franchise I knew of that had a spark chamber was Transformers. Hell, the only reason why I knew about a spark chamber was from Beast Wars and that one cartoon called Transformers Prime. I didn't know what a T-cog was but from the information, I was getting. The T-cog was the linchpin behind any cybertronian changing into their alt-modes.





This is not happening, but I knew that it was. My touch, taste, and feel wasn't disturbed. Hell, the pain from falling was still there in the back of my mind.

The sudden tint to my vision was a sign that I was not okay, not okay at all. I went from sitting down to laying down until my panic attack finally passed.

Waiting for a beat to pass, I finally sat up and steeled myself for what I was about to do. Ever since I picked up my phone ideas and improvements kept flitting through my mind. Yet, that was the only thing happening. There was a warmth in my chest trying to get to the phone.

Something told me that it was of great importance, but something else was telling me that I needed clarity and focus. That if I fucked this up then I was screwed and not in the fun way.

Four deep breaths calmed my nerves then another to steady my shaking hand. Squaring up, I pictured a small bot in my mind. Able to jack into forms of communications. That picture was pushed forward as my hand glowed white.


My phone exploded into action and I had to force myself not to drop the thing. I felt everything, the processor advanced exponentially just like the storage. Capacitor shifted and moved, servos formed and metal and hydraulic fluid flowed. As more and more information flowed through my mind, one important thing stood out, cybertoniun fluid.

It was a mixture of biometalic organic substances that formed around the spark chamber then spread to the rest of the body. The biometal formed the face of my little bot and its nerve clusters. Now that was an interesting discovery.

Pulling back my awareness, I looked down at the little Autobot standing on my open palm. I watched him look at his little hands then scratch his butt. The chuckle I was holding back came forward and the little Autobot jumped in fright before looking up at me.

"Hey, there little guy."

To my auditory senses, the little Autobot beeped and booped but I knew what he was speaking as if it was English.


Smiling, I braced myself for what was about to happen next. "Your name is Lynx." I told the little bot as I poked his chest with a finger. "Now, tell me, can you access the cellular network?"

The little Autobot nodded his head, of course, he was an Autobot to me even though he doesn't have the insignia on his frame yet. In the back of my head, the little bots frame looked like a fully mapped-out diagram. I knew the little guy had a connection to the local tower that made what my own computer's connection to the web look like dental floss. The little guy could process petabytes of data per second and up if he wanted to.

Lynx nodded his head at me and I couldn't help smiling down at him.

"Alright, find Dominic Wolf," I said, really hoping that I existed wherever this was. "Check the local DMV, a matter of fact where are we?"

Lynx nodded his head at me before he took up a thinking pose. I knew that it was bad for a beginning AI to be unleashed onto the interwebs, but for some reason, I knew that I had instilled him with a proper amount of intelligence and common sense.

Lynx beeped at me which translated to we were just outside Los Angeles California. I waited for him to keep going. Next was that we were located inside of an abandoned junkyard; that I could work with.

"Sorry boss, no Dominic Wolf in the system. Hell, I even checked SHIELDS servers and still couldn't locate the name."

My eyes bugged out at the little bot standing on my hand. "SHIELD!?"

"Yeah, I started with the Los Angeles police department, found a backdoor in their system, and followed it." Lynx replied with a shrug. My eye twitched at hearing that, raising my hand. I allowed him to hop off and ride my shoulder.

"Please tell me you didn't give us away." I muttered as I stood up and dust myself off.

Lynx shuffled around for a better position as he sat down. "No, I did not, but they did pick up an anomalous radiation spike within our area."

Pausing mid stride, I couldn't help myself. "Fuck, delete it all, now."

"Can't, they have several redundancies in place." Lynx replied and I could feel his spark react to the urgency in my voice. Knowing that I wasn't some master spy or master planner, I was almost at near panic when I got a mad idea.

"Show me a picture of Agent Coulson," I said stopping and taking the bot from my shoulder. He transformed back into my smartphone and the picture he showed me caused me to sigh in relief. It was the Coulson from the show and movies, I could definitely work with this. "Push the response to a month out and put him on the case."

Lynx gave me a green flash of confirmation and I stuck him inside my pocket. Looking down the only path this junkyard had, I took off at a jog. I had a month's time to turn this place into a fortress for when SHIELD comes knocking. Just glimpses of what I was capable of told me that I had technopathy and the prime spark. That meant I was a servant with tech and could create anything from the Transformers universe.

Neither power was OP in the short term, but given the chance to build up, I would be unstoppable. Pushing those thoughts aside, I made a mental note of what I needed to get done. I needed transportation, but my powers could handle that. So that left me with making sure that this place was habitable for living and figuring out how to get a cash flow going.

Then again, I wonder if I could fix that broken flat screen, maybe later. Reaching the end of the junkyard, I found a building with a busted backdoor. To the side of it was a double car garage and a very large mack truck sitting in the driveway covered in dust.

Opening the back door, I found a reception room, a dispatch room and a bathroom. Through the double doors on the right, I found a car garage with a double lift for repair work. Interestingly enough tools and old bottles were scattered about the place.

Closing the door behind me, I made my way upstairs and found the overnight bunks for when tow drivers work the night shift. Once I was certain that the place was properly abandoned, I went back down to the workshop that hung off the side of the garage.

Pulling Lynx out of my pocket, I placed him on the table. I watched as the little bot transformed and went about inspecting the desk. I could either run or take the next three weeks and really make something of myself. If I stayed, I would have to deal with SHIELD, if I left, then I wouldn't have anything to back me besides the bots I could make on the road.

Mama didn't raise no fool, I was going to stand my ground.

Looking around, I realized I needed to build a bigger bot, but I definitely didn't have a lab for that. What I did have was a bunch of broken down cars inside of a junkyard. Hand on my chin, I let my mind buzz for a moment. Couldn't do anything conventional but maybe a Sonic furnace could work.

Plenty of cars and speakers around to pick and choose, plus the busted guts of that pc could build a proper control module. Then I noticed the blue and white motorcycle underneath a tarp.

Okay, Arcee was going to be my next bot, that's simple enough. So I just needed to get off my ass and get things done, I can mope about my lot in life later. Right now, I had super powers and the world was before me.



A week has passed since I fell out of a portal and it's been the weirdest one of my admittedly short life. Leaning back in my seat, I looked over the hologram one last time to make sure of the designs I wanted to build Arcee with. Once I sparked her, Arcee was going to have a nice black paint job with flames running along her side. Both wheels were going to be locked on her back magnetically, but could also be used as turbines for flight.

Her left arm would be able to transform into an ION blaster. Pushing back the hologram I then took in her completed form. Arcee was going to have nice long legs and sleek curves, her human size came in at seven feet six inches and for some odd reason she looked like a sexy fembot.

Her face wasn't metallic but that nice smooth biometal that was borderline organic, same with her arms and legs. The boob armor actually protected a decently sized chest. Hell, even her armor spats protected her lady parts from battle damage. Wait, that struck me as odd, I never remembered Transformers having anatomical parts.

Fuck, my powers might be HENTAI Transformers, but did I honestly care. Maybe, but if I was fucking a fembot, I didn't have to worry about Widow trying to sneak her way into my bed at night, Wait, was that an issue? Fuck I really needed to get my priorites straight.

Shoving all of that angst to the side, I got up from the workstation and held out a hand for Lynx. Walking to the bubbling metal floating over the sonic furnace, I got to work crafting the outer armor layer for Arcee.

It took me a solid hour to get the metal shaped properly to replace the old scrap plastic used on the Yamaha bike I had pulled out of the junkyard for repair. Over the last week, I had replaced both tires, then replaced the engine with an electric one rattling around in my head. Lots of torque and horsepower, something that would have me out pacing cop cars and helicopters. Since I didn't have a stable source of Energon yet, I had created an inductive charging bed for Arcee hooked up to a cobbled together fusion reactor. It was clear that a complete mad genius had made the thing, but all I really needed it for was to power my home while the rest went bots to keep their electric engine in tip top shape.

Yeah, a fusion reactor might be too much but it was an idea I came up with, then ran with since I didn't come to this world with my charger. The only way I knew to charge my phone was through the induction on the back and with my technopathy, creating something like that was far too easy. Then again all I had to do to charge my phone was hold Lynx in my hand, but I had to do far better for the larger bots I wanted to build. And the fusion reactor would be able to power them all.

Well, that was until I could create an Energon replacement for them.

Pulling down my visor, I let the warmth flow down from my chest to pool into my hands. A glowing ball of green light lit up the garage and I held my breath as I stepped closer to the motorcycle that was going to become Arcee.

There was a snap and a pop as the spark energy jumped from my hands into the bikes frame setting it aglow. For the breathest of moments, I watched as the energy cycled across its body before I was hit with the sound.


Standing up and far too excited for my own good, I pulled a pen light from the gauntlet I had on my right arm. It was a mish mash of LED and laser emitters since I didn't have the cash to spring for the good holo-tech. All that was poking out of the metal I had across the top that kept the wires and circuit boards inside the things. It clearly was looking like a cross of cyberpunk and steampunk with the mix of copper pipes and electric coils on and around the kit.

I was already forming plans for my mark two version which would allow me to form full sized constructs. I really wanted a portable shield and lightsaber combination, but that could wait. Right now, my sexed up fembot Arcee needed a little love and care.

My latest bot just stood there staring off into space and I had a quick spike of worry until my powers clued me in. Her systems were still processing and it would need to complete a full cycle before her personality could take the forefront. Interestingly enough, the spatial folding idea I had about the transformers using something like that for their body mass was there.

Making a note of that on a hologram hovering at the side, I use the pen light to check eyes. Then I went with checking arm rotation, finger dexterity, and then the legs. The simple battery of the test took some time and by the end of it, my curiosity started to itch.

The bio metal felt so real, but as my power ran over it. I sensed gears, hydraulics and different lubricants underneath the surface. Hell, even underneath the biometal I could sense sensors that represented a nervous system. I touched and probed my way up from Arcee's foot, up her thigh until my hands bumped into her pelvic guard. Ohh, I did not know that she would be anatomically correct.

Trying not to pay too much attention to the clear boy shorts cut-styled pelvic guard, I traced my hands upwards. I traced over one, two, six abdominal muscles felt so smooth underneath my touch until the tips of my fingers bumped into her bust armor.

Technopathy sparked from the tips of my fingers and the information on her chest armor flew through my mind while the armor shifted and opened for viewing. Ohh my, those were a nice pair of tits, clearly C-cups. Her chest was a creamy grey and the perky nipples were a flame orange from the paint job of her body.

I idly noted that her spark was in the same place where a human heart would be located. The chest could also move and shift to allow access via a maintenance mode. Pulling my hands back, I made a mental note to create a medical autobot as quickly as I could.

One, I took a step back, I then ordered her to go through a set of transformations. Autobot to bike and back, then ION cannon for both arms before a minor test of wheel turbines. The more she practiced the smoother things got and the more subroutines took over in the background. It was truly fascinating to see her processes form a subconscious in real time.

Subconsciously, Acree would be able to control her self modulating gyroscope and the van der waal forces allied to her tires and feet. Since I didn't have to tech to create anti-gravity I had to go with exotic particles and mixtures to get the type of grip I would need her to operate with. From some of the treks on the walls and ceiling of the garage, I made the right decision.

Giving her the command to wait outside, I turned, picked up Lynx then went for my riding jacket and helm. Once I was stripped of my work gear, I headed for the door. Walking outside, I gave Arcee my helm to hold while putting my leather jacket on. Arcee showed a flash of recognition on the logo on my back and I couldn't help but smirk. The logo was of course the same as the small on in the middle of her chest. It was also matching the one of the lower back of Lynx and the back of my helm.

Taking my helm from her hand, I zipped my jacket up before looking it over. Anyone from my world would be able to figure out who and what it was modeled after. Looking down at the Optimus rider helmet, I stared at myself in it's reflection before the finality of the moment was over.

A quick flick and then brief darkness before it was replaced with light. The HUD showed time and date, elevation, weapons loadout, Lynx, and Acree's charge and damage reading. My eyes rapidly moved through a million reasons before I had it all dismissed to just general information.

With a leg slung over Arcee, revved her engine, once twice, and a third time as I listened and felt her gears. With my eyes closed, I could feel how smooth the shifting was, letting out a sigh, I popped the kickstand and we shot off.

The tires dug into the cracked pavement, grip so tight that falling over from imbalance was nigh impossible. A grin slip my face underneath my helm as we took off faster than anything known to man.

The wind raced and my heart pumped in my chest, what a time to be alive.