
My Sandbox

The playground where I keep my mad ideas.

BigToFu · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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19 Chs

Silver Samurai 2

Silver Samurai

Chapter 2

By: BigToFu

Sitting in the loft of my warehouse, I leaned back in my seat. I checked over a few emails as the shower ran with my new minion cleaning the filth from her old life away. From what I could tell, Calle had used his connections within the Mayor's office and to the police commissioner to get the rest of the Merchants cleaned up earning both of us some good will.

The email went on for a little bit more going over details that might come in handy since the mayor would like a meeting that also wasn't a meeting. Rolling my eyes at politicians being politicians, I placed that on my to-do list for later of course. Looking over what was really important I smiled as the Brockton Bay General had asked for a time that I may visit so that they could discuss my healing potion.

They had asked for at least two pots to test but I had given them five out of the ten that I have given Quinn that he wanted to put up for sale. There was a click at the far side of the loft as the door was unlocked and I had to shake my head at not even noticing that the water had turned off.

Letting her get dressed, I pulled up plans for a few things that I would want to be built ASAP. The main one was a VTOL like the Avengers Quinjet with the second being a Titian from the game Titanfall since they could all be placed underneath the label of transportation. The third and fourth was a set of hoverbikes and flying APC units. Then last but not least was a hover pack unit that would work bidirectionally. On second thought, I might actually be able to build the damn titian myself and stick it inside of a kakugane, yeah that's giving me some nice Power Ranger vibes.

She wouldn't have to build the tools to build the tools when I could do that easily with a snap of my finger. With her building these, I would have to go out and clean out a few places while pulling recon. If I hit hard, then I could make this city my own within a month if I was ruthless enough.

The funny thing was, I was just ruthless enough to get it done since I had six more potions like the one that I had given Sherrel to inject herself with. I wasn't a massive fan of mind control but I was going to use what I had available to get this shit done and lucky for me. There were plenty of homeless people out there that either would inject themselves or needed a job.

I could go to the docks and use what I had, but I would wait until the city was in my grasp before I decided to split any plans with them. Danny would do almost anything to get his people employees. From what I was seeing in the news and cal lender, the Ziz was going to attack any day now since February was basically almost over and I knew that she would attack within three months of the New Year if canon was anything to believe. And since I wasn't going to be anywhere near ready Australia was fucked.

The next big push of the Endbringers was going to be in BB with Noel or Dauntless as the target and I needed the manpower to lay out a nice little trap for the bastard. I had a few people in mind since I really didn't want to try my hand at building human homunculus as of yet. I wasn't that desperate.

"Master, I am ready."

Looking up at the call, I almost did a spit-take as I saw what Sherrel was wearing. Yes, it was the work jumper that I had placed to the side for her work in the garage, but now that wasn't even the same undershirt because hot damn was it too small. The damn thing looked as if it was extra-smideum. It was clear that she had a whole lot of chest and reminded me of those breast milk star bucks meme with how full the upper portions of her overalls were.

With extreme amounts of willpower, I forced the blood from my dick and back into my brain as I turned my laptop around. Then I slid the sketches that I had made for the quinjet and titian around and towards her.

"I know that your specialty revolves around transportation but I need to know if you can build any of these," I spoke with a straight face as I tapped both sketches. She looked at them and her eyes went wide and I could already see the twitches of her hand. I could only shake my head because I knew what it was like to get hit by the tinkering bug. "Can you build them, I need to know if you can do more than land vehicles."

"Yes, yeah I can build them, but we don't even have half the tools or supplies for something of this undertaking." Was Sherrel's reply and I could only nod along with her while plans formed in my mind.

"Don't worry about that, I can easily make the tools and the Boat Graveyard has plenty of materials, but make me a list of what you need," I said thinking about sending that same list to Quinn and having him make the purchase on my behalf. Hell, I would need him to buy this warehouse since I was already sitting on plenty of gold and other rare resources, alchemy was such a cheat.

Only those that were really in the know would be able to appreciate my ability to just pull resources from the ocean with a casual snap of my finger. Millions of water filtered within moments depositing valuable minerals right on my doorstep. Next was dredging the docks the same way I did my own waterfront if the contract was sweet enough.

"Then yes," She replied with a firm nod of the head. "That hovercraft should take about a week with enough hands and that robot about a month give or take on the supplies."

Mulling that over in my head, I thought about it for a moment before giving her a nod even though I knew that with my help everything would go alot quicker.

"Alright, let's change that shirt to a tank top and then head down to the El Coyote bar," I grunted before getting up from my seat. Placing two fingers on the shirt that was straining to keep her massive mammaries contained, I pulsed a little bit of intent into my left hand activating one of the transmutation circles.

Pulling my hand back and smothering my temptation, I turned around and made for the docs on the right side of the warehouse by my own makeshift mini-garage. Grabbing my keys off the hook, I gave my 1971 big block Plymouth barracuda a nice long look. That light fluffy feeling of being in love flowed through my chest once more.

Lowering the janks, I hit the switch of the garage and then closed the hood of my ride only to find this audacious bitch sitting inside of the driver's seat.

Ohh hell the fuck no!

Rapid blinks were followed by smothering of the anger that bloomed in my chest. I then gave it a ten count before standing at my driver's side door. I then gave myself another ten count before leaning over and giving Sherrel a look that I hoped wasn't on the side of death, murder, and strangling the chick with her own fucking intestines.

Unfortunately, that clearly wasn't the face that I showed as her own went pale and she quickly vacated the driver's seat.

"Thank you," I grunted before sitting and strapping myself in. The key slide in perfectly and when I turned it over, the VROOM was pure music to the ears.



Popping the clutch, gears shifted and the tires squealed like a piggie before we shot off like a bullet as traction kicked in.

Everything was clear straight to the south side so I couldn't lie and say that I didn't tear up those five blocks.


Pulling up to the El Coyote, I thought about the crew that I would need once more. First I would need a paper pusher, a tech-head, some muscle, and a few extra pairs of hands. Funny thing was that I already knew where to look since Mathew was at least good with keeping his head to the ground about interesting intel that he might snitch to Skidmark so he could get a free hit. Lucky for me, I was also up a lot of liquid assets that can flow to grease a few palms.

If I was going to do this properly then I would have to hit Jackie first since he was a matched pair with Misty. It was going to be easy to get his loyalty since his Mama needed some healing and he was recently unemployed with the club he bounced at going up in smokes.

Not only did I have gold and cash, but I also had everything that he would need, nothing could go, shit, I wasn't about to finish that thought. If memories serve Ivan down by Winslow might work as some good muscle, but from the memories, that man was the classic crazy Russian.

Pulling up to the parking around at the side of the El Cayote bar, I put the car in a parking slot and got out before giving Sherilie a look.

"Okay, here is a clear order, don't call me master unless we are in private. You can call me boss, Mat in public. When I have the mask on you can call me Silverhand." I commanded her with a clear warning look on my features.

"Of course, sir," Sherrel replied with a stiff nod. Accepting that for what it was, I turned, and then we both made for the entrance to the clearly hispanic bar. Walking in, I of course ignored the man at the counter even if I gave him a nod of acknowledgment, the widening of his eyes told me that he knew who I was. Well, it was more like he knew who I used to be.

Can't lie and say that am not happy about coming into this world as a junkie but at least the body didn't screw anyone here over. That was what I was planning on using for my sales pitch. The sexy silver arm with clear beefy muscles and better disposition would speak alot for me and my position. It also helped that I was clearly missing for a few days that I also missed some of Mama Welles food.

Heading up the stairs, turned off and the booth, and smiled at the man standing beside the pool table. Memories of the game hit me along with the memories of the old Mathew of Mama Welles feeding him when things got bad.

Letting my own feelings and Mathews flow over me, I held both arms up and out in greeting and for a hug, "Mama Welles!" I called with clear excitement in my voice.

She looked at me unable to place the face before everything clicked and a wide smile spread across her features. That same smile turned into a scowl before Mama Welles smacked me with the dish-towel. Letting out a chuckle, I just barreled through the hit and picked her up in a massive hug. All the while Jackie was giving my arm a look while keeping Sherrel in his line of sight.

Mama Welles let me go before then giving me a once more, "Well, look at how you have filled out, and what happened to your arm?" Mama Welles said as she gave me a once over.

"Rather talk about this in the office or a booth Mama Welles," I replied with a chuckle and shrug. "You know how it is around BB, always something."

"Aint that the truth honey," Mama Well's muttered before sparing Sherrel a once over before motioning to follow her. Funny thing was, the three of us was right behind her like little ducklings, but as we walked. I took out some cash and slipped it to Jackie. If my calculations were on point then that would be the five hundred that Mathew owed.

Jackie's brows shot up and I could already see the respect in his eyes as he pocketed the money without even counting it. As we made it to the office, I told Sherrel to go and grab a drink at the bar. Mama Welles gave me a look and all I could do was shrug in return.

Jakie held the door open and I entered right after Mama Welles. Jakie took up position by the door and Mama Welles took a seat at the desk. Letting out a sigh, I took the only chair in the room and started to go over my triggering and why I am here now. It didn't take more than half an hour to finish all of the explanations and I made sure to keep me being a body jumper out of the talks.

Then once that was over, I dropped two potions of healing on the desk with one of my special made Kakugane's for Jackie. Ignoring him for a minute, I looked at Mama Welles and put on my most charming smile.

"I got this slick Lawyer thats going to sell these to Brockton General but you have always done right by me so I plan to do right by you." I spoke with a smile while also pushing the healing potion towards her. "Healing potion, will fix you up without any side effects."

"Come on Matty boost juice like that don't exist." Jackie said picking up the potion.

There was no stopping the smirk on my lips, "It does now, cause your looking at a tinker, shaker, and trump ten baby." I replied buffing my nails on my jacket. "How else you think I got to being so sexy and clean."

"And that arm?" Mama Welles asked pointing at my silver appendage.

I gave a cocky smile and then deactivated my arm with a mental command. Liquid silver rand down to pool into my waiting palm. Then with a quick flick of the wrist, I caught my double O'sevn and showed it to Jackie and Mama Welles.

"This little baby right here gives an overall boost in everything from an even multiplier of five all the way to twenty and beyond depending on the user," I said with a smirk before then flipping it like a coin from my hand into Jakies.

There was a flash of light right as he grabbed it before a giant Hispanic winter soldier stood before me looming with menace.

"Hot damn Matty, this some real nice chrome man." Jackie whistled as he looked the arm over.

Straightening up, I let out a sigh before speaking with purpose which caught Jackies attention. "I'll be straight with you Jackie, I don't just need anyone," I spoke as I looked him in the eye. "I need a compa that'll have my back through thick and thin."

"Jakie we got history and that's why I gotta ask if you wanna join my Silver Samurai's?" When I had finished speaking things went quiet for a second and I took in his serious features. Mama Welles shrugged when he looked at her and I noticed him glancing at the health potion also.

After some time passed Jakie held up a hand, "We hook Mamma up with the top of the line chrome to protect the bar and keep her out of it."

Holding his gaze, I returned with something that I knew deep down, "Done, Mamma Welles was always going to be protected. I'll even bring three custom chromes later, one for Ma' and the other two for people we can trust to watch the place."

"Yeah, you got a spot for Misty too?" Jackie asked with his arm turning back into flesh.

"You think I can talk her into running coms for us?" I asked tilting my head left and right, Jackie just shrugged.

"I just want my lady protected but sure, I can see if she wants to give up working for Viktor." Was Jakies reply. The mentioning of Viktor had my eyes narrowing in greed.

"Fuck that, I'll head by later and see if he wants to relocate to somewhere close to my new place. Can never go wrong with having a doc on call."

"Aye, you right on that hermono." Jackie muttered before giving me back my silver hand. Right as it touched my finger-tips, I activated my baby welcoming the sudden rush of power.

"Well, come out to the bar and I'll get you a drink. First ones on the house, you pay for the others, and introduce me to that pretty little chickita out front while your at it." Mama Welles said as she stood up and swept the heal potion into the pocket of her leather jacket.

"Ohh shit, I almost forgot," I replied with a wince. "I took out the Merchants last night." I then tossed the arm bracer to Jackie. "Took that little puta's powers. Keep that for now Jack until I cook you up something nice."

Jackie looked surprised at me and then down at the bracers in his hand. Then with quick draft movements, the bracer was on his arm and he was already performing a few tricks with the vectoring forcefield. "How in the hell did you pull this off harmono?"

"The chick used to be Squealer before I detoxed her, Skidmark wasn't very happy with that so I put him down along with Mush, but his powers were far too good to just leave behind."

"Chingada Madre, why didn't you call me man, you know i'm down to ride." Jakie asks stopping outside the office room door.

My shoulders went up in a shrug, "You know how it is Jack, sometimes a man's gotta do what he gotta do."

Jackie nodded his head and just walked off back towards the pool table. That was cool, so now all I was missing was the big ass Russian. Ivan was the stereotypical massive Russian Terror and that was just what my team was missing.

Once we got down to the lower levels I made some easy introductions and had that free drink Mama Welles was offering. Sherrel and I stayed at the bar for a few more drinks before Jackie packed up to head over to Missy's place.

Since he was heading out, I decided that it was time for us to head out, though I left Squealer behind to help out Mama Welles with her own vehicle in the back. Of course, I didn't stick around and found myself on new Winslow twenty minutes later.

When I pulled up to west fifth and Lenard, I was given quite the surprise. Two blacked-out SUVs were pulling up on the block with more than at least ten guys standing around the door to a house. Each of the gangers since they were clearly wearing gang colors had guns and some even hand pipes.

I couldn't care less about the gang or the shit that they were about to start until I saw their fucking E88 emblems. Then I noticed the three standing at the door with Ivan's big ass blocking the entrance. Hookwolf was in the front bare arm and chested with his ugly mask. Cricket was standing behind him on the left and Stormtiger was standing behind on the right hand side.

"Hot damn, looks like I was about to catch a little action." I chuckled before turning around and pulling my guns out from the hidden compartment underneath the back seat. As a secondary measure, I even took out my massive machete.

Getting out of my vehicle, I strapped the blade to my back before dashing into the alleyway and made it to the roof with two easy jumps. With an easy sprint, I made it to the front of the building before flipping over and down towards the street. I landed right in front of Ivan as Hookwolf looked up.

Stormtiger got a face full of concussion rounds that sent his ass flying while Cricket decided that dodging was far better than waiting for me to turn my guns in her direction. Hookwolf got it worst than both of his flunkies as a wave of earth spread out from beneath my feet spearing him with lances while also blasting him away.

Turning around and holding out my Juggernuaght special, I couldn't help but smile at the idea of the Russian Terror being the Juggernaut. Things was about to get real, and Hookwolf was about to learn what it felt like to get his shit pushed in as if he dropped the soap in county jail.

Authors Note:

Well looks like the gang is coming together.