The schedule will now be Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Kam looked at the two women with a deadpan face after hearing what Jasmine said.
"haaah, ok. So you two now indirectly work for me. Great, great, ok I can work with this. I needed an assistant anyway. A bodyguard, not so much. But…haaah" Kam talked to himself as he sighed.
While he was annoyed with the situation, he could tolerate it to get the money and connections he needed. He also didn't have to pay them out of his pocket, which lightened the load.
"I cannot lie, I thought you would be happier at the news. Maybe when you see our credentials you will feel better." Jasmine said as she passed him the second stack of papers she had pulled out of her briefcase.
Kam looked between her, Layla, and the paper a few times before reading the paper. After about fifteen minutes of going through the long list of credentials that the two had, Kam could honestly say that the WG was being as sincere as possible. As far as Kam could tell the two were the top of the top. It didn't get much better than them.
"While Layla has a ton of experience being a bodyguard or the like. You Jasmine, on the other hand, are a completely different story. You have no experience being an assistant, instead, you were a manager. And although I know very little about the world of entertainment, even I know some of the names you have managed. How the hell did you end up becoming the assistant of some no-name like me?" Kamara asked as he stared the woman in the eye.
"I wouldn't call our 'resident super-genius' a no-name." Jasmine joked while repeating the words Kam used in his presentation.
Kam groaned in response, while he thought it was cool in real-time, in retrospect, he really regretted making the video the way he did.
"In fact, I believe more people now know about you than you would think Kamara. You might have sent that video to the WG but that does not mean it only stayed with the WG. Many powerful figures are interested in our new 'resident super genius'," She said with a playful smile.
Kam had a frown on his face when he heard that. While he wasn't naive enough to believe that the information wouldn't spread, he was hoping it would take more than two days before word got out.
'Better start amping up security soon. Well, I got just the person for that.' he glanced at Layla who was looking out the window. 'I can make the programming and she can set everything up the way it should be. Shit, I can even give the outside view access to that group of stalkers they are sending.'
"Ok, guess I better get started on some type of security stuff," Kamara said aloud.
"Layla, I'm sure you have a few ideas as to what I will need. If you could write them down and send them to me I would greatly appreciate it?" he looked at the uninterested woman and asked.
"Yes, is it fine if I tour the premises?" she asked as she stood up.
"Have a blast" Kam said, he didn't have anything he wanted to hide at the moment so he didn't mind her exploring.
She nodded and then left to go do her task.
Kam then turned his head to Jasmine "now, Jasmine, while I appreciate the warning. I do believe that you have not answered my question."
"And I am under no obligation to." she bluntly replied, causing Kam to frown. The constant smile on her face was starting to annoy and unnerve him. He could tell this woman had secrets, secrets he didn't want to know.
Before Kam could reply she spoke up "But, I will let you know that it is not something you should be concerned about. I work for you now and I will do my utmost to help you. And from what I understand you will probably need a lot of it. I will be there through the whole process. If you decide to sign that contract, which I believe you will, we will then forever be tied at the hip. Well, for as long as the contract is valid." she assured Kamara as best she could.
Kam and Jasmine stared each other in the eye for a long time before Kam stood up and raised his hand.
"Haah, I look forward to working with you Jasmine Yang," he said with a smile
"Likewise, Kamara Faye" Jasmine stood and shook hands with the young man, her smile a bit brighter as she did so.
"Ok, now I believe that you want to verify the authenticity of the nuclear fusion cell?" Kam queried as he took their now empty glasses to the sink.
"Yes, if all this is fake then...I am sure you understand the consequences?" she hinted
"Yea, yea no worries. I would be a fool to waste everyone's time. Follow me" Kam waved the comment off as he walked up the stairs to his office.
As they walked jasmine would peek into some of the rooms and look around them. Kam didn't notice but if he did he would see that she was analyzing them and would sometimes shake her head and other times nod.
After about a minute, Kam made it to his office and unlocked the door.
"Excuse the mess, I've been too busy to clean up," he requested as he walked in.
"I will make sure to hire a cleaning service for you. Or would an in-house maid be better? Maybe a young woman. You are young so some eye candy around the house might interest you" Jasmine teased, causing Kam to look back at her with a perplexed expression.
"Why are you jumping to conclusions?"
"I'm just doing my job. Was I wrong?" she replied with an innocent expression.
Kam looked at her for a second before sighing "Anyway, on that table is the power cell. It's currently turned off. Give me a second, and I will turn it on and show you what it can do."
He pointed at a small table in the corner of the room that held the powered-down miniature nuclear fusion cell on it like a discarded toy. Half of it was hanging off the table ready to fall at any second.
Kam quickly ignored the cell and made his way over to his computer and waited for it to boot up.
" I'll also give you a flash drive with everything you need to make it, or would they prefer I send it in an email," he asked as he typed his password on the computer.
"Both," Jasmine absentmindedly said as she looked at the small pill-like thing.
'Something so small and simple looking just turned this boy into one of the richest people in the world, and definitely the youngest billionaire. And yet he leaves it out in the open in the corner of his room like it's a regular object.' she thought to herself as she grabbed the cell in her hands and felt how light it was.
"You would think that something as precious as this would be looked after with more care. Even putting in a locked safe would maybe be a light precaution for it. Yet you have it sitting out in the open like it's an everyday object." Jasmine said as she looked over to Kam with narrowed eyes.
"The door was locked. Plus it's not that interesting honestly." Kam off-handedly said as he typed on his computer.
He wasn't lying, while the fusion cell was cool for about a week but he had lost interest in it after he started to delve into the things he would have to make for his RP server and the game accompaniment. It made the fusion cell look like child's play in comparison.
"A near-infinite source of energy, that in your words 'will change humanity forever' is uninteresting? Now that's a first." she remarked as she gently set the cell down.
"That's right, you got it. Super duper boring revolutionary tech. Now that we have settled that, could you plug those cords into either side of it so I can show you how it works and get this thing sold and get my money?" Kamara asked as he pointed to the cords on either side of the table.
Jasmin's smile faltered 'got used to that assistant thing quickly I see' she commented in her head.
She regained her smile quickly "Ok. Does the side it enters matter?"
"Nope, just plug em in."
She did as she was told "ok, they're in. Anything else?"
"Take a few steps back and watch the magic," Kam said as he pressed the enter button on the computer, and almost immediately the lights on the fusion cell turned on.
"It's beautiful." she commented as she looked at the green cell as it worked "but this doesn't prove anything" she turned around to look at Kamara who was looking at his screen.
"I know, come over here so that you can see the output?" he waved her toward him.
When she got over he handed her a flash drive which she took and put in her pocket. She then looked over at the monitor and saw the different graphs on it.
"Umm, it looks complex?"
"I forgot, my bad this is…" Kam then began to explain the greatness that was his technology.
200 ps this week =1 extra chapter on Sunday
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