
My Reincarnation System Shogi Ark

Shogi is one of the first souls created by the divine and has the job of experiencing all of reality and bringing it back to the divine. After Shogi had a near death experience he was able to meet with the divine once more. This meeting would mark the start of a journey of endurance as he must investigate multiple realities to discover why the divines lights are going missing. Will he unravel this mystery or get his light snuffed out in the process?

Prodigy_King · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 4 Growing Pains

5 years Later..

"When meditating you should be able to feel the world around you and all the energy you expended at this point will slowly replenish. After maybe 50 years of serious training one might be able to sense the presence of others. The fluctuation of energy is easily detected if one uses energy" Shogi sighs with his eyes closed saying "Killgore when are you going to teach me how to attack or something we have been doing mana training for a year now" Killgore laughs and pokes his forehead causing Shogi to fall down saying " All elves are known for their mastery in combat and magic as we are a proud race and graceful in all we do. The meditation stage is typically done for as long as an elf lives but this year marks the start of your training to be that warrior. This year you will go to the center of Armadia for training with others of your age group" Shogi sighed in understanding Killgore looked at Shogi and said " Your father wants us to train you since he can't be here himself " Shogi got off the ground dusting himself off saying " Sounds about right "as he walked away Killgore reached out hesitantly but Shogi was just out of grasp as he says " He loves you more then you know" Shogi said "Sure" as he walked away. 

Shogi knows this life is not his original one but the love his mother and father give him is real. Shogi is not very emotional but he finally has a father but he is gone so much it's like he isn't there at all. Shogi returns home but his mother notices that Shogi is upset and walks over to give Shogi a hug and said "would you like to talk over some tea" Shogi always felt warmth coming off his mother and decided to accept his mother's invitation. Shogi sat down as his mother prepared the tea and asked " how did the meditation go with Killgore go today Shogi replied "It was boring as always" Shogi's mom giggled and said " The beauty in meditation will be evident one day" as she came forward with the tea and poured Shogi's cup then hers. Shogi took a sip and said "yeah but why does father assign other people to do his job" Shogi's mom sat down and took a sip deep in thought saying " Your father is a proud elven warrior and loves this nation so much. He and I fought hard to change things." Shogi looked at his mother and said " What does one have to do with the other" . Shogi's mother shook her head and said let me tell you a story. " Once there was a man and a woman that liked eachother very much but the man and the women were forbidden to date due to being different. The man was the most impressive warrior out of all the elves but at this time the elves were not a nation they were separated by tribes. The first tribe being the High elves known for their massive mana where the girl was from, The second being the Wood elves known for their impressive archery along with their restorative abilities to nature where the man is from and the third being the Dark elves. The Dark elves were the least liked amongst all the elves because of their affinity with darkness was often associated to a relationship with the Evil Gods. One day the demon race went berserk and started annialating the other races. Your father who I'm sure you figured out was the man united all the tribes and formed the council of elders allowing kinship among elven kind and lost many people among the way. He along with a select few people pushed back the Demon race. Your father helped build this nation and every day he has more reasons to protect it. He works as hard as he does because he doesn't want to lose anyone losing one person is too much to him. He loves you. But I understand you and I will have a talk with him because it seems like he is going on a mission every week." Shogi could acknowledge this answer but he looked at his mother and said "Will I see father before I go to the Academy" his mother smiled "Yes he wouldn't miss it for the world". Shogi hugged his mother then he walked back to his room and layed down. 

Shogi noticed his vision looked more clear. "System show me my stats" The system replied "The hosts stats are as followed Shogi Lvl 7 strength 18 stamina 18 agility 18 vitality 18 dexterity 115 mana. Skills System Lvl 1 Reincarnation Lvl 1. Spirit Talker Max Lvl Nature Magic Lvl 1. Blessing Verus Deus. Shogi closed the stat screen and mumbled " Just as I suspected meditation doesn't just restore mana it increases mana. 

Shogi's father began to spend more time with him. "Your too stiff put your back into those strikes" Shogi began to pant heavily then his father clubbed him in the back with a wooden sword causing Shogi to fall in the dirt and drop his sword. Shogi felt instant regret for wanting to learn the sword and got frustrated. "Pick yourself up and never let your sword touch the ground it is your life line. Hurry up we have to run now" Shogi felt exhausted and wanted to protest I am only 5. Shogi ran but it seemed like it would never end and Shogi became too tired to keep going so he stopped and a sword went at his side that he barely blocked and his father looked at him saying " No breaks back to the sword" once all the running was done Shogi felt like he would pass out and at this point his father said "next your gonna burn your mana supply restore this field of grass as Shogi's father restored a piece of grass to show him Shogi did the Same thing but it was sapping his mana at an alarming rate for a small patch to start developing the size of a table. His father looked shocked but then straightened his face and said " Keep going until only a small amount is left". Shogi then returned to restoring the burned field he did another table sized patch and was left with 10 mana. Shogi's dad looked at the field and restored it and said " Any time you perform a miracle of healing or restore something the honor must go to Our Goddess Humilos. We give her the glory in any situation by saying may the light be our guide. " Shogi's Father looked at him and Shogi said " May the light be our guide" as Shogi said this he heard a faint whisper. Shogi's father looked at him and said "sit we must sharpen the soul" After meditating for awhile they ran back home. 

A couple of weeks went by like this and Shogi could sense a difference Shogi said "System what are my stats" The system responded with the Hosts stats are as followed Shogi Lvl 15 strength 20 stamina 20 agility 20 vitality 20 dexterity 150 mana. Skills System Lvl 1 Reincarnation Lvl 1. Spirit Talker Max Lvl Swift Lvl 2 Mana scan Lvl 1 Nature Magic Lvl 2 React lvl 2. Blessing Verus Deus. Shogi's Mom and Dad entered the room and his mother said "come on it is time to go everyone is waiting to see you off" Shogi waved at everyone as he entered the horsedrawn coach right when the door was closing Shogi's dad grabbed it and smiled at the guard who was a high elf "My apologies Master Sylvar" Sylver then hugged his son and whispered "Stay out of trouble, I love you son." I love you to father Shogi replied and Shogi's father said " May the light be our guide " as he says this the carriage doors close Shogi looks out the window and says " May the light be our guide" as he says this a faint whisper says "time is running.." this time he heard a feminine voice for sure. Shogi wondered to himself what was that. The system responded " That was what this world would consider a god" Shogi gasped Ping "1 year quest get mana pool to 300. Rewards new ability unlocked plus 10 stats in every category and receive 2 level ups". Those rewards sound amazing Shogi thought. The ride went smoothly for about 3 hours until the carriage stopped and 3 people entered 1 being a dark elf boy The other being a High elf girl the last being a Beastman that looked like a human girl except she had white cat ears and a black and white striped tail.

Shogi was stunned activate mana scan shogi said inside. What he saw shocked him they were on another level. The High elf girl had a large quantity of mana. The Dark elf boy had a pretty big mana supply too. The oddest thing was that the Beastman didn't have the slightest bit of mana which he thought wasn't possible. The High elf girl said " Do you like what you see" obviously not amused and dialed back her the amount of mana he was able to see. The beastman looked at Shogi with a smile and said " See the thing about looking at people's mana Meow. Is that it releases a fluctuation meow" The Dark elf boy interjected bluntly "What the girls are trying to say is that what you just did was rude. Count it as disrespectful." Shogi looked down in shame and said " I'm sorry I did not mean to offend anyone I was just curious" The High elf girl said "how did you learn how to do that in the first place my mother said it would take a normal elf 100 years to even learn this 50 if they have talent but since I'm special 20 years" Shogi just smiled wryly and said "Maybe I just got lucky" The beastman girl looked at Shogi and licked her lips "I like you boy meow. whats your name Meo?" Shogi answered "My name is Shogi" The beastman smiled and said " I am Anna Meow" Shogi looked at the others as if to say what about you. Anna laughed "they are a lil shy around others meow. The girl is Freya and the boy is Zen meow". Zen nodded his head upon hearing this and Freya just pretended to be uninterested but Shogi would catch her glancing at him from time to time. The coach stopped and outside the gates was a luxurious huge area the Academy was the Size of a small city with multiple buildings. 

Thank you everyone for reading and be sure to save this book in the library chapter releases every friday and saturday. I look forward to putting out more chapters please comment like and ask for bonus content if it is wanted. Put it in your collections this series has the potential to keep on rolling.

Prodigy_Kingcreators' thoughts