
My Reincarnation System Shogi Ark

Shogi is one of the first souls created by the divine and has the job of experiencing all of reality and bringing it back to the divine. After Shogi had a near death experience he was able to meet with the divine once more. This meeting would mark the start of a journey of endurance as he must investigate multiple realities to discover why the divines lights are going missing. Will he unravel this mystery or get his light snuffed out in the process?

Prodigy_King · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 11 Death and Rewards

The screech from the Dullahan forced everyone to cover their ears until the Dullahan darted towards Maximus who was looking anxious. Then Maximus said protect. This was a light spell that blocked off physical and mana attacks for a brief moment. Shogi, noticing that Zen had frozen, shook him and said "hurry up and unleash your shadow domain." Zen snapped out of it saying "Shadow Domain" causing the shadows in the room to get even darker engulfing everyone in a dark black miasma like shadow substance. In this moment Shogi darted forward as an explosion sounded blasting back the Dullahan. Shogi said "Spectral absorption" the system replied saying "insufficient damage has been sustained. Maximus threw a disk of pure mana at the Dullahan as Shogi charged forward with a cube shaped mana ball in his hand expanding, draining him to 220 blasting the Dullahan who appears to be getting weaker. At this point the Dullahan burst hit everyone with a shockwave. Everything in Shogi's vision went white as he thought, am I dead? The familiar system he came to know was quiet. As he woke up he saw his mother driving the car and he thought he was dreaming but she smelled like lavender and berries. 

He began talking to her and smiled telling her he had the worst dream. She listened and said "well that sounds a little silly. I mean the part about your uncle actually taking responsibility". She started laughing hard and let go of the steering wheel and right as she crashed she said "All you have to do is wake up" the car wrapped around the tree brutally crushing his mother as he was gripped with grief he began crying and whispers could be heard "Wake up" Shogi realized he was in the Dullahans nightmare ability. As he hit himself with mana he could hear Zen say "I only have 10 seconds left we have to do something fast the Dullahan is gaining a physical form". Shogi was so mad mana began to explode from his soul as he leaped forward appearing before the Dullahan who was absorbing Maximus mana absorbing his life essence. Shogi punched the Dullahan who at this point was partially transformed with every strike Shogi throws containing massive amounts of mana until he sends the Dullahon flying blasting through the arena walls. The Dullahon leaps up and blasts a dark orb charged with massive amounts of mana with dark lightning circling around the ball. When the ball approached Shogi he just reached his hand out grabbing the large ball crushing it causing a big explosion. The Dullahon laughed and flew towards the building trying to get to the Classroom but Shogi appeared before the Dullahon face planting it. Before he let go of the Dullahon he wrapped it up in a mana chain while he pounded the chest of the Dullahon until a system notification sounded saying "The Dullahon has sustained sufficient damage would the host like to use Spectral Absorption yes/no." Yes. Upon saying this a dreadful sound could be heard as the Dullahon was absorbed with a green wave heading back to the arena. The only thing left of the Dullahon was a spirit who said "Thank you young warrior. We meet again, I am sorry it was under such unfavorable circumstances. I am no longer of this world and have one final request. Tell Sylph the truth. Tell her I love her and let her know I died with honor. Shogi had tears still lingering on his face as he nodded his head and the spirit faded away. Congratulations host "You have leveled up 3 times and completed the quest Defeat the Dullahon". Shogi felt really weak for a moment until Zen and Maximus caught up and Said "You really did a number on the place" as they looked outside they wondered why no one came to investigate. Shogi just shrugged, not really in the mood to talk until Maximus handed Shogi a pink potion that made him feel slightly better. Until they seen professor Nightshade fly through the wall covered in blood with multiple puncture wounds. While he was on the ground he pulled a black and red orb out. Before he could smash it Shogi said "Stop him" Maximus said "Void" and the spear could be seen in his hand as Nightshade said "give it back you little shit". Headmaster Drakus said "Judgement" a light came from the sky disintegrating Nightshade leaving a deep hole in the ground. Headmaster Drakus looked at all 3 of the kids and said "good job young ones thanks to your contribution we were able to avoid a catastrophe" They all just nodded their heads in acknowledgement. The headmaster said come to my office first thing in the morning and we can discuss your rewards.

The Headmaster disappeared in a beam of light. Zen coughed up blood spitting it out as he wiped his mouth. Shogi and Maximus ran to his side to assist him. Zen said "I imagine I must look pretty pathetic right now" Maximus said " No, you actually look pretty cool". Shogi was trying to help but ended up getting helped by Maximus too. Maximus had Zen on his left side and Shogi on his right side as they walked back to the room Maximus said "I am sorry. I knew the nightmare attack was coming but I still couldn't break the spell". Maximus' face stiffened as he fought back the tears but despite his best efforts one still escaped sliding down his face. Maximus wiped his face and said " The Nightmare spell took me to the day I became the hero. My village was raided by the Beastman and right as I was about to be slain by a beastman a Chaos Beast came and tore the beastman down. I ran and all I found was bodies until I saw an elven boy covered in blood. The Chaos beast was playing with him. I saved him and protected him from the beast by activating my blessing. In the nightmare version I never received the blessing and the chaos beast killed him and began to torture me." He lowered his head grimacing. Shogi thought he had it bad but Maximus made him realize some people have it just as bad but in his case it was worse. Shogi thought about what to say but nothing came to mind until Zen broke the silence saying " Aren't you supposed to be greedy, consuming hate to get stronger or something". Maximus smiled, wiping his face and started laughing. Maximus said "that's right I'm the greediest human of all." They all laughed all the way back to their rooms. When Shogi entered his room and plopped on his bed the system said would the host like to receive quest rewards yes/no. Shogi said yes. The system said congratulations the host has unlocked a new skill Mana blast Max lvl. allows the host to shoot out a ball of a controlled element damage is dependent on the amount of mana poured into an attack. Congratulations the host has unlocked a new feature showing the host percentage of progression towards the next level. Currently the host is at 87%. Say the name of the skill that the host wishes to upgrade. Shogi said "Holy Armor". The system said the host stats are as follows.

Shogi Lvl 10 87% to next Lvl. 

43 strength 

46 stamina 

46 agility 

44 vitality 

46 dexterity 

390 mana. 


System Lvl 1

 Reincarnation Lvl 1 

Spirit Talker Max Lvl 

Swift Lvl 2 

Mana scan Lvl 1 

Holy armor Lvl 2

Mana Sight Lvl 1

Nature Magic Lvl 2 Mana blast Max Lvl

Spectral Absorption Max Lvl

Detect Demon energy Max Lvl

React lvl 2. 


Verus Deus

Shogi was impressed with his stats. When Shogi woke up he received another notification about the completion of his 1 year quest. Shogi was too excited to get his rewards from the headmaster and rushed to the headmaster's office ignoring the system. Everyone was present and the head master asked them to close the door. The headmaster looked at all the students and said "You 3 have done exceedingly well as the information about the group known as Shade has saved this nation a great deal. The destruction of the Dullahon was remarkable but I sensed its energy spike which was definitely at the peak of the elite rank. I sensed it was about to break through as well. So the question remains. How did you defeat the Dullahon?" The 3 just looked at eachother with an awkward silence. Headmaster broke the silence " No matter… I wanted to deeply apologize because the deeds you 3 have done was enough to merit you the highest honor this nation has to offer but the council fears the public's reaction to all of this information coming out so suddenly. Not to mention the politics behind kids of such a lineage being heroes was rejected." Zen clicked his teeth saying "Go figure" Headmaster Drakus smiled at this reaction and said " I would like to see you three. No, I would like to see you all change the narrative behind people of your kind. I've grown a sort of fondness to you lot as you see I have an indescribable love for talent and well. Your generation is very different." The headmaster lost in thought marveling at the idea until Shogi coughed "mhm" The headmaster said "right you 3 have earned this as he said some words and a passage opened in the tunnel". He lead them through a corridor opening a safe and in there was spelltomes that emitted their own aura. The headmaster said "unlike last time the spelltome will choose you this time." right as he said this a spell tome labeled spirit magic flew right at Shogi and as soon as it made contact with his skin it disappeared. The system activated saying congratulations you have unlocked a new magic system Spirit magic Elemental Spirit Lvl 1. The Headmaster was shocked but snapped out of his stupor as he realized everyone had a book choose them. He rounded them up leaving the place with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. Once they left the passage way and was back in the headmaster's office he said "Halfblood I heard you are having problems with your affinity magic." Shogi irritated looked back at the Headmaster and said " It doesn't make since to me." The headmaster looked at Shogi and the hero saying " you and the hero boy will come with me when it is time to practice Affinity magic. Light magic is different than any other magic because you can store it and use it later. The amount you can store is dependent on your mana. The technique may take a while to master." 

Shogi looked at the headmaster and said "I have a favor to ask." The headmaster said "I am listening" Shogi pondered back to the spirit's request and explained the situation to the headmaster as the headmaster replied saying "Why don't you tell her yourself" Shogi said "How I can't leave" The headmaster said get to class and see for yourself." Shogi didn't understand what the headmaster was getting at but left the room with Zen and Maximus. They were happy with the results as they walked back to the classroom Shogi got a notification from the system would the host like to receive the rewards from the 1 year quest now Yes/No. Shogi said "Yes" The host has received a new ability Poison resistance Max lvl. The host stats are as follows.

Shogi Lvl 12 87% to next Lvl. 

69 strength 

66 stamina 

66 agility 

64 vitality 

66 dexterity 

450 mana. 


System Lvl 1

 Reincarnation Lvl 1 

Spirit Talker Max Lvl 

Swift Lvl 2 

Mana scan Lvl 1 

Holy armor Lvl 2

Mana Sight Lvl 1

Nature Magic Lvl 2 Mana Blast Max Lvl

Poison resistance Max Lvl

Spectral Absorption Max Lvl

Detect Demon energy Max Lvl

React lvl 2. 

Spirit Magic

Elemental spirit Lvl 1


Verus Deus

As Shogi walked into the classroom he was shocked to see a familiar face.

This was a very lengthy chapter compared to most of the other ones. The series is beginning to pick up traction as the character relationships develop. Than you for the Support I have received several reccomendations on hello fresh and New releases. Thanks to everyones continued support the page is gaining traction. We are the best community feel free to comment. Add this novel in your collections and donations are accepted.

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