
My Romeo (Peter Hale Love Story)

Hi I'm Lucy Taylor I'm nineteen soon to be twenty and I'm a werewolf me my dad and three month old brother Jonah are werewolves. My mom died while giving birth to Jonah I've helped my dad raise him don't get me wrong it has been hard but it's all worth it. We've all recently moved to a town called Beacon Hills and I have to go to a new school there I'm scared of what all the other students will think of me, I haven't found my mate yet but I'm about to when I meet the incredibly hot and mysterious Peter Hale because it turns out that he's my mate but will he even want me as a mate but it turns out that he does want me as his mate. What happens when it's the night of the full moon and my father is killed by hunters I find my baby brother hidden in the woods to keep him safe from the hunters and I have to watch as my father dies without making a sound because of my baby brother. Peter let's me move in with him and he let's my baby brother move in as well. What will my life be like now I'm the soul guardian of my baby brother Jonah and when Peter tells me that he'll raise Jonah with me as his own son. Will mine and Jonah's life be better now or will it be a living hell only time will tell.

Lucy_Evans_Morgan · Ti vi
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Chapter One_ My First Day At Beacon Hills High

I woke up at six thirty because I had to be in school by eight.

I got out of bed and I went into my ensuite bathroom where I had a quick shower when I was done in the shower I brushed my hair and teeth then I straightened my hair I applied a little bit of lip gloss I then walked back into my bedroom and I went into my walk in wardrobe I got dressed into a very comfy outfit for the day I then walked back into my bedroom and I slipped on a pair of converse sneakers I then grabbed my backpack that had everything in for today I grabbed my iPod and my iPhone off charge I also grabbed the earphones off the bedside table I also grabbed my wallet and my skateboard I then walked out my bedroom I went downstairs and I went into the kitchen my dad wasn't up yet and my baby brother was still asleep.

I grabbed a bottle of water and a protein bar out the fridge I left my dad a note to say that I had gone to school and that I'd be straight home after school I put the bottle of water into my backpack side pocket I put my protein bar into my backpack I then walked out of the house I skated to school.

When I got to school I could tell all the other students was looking at me I also saw two boys looking at me I smiled and I waved at them.

I got off my skateboard and I walked up the stairs of the school where the boys was.

Lucy Taylor: Can I help you two.

Scott McCall: Who are you I haven't see you around here before.

Lucy Taylor: No I've been transferred here because my dad wanted a change of scenery.

Stiles Stilinski: So what's your name.

Lucy Taylor: I'm Lucy Taylor I'm nineteen and I love animals and video games I also like working out and drawing.

Scott McCall: It's nice to meet you I can show you around if you want to we could be your friends that's if you want to that is.

Lucy Taylor: Yeah I would love that thanks Scott thanks Stiles.

Scott McCall: No problem come on I'll show you to your locker.

Lucy Taylor: Ok.

We walked into the school and we went to my locker which was next to there's I put my skateboard in it.

Three hours later

Me Scott and Stiles was sitting outside having some lunch when I saw a guy standing on the edge of the woods he was looking at me once our eyes met it was like our souls connected it was like I had known him forever wait he was my mate.

Scott McCall: Lucy is everything ok.

Lucy Taylor: Scott who's that.

Scott McCall: Oh that's Peter Hale why.

Lucy Taylor: Nothing.

I smiled.

Three hours later

It was finally the end of school I skated to the local coffee shop that was in the middle of the town I walked into the shop I walked over to the counter and I ordered me a cappuccino I went to walk out the shop and I bumped into someone.

Lucy Taylor: Shit I am so sorry.

Peter Hale: It's not your fault I wasn't looking where I was going.

Lucy Taylor: No I wasn't looking where I was going let me buy you another drink.

One hour later

Me and Peter was just talking about things we liked was I actually falling in love with him.

Peter Hale: Hey Lucy I'd like to get to know you better maybe we could hang out sometime.

Lucy Taylor: Yeah I'd like that Peter.

Peter Hale: Do you have your phone with you.

Lucy Taylor: Yeah do you have yours.

Peter Hale: Yeah here.

We swapped phones and we put each others numbers into the contacts he handed me my phone back that's when I realised the time.

Lucy Taylor: Shit.

Peter Hale: What's wrong.

Lucy Taylor: I have to go my dad will be wondering where I am.

Peter Hale: I can give you a lift home if you want to.

Lucy Taylor: Yes please that would be perfect thanks Peter.

Peter Hale: No problem Lucy.

We stood up and we walked out the coffee shop I was holding my skateboard as we walked to his car we got in and I gave him the directions to my house he parked at the front of the house.

Peter Hale: I'll message you later I really would like to get to know you better Lucy.

Lucy Taylor: Ok I'll be looking forward to it Peter and thanks again for the coffee.

Peter Hale: It's really no problem Lucy you had better get going before your dad comes looking for you.

Lucy Taylor: Ok talk to you later Peter.

Peter Hale: Talk to you later Lucy.

I got out his car while holding my skateboard and I walked into the house.

Lucy Taylor: Dad I'm home.

Adam Taylor: I'm in the kitchen princess with Jonah.

I walked through the house and I went into the kitchen.

Adam Taylor: What took you so long to come home.

Lucy Taylor: I had to talk to the teacher about the homework that and I've made some friends dad.

Adam Taylor: I knew you would.

I walked over to Jonah who was in his bouncer he giggled once he saw me.

Lucy Taylor: Hello little brother.

I kissed his head.

Adam Taylor: So what homework you've got.

Lucy Taylor: I've got to make a presentation on my favourite president.

Adam Taylor: And who's your favourite president.

Lucy Taylor: Easy Abraham Lincoln.

Adam Taylor: You hungry we can order some take out if you want to.

Lucy Taylor: Yes please can we order five guys.

Adam Taylor: Of course we can what would you like.

Lucy Taylor: Bacon cheeseburger fries and a strawberry milkshake.

Adam Taylor: Ok why don't you go and start your homework.

Lucy Taylor: Ok will you bring my food when it comes.

Adam Taylor: Of course I will princess.

Lucy Taylor: Thanks dad.

I grabbed a bottle of diet coke out the fridge and I walked back through the house I walked upstairs and into my bedroom I got changed into a comfy outfit for the night and I started my homework it wasn't due for another two days so I didn't have to do anything fast.

Two hours later

I had finished some of my homework but I haven't fully finished it yet I was watching a movie on Netflix when I got a message off Peter to ask if I was alright.



LT- Lucy Taylor PH- Peter Hale

PH: Hey Lucy are you alright.

LT: Yeah I'm fine how are you.

PH: I'm good hey after you go to school tomorrow do you maybe want to hang out at mine for a bit so what do you say.

LT- Yeah I would love to where are you.

PH- Look outside your bedroom window.


When he said that I jumped out of bed and I ran over to my bedroom I opened it and I looked down to see Peter standing there.

Peter Hale: Can I come up Lucy I need to talk to you.

Lucy Taylor: Yeah come on up but be quiet.

Peter Hale: I will I promise.

I moved away from the window and Peter climbed through my bedroom window without making a sound we sat on my bed I looked at him.

Lucy Taylor: So what did you want to talk to me about.

Peter Hale: You can say no if you want to.

Lucy Taylor: What is it.

Peter Hale: Lucy I'm head over heels in love with you and Lucy I know your a werewolf your my mate I know you am.

Lucy Taylor: I know your my mate Peter I have known since you was at the edge of the woods.

Peter Hale: Lucy will you be my girlfriend like I said you can say no if you want to.

Lucy Taylor: Yes of course I'll be your girlfriend Peter I love you so much you have no idea.

He kissed me.

Ten minutes later

Me and Peter was cuddling on my bed when we heard footsteps walk up the stairs.

Lucy Taylor: Shit Peter you had better go before my father comes into my room.

Peter Hale: Ok see you tomorrow babe.

Lucy Taylor: See you tomorrow Peter I love you.

Peter Hale: I love you too.

He walked over to my bedroom window while I stayed in bed he jumped out the window and he ran.

Five minutes later

My dad walked into my bedroom.

Adam Taylor: You alright princess.

Lucy Taylor: Yeah I'm fine dad actually there is something that I need to ask you can I hang out at my friends house for two hours after school tomorrow.

Adam Taylor: Yeah of course you can.

Lucy Taylor: Thanks dad how's Jonah.

Adam Taylor: He's fine I've just put him to bed goodnight princess.

Lucy Taylor: Goodnight dad.

Adam Taylor: Goodnight princess.

He walked out my bedroom I fell asleep not long after that dreaming of Peter.