

The agents burst into the room and Steve followed behind them, they scan the room with their eyes but there was no one in the room.

They started searching everywhere including Steve who wanted to know where Rachael was even though she isn’t in the room.

“There is no one in here, how come the door was locked.” The man started rubbing his chin.

“The lock of this door, Is not working quite well maybe it is locked by itself,” Steve suggested.

The man walk to the window looking around with his eyes, but he couldn’t see Rachael.

“Let go search the other room.” The man suggested and they both walk out of the house but Steve refused to go with them, he locked the door quickly and started looking around.

“Rachael are you there?” he called out in a low tone looking under the bed but he couldn’t find anyone.

Rachael takes a deep breath and opens her mouth.

“Steve I am here.” She muttered in a soft tone trying her best, not to look down.

Steve looked out of the window but he didn’t see Rachael.

“Down here,” she mumbled softly.

Steve looked down and his gaze landed on Rachael.

“Steve help me out of here, am scared.” She said with her lips trembling.

“How I wish you were still wearing the mask, I would have helped you up but not now.” He stated

“Why can’t you help me up, do you want me to die here,” she inquired with her voice shaking.

“The FBI agents are the people searching the house, I can’t afford for them to see you, I will come to help you when they are gone.” He assured.

“Okay but hurry,” I don’t know how long I can stay here.” She muttered sweating continuously and the agents open the door Steve turn to them and swallow saliva.

“What are you doing in the window.” The man inquired.      

“Nothing, I was just taking fresh air,” Steve muttered.

“We are going, we couldn’t find Rachael but that’s doesn’t make you off the hook, you are still a prime suspect in this case.” The man said glaring at Steve.

“We will come back in two days, either to arrest you or to arrest your parents instead.” The woman stated and Steve's eye widened.

“But you didn’t see Rachael here did you?” he inquired with his mouth hanging loosely.

“You are the last one the camera cut with Rachael.” The agents said and started walking out of the house.

Steve stand at the entrance of the house, making sure they were gone before he enter the house and close the door.

He run to Rachael’s room with the dog running after him and he shut the door immediately.

                                   Steve’s POV

I run to the window and look down at Rachael.

“Give me your hand,” I yelled stretching my hands towards her.

“Steve am scared.” She mumbled.

“Trust me, give me your hand.” I insisted.

Lisa tries to stand up from John’s lap