
My Roommate Is Actually A Writer

I am Lan Xing and I became roommates with an infamous transfer student. But, when I lived with him, I proved the rumors are wrong. I also discovered something as I lived with him: I started liking him, in a romantic sense. I am Hong Yue and I became roommates with a famous athletic student. As we lived together, he showed me where I was wrong. I discovered something when I lived with him: I like him, in a romantic sense.

HuilongShenghou · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
41 Chs

Chapter 10: To see is to believe. To hear is to gossip.

"WOW! They're so delicious!" Hong Yue exclaimed as he ate. "From which restaurant did you buy this?" he asked as he took another shrimp Lan Xing peeled for him.

Lan Xing is worried that Hong Yue would get a wound for peeling a shrimp since Hong Yue's skin is so thin and translucent. Thus, he peeled the shrimps for him. "Just somewhere." He said a low-class' restaurant's name.

"How much should I pay?" Hong Yue asked.

"Bai Wenhe heard me ordering for our food and he said he'll treat us." Lan Xing lied with his eyes wide opened.

Hong Yue was surprised. "He's actually nice." He said.

"Yes." Lan Xing said as he focused on peeling the shrimps for Hong Yue. "The soup tastes good. Have some of it." He told Hong Yue.

"Thanks!" Hong Yue said as he poured the soup over his rice. "You have some, too." He said and poured some on Lan Xing's rice.

Lan Xing who is allergic to shrimps. "..." is it too late to regret now? He thought and was forced to nod. "Thanks." He said. It wouldn't be that bad later, right? He thought, referring to his allergy. When he turned, he saw a bottle for allergies inside the box of the food. He immediately hid it from Hong Yue's sight. Fortunately, his father isn't a scatterbrain. He still remembered to bring him a medicine.

(Zhou Tianshan who suddenly sneezed. "..." this useless son of mine must be talking bad about me again, didn't he? He thought and frowned as he resumed working until late at night.)

"Tomorrow..." Hong Yue said as he played with the chopsticks. "Maybe I can't use the hoverboard tomorrow." He told Lan Xing.

Lan Xing stopped before he looked at Hong Yue. "Don't worry about it." He told him. "You can still practice if you want to." He said.

"Really?" Hong Yue said. "However, the hoverboard looked heavy, so I can't bring it." He said as an excuse. I'm really scared. He thought and lowered his gaze. His hand underneath the table clenched into a fist.

"I can bring it." Lan Xing said. "You can practice during our break time in the morning and afternoon." He told Hong Yue.

It's as if he had received a death sentence. Hong Yue forced a laugh and nodded. "O – okay..." he said and pinched his lap hard to hold back his tears. Damn it... what should I do tomorrow? He thought as he forced himself to continue eating.

The food suddenly became tasteless.


"Wuwuwuwu..." their classroom suddenly was covered in tears. Even the other classrooms when they passed by, some students are crying.

What the hell happened? Hong Yue thought. Did someone die? He looked around.

"Why is it? Why should Lu Chi have to have a sickness!" a female classmate said.

"Wuwuwuwuwu... no good. My tears can't stop falling..." another one said.

"God... I didn't expect this sudden turn of events." A male classmate cried.

"'Lu Chi'?" Hong Yue said. "Is he an actor or something?" he asked.

A female classmate heard him and she turned her tear-stained face to him. "No." she answered. "He's the male lead in Rainbow in the Shade of Leaves. It's a popular BL online novel written by 'Scarlet Night'." She explained. "Damn it. Why does it have to turn out like this? QAQ" she cried again. "Xiao Hai, do something!" she said.

"What can Xiao Hai do? It's sickness he's against for his love for Lu Chi!" another female classmate said.

"'Xiao Hai'?" Hong Yue asked.

"The main character in Rainbow in the Shade of Leaves." One of them answered as they started to talk about the novel.

"Oh." Hong Yue said. He ignored them before he turned to Lan Xing. He secretly grinned when he saw Lan Xing didn't bring the hoverboard. Out of sight, out of mind! He thought and smiled brightly as he slowly wrote on the paper while they waited for their teacher to arrive.

Outside the Shuihua University, an ordinary car was parked outside. The window of the backseat slowly lowered and a young woman who wore a mask can be seen sitting inside. The butler was sitting in the front seat, and he and the young woman are both looking at the entrance of the Shuihua University with a scrutinizing gaze.

"This university looked descent." She said.

"Young miss. The quality of education of Shuihua is also top-notch. Even their dormitories are fully-equipped." The butler explained. Then, he turned to the driver for them to go inside the university. "Young miss." He called as he looked at the rearview mirror and saw her wiped her sore eyes after she cried last night. "We have to be low-profile as possible. Your manager was already sent away by your father to have a vacation for him to take care of his mental health." He told her.

She frowned and wore her sunglasses again. "Hmph!" she said. "Xuqi. You're still young. You also have to look after yourself and not just worry about me and Hong Yue every day!" she told him.

Song Xuqi laughed. "Young master Hong and young miss's well-being is my pleasure." He answered as their car stopped in front of a building.

At the same time, Hong Yue's smile disappeared. Instinctively, he looked outside the window and saw a familiar ordinary car. However, that's not ordinary in it is the impeccable butler standing beside it.

His eyes widened and he abruptly stood from his seat. "... ow." He cried when his knees hit the legs of his table.

Lan Xing turned to him. "What's wrong?" he asked when he saw Hong Yue's face distorted in pain.

"Guys. The teacher said let's go to the computer room!" their class monitor said.

"Yes!" the students answered and immediately went outside the classroom following behind their class monitor.

"Lan Xing. You're not going yet?" one of their classmates asked.

"Hong Yue was hurt. We'll follow after you." Lan Xing answered. Their classmate shrugged and nodded at them before he left. "Where does it hurt?" he asked Hong Yue.

"... my knees. I hit them." Hong Yue answered as he grimaced in pain. He has low pain tolerance.

At the same time, a beautiful young woman with long and wavy dark hair walked down the hallway and saw a large group of students came out of their room and were walking towards her.

"Oh, my god! She's so pretty! Who do you think she is?" they asked and immediately parted to let her pass.

The beautiful young woman with the fair skin she looked like glowing and had pinkish thin lips walked like a queen. The heels of her shoes click-clacked against the floor making the crowd can't help but turn to her.

She stopped in front of a classroom and peered inside, only for her eyes to widen in shock. "Lan Xing! What the hell are you doing to my fiance?!" she cried in alarm when she saw Lan Xing's face is buried on Hong Yue's lap.

The author has something to say:

Please save my mind from the gutter. XD

HuilongShenghoucreators' thoughts