
My Reincarnation System Shogi Ark

Shogi is one of the first souls created by the divine and has the job of experiencing all of reality and bringing it back to the divine. After Shogi had a near death experience he was able to meet with the divine once more. This meeting would mark the start of a journey of endurance as he must investigate multiple realities to discover why the divines lights are going missing. Will he unravel this mystery or get his light snuffed out in the process?

Prodigy_King · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 9 Urban Legend

9 months later..

Shogi continued his daily meditation and trained every day at the academy but it was not as effective as his fathers training regimen because he had nowhere to drain his mana supply and his father was like a shining beacon of light he could never reach when it came to sword skills. Every now and again Maximus would join his training session and they would do light sparring. Sometimes he would catch Zen watching when they sparred but if looked at he would walk away Shogi's hard work paid off as he heard the system say Congratulations the host is 80% complete with the yearly quest get mana pool to 300. 2 months remaining. Host stats are as follows. Shogi Lvl 7 

24 strength 

27 stamina 

27 agility 

25 vitality 

27 dexterity 

240 mana. 


System Lvl 1

 Reincarnation Lvl 1 

Spirit Talker Max Lvl 

Swift Lvl 2 

Mana scan Lvl 1 

Holy armor Lvl 1

Mana Sight Lvl 1

Nature Magic Lvl 2 

Detect Demon energy Max Lvl

React lvl 2. 


Verus Deus

Shogi stood up thinking I forgot all about the yearly quest. Shogi began walking to his class when he saw a figure shrouded in shadows with red beaming eyes but when he blinked the figure had vanished. Shogi was lost in thought all class, too distracted to pay attention to the lesson plan when all of the sudden he felt a loud bang on his desk startling him. Freya had banged her hands on Shogi's table saying " Are you listening to me " Shogi replied without thinking "No.. wait I mean.." everyone in class began laughing even Zen had a smirk. Freya was steaming mad if looks could kill Shogi would be dead. Freya said " I said I challenge you to a duel that number 1 spot will be mines after I get past you." She stormed out before pausing at the door as she shot Anne a glare. Anne struck a pose with a peace sign saying " Good luck meow" smiling. After this everyone everyone's attention was fixed on Shogi until Anne broke the silence "What are you going to do meow" Shogi looked around saying "I'm going to the arena." Maximus looked at Shogi and said "She is tough and has been training like a crazed beast every since the placement test. I have sparred with her many times after I have sparred you. Be careful I wish you both good luck" Shogi thought about this and said "who do you think is better" Maximus calculated his words before speaking "I feel like the edge in swordplay slightly goes to her but your the most crafty person I have ever sparred with. She also has a larger variety of spells. On paper I would choose Freya she is the safe bet but my feelings want and genuinely think you will come out on top." Shogi looked at Maximus and said "Thank you". Shogi began heading towards the arena when he felt a chill go down his spine causing him to turn around quick but nothing was there. 

Shogi entered the arena, began putting on his equipment and preparing to face off with Freya. Freya said "let's make a bet" Shogi replied "what's the bet". Freya said " The loser has to do what the winner wants for the next 4 years" Shogi was scared but he had an inferiority complex that wouldn't let him back down. Shogi said " Do you even know what your saying". Freya looked at him stomping saying "You better not be thinking of anything lewd" Shogi laughed and said "I accept." 

They stared at eachother waiting on the Official to signal the match and before you knew it the arena became the most packed place in the school. Students began chattering "I never seen the arena so packed for 2 new guys" "I heard this group of kids are elite". The official signaled the start of the match as Freya activates frost putting shogi on the backfoot defending as Freya blast they ice on the ground from the frost spell with fireball creating a smoke screen. Shogi activated swift and mana sight. This allowed him to see her movements as she closed in on him all that could be heard was wooden swords clashing until Shogi stumbled and Freya went for a quick slash but Shogi created this opening on purpose punching Freya in the gut causing her sword slash to miss by a hair's breadth. Noticing her disadvantage she hopped back creating a distance. Shogi has 156 mana left Shogi activated Nature magic constraining Freya leaving him with 126 mana officially deactivating mana sight as he closed the distance on Freya who activated ignite to destroy the vines and branches wrapping her up at this point they both began to clash again as she kicked Shogi back with a smile saying "Water smite" this spell surrounded Shogi with water orbs that sent water pellets at him with the speed of a bullet. Shogi thought to himself thinking this must have been the Spelltome she gained, no wonder she was so confident. Shogi smiled as he said "Holy armor" this skill left him with 26 mana left as he stood in place for a second feeling a tingle as her magic was negated using this time to dart forward slashing at Freya allowing him to ignore her attacks and go for the most effective shots until Freya was on the ground but as Shogi was about to land a blow he hesitated seeing a Dark silhouette streaking across the arena next thing he knows he heard his bracelet crystal shatter and was transported outside the arena Freya saw her rank go up to the 2nd place spot but didn't look satisfied as she walked over to Shogi looking defeated as she said " Did you let me win?" Shogi shook his head and said " You won fair and square". She looked at Shogi and smiled but suddenly she looked a lot more sinister as she said " We had a bet are you ready to fulfill my first set of demands" she looked like a true villain in this moment. Shogi trembled at the thought of the things she would make him do. Shogi said "sure" dryly. Freya smiled and said " from now on.. We will train together everyday." She looked away as her cheeks became a little red . Shogi looked at her conflicted because he was sure she hated him. 

Shogi then had a thought go through his head and said "does that means we are friends" he blurted out on accident. She then replied with her face still red " we are merely associates but training with others is the fastest route to becoming stronger." Shogi said " Oh right.. Getting stronger. Why do you want to get stronger so bad?" She smiled and said " It's a secret" Shogi was heading back to his room when he felt something behind him and turned around quickly to Maximus raising his hands in surrender. Maximus laughed and said "It's just me.. that was one hell of a match you both surprised me. I sparred both of you and had no idea you guys had some hidden trump cards like that." Shogi just shrugged with a smile. Maximus then flashed a more serious look at Shogi saying " You saw it didn't you" Shogi looked at Maximus and said "Yes, right when I was about to deliver the final blow I saw a silhouette streak past the arena" 

Maximus and Shogi looked at each other as another figure walked up to join the conversation saying " It's called a Dullahan and not everyone can see it" as the figure emerged from the shadows it was none other than Zen. Maximus looked at Zen and said "what else do you know about this thing" Zen said "Headmaster Drakus was asking me to create a team to subjugate the Dullahan before it rises in strength. This happened right after the placement test. At the moment it has the strength of a spector and can easily be taken out. These beings, if allowed to grow, can become Legendary classed Abominations in no time. Initially they look for the person that caused their death and upon killing them they gain a physical form." Shogi asked "Why didn't Headmaster Drakus just kill it, if it's that dangerous." Maximus said "I have to agree with Shogi". Zen said "that's because he can't see it, he has only heard rumors until I confirmed it." Shogi said "How do we even kill this thing and we don't even know how to find it. You see how fast that thing is." Zen looked annoyed saying " I have an ability that allows me to track it. Once we get closer I can unleash my shadow domain and trap it. At that point I can only hold the magic in place for about 1 minute in the night time. We have to strike the Dullahan with pure magic attacks and light magic. I chose you two because you both have a large mana supply and can see this thing making it easier." Shogi then said "What do we get for doing this " Headmaster Drakus is offering a spelltome for everyone that participated in the subjugation additional rewards are subject to discussion." Shogi said I'm in" Maximus just sighed and said it's not like I have much of a choice". Zen said "it's settled then we will meet at the water fountain in front of the dorms at midnight." Everyone agreed when Zen said "One more thing look up information on Dullahans in the library. Dullahans all have one thing in common once they've been attacked They unleash a devastating mental attack sending it's victims back to their worst memory altering it. If this happens you can break the spell by hitting yourself with a small ball of mana. See y'all later". Maximus looked at Shogi slapping him on the shoulder saying "Well we better get some rest sounds like we got a long day tomorrow." Shogi said " Agreed, be safe." 

We are crushing it for our first week. Thank you all for the support. This novel is currently in the 200s spot for the competition it is in. This is only possible thanks to all the people adding this book to their collections. We are the best community on WebNovels and if people leave more comments and powerstones I will post the official discord for the novel that has a cover photo of another novel I am thinking of beginning. Please contnue to support with powerstones and comments. If you have'nt already add this book to your library. Frequent updates. This chapter is a critical setup to an important underlying plot in the series right now.

Prodigy_Kingcreators' thoughts