
My Reincarnation System Shogi Ark

Shogi is one of the first souls created by the divine and has the job of experiencing all of reality and bringing it back to the divine. After Shogi had a near death experience he was able to meet with the divine once more. This meeting would mark the start of a journey of endurance as he must investigate multiple realities to discover why the divines lights are going missing. Will he unravel this mystery or get his light snuffed out in the process?

Prodigy_King · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Ch. 16 The Order in Chaos

Superbian looked at me with eyes full of interest and said beware of Discordian. Everything became smokey and I began to cough a lot as the tattoos on my body burned in a dark blue tone. My mom ran into the room and embraced me expressing her relief. I talked to my mom as I tried to get up and I passed out. When I woke up the systems messages greeted me saying the host stats are as follows

progress Shogi Lvl 13 6% to next Lvl. 

74 strength 

71 stamina 

71 agility 

71 vitality 

71 dexterity 

950 mana. 


Surge lvl1 

Cancel lvl 1

God eyes lvl 1.

System Lvl 1

 Reincarnation Lvl 1 

Spirit Talker Max Lvl 

Swift Lvl 3 

Mana scan Lvl 1 

Holy Armor Lvl 2

Mana Sight Lvl 1

Nature Magic Lvl 2 

Poison resistance Max Lvl

Spectral Absorption Max Lvl

Detect Demon energy Max Lvl

React lvl 3. 

Spirit Magic

Elemental spirit Lvl 1


Verus Deus


I noticed a huge boost in my mana and saw a blessing I'm not familiar with. It read Superbian's blessing and as I tried to check the contents of the blessing it was locked until I reached level 75. A few weeks went by and I recovered from the fatigue and began my daily training routine. I finished up and began to walk home when I heard a voice. I'm proud of you ya know. I recognized this voice: it was my father. I turned around and said thank you, Father. He looked at me and said I can tell that you have been hard at work. I smiled as he threw a sword at me and said let us spar. From that day forward my father sparred with me every day. 

My father woke me up and said, "You're very skillful but weak in the grand scheme of things. Let's go hunting to increase your power." I shook my head and picked up the sword my father had given me. He took me to the middle of the forest and we traveled through the trees like ninjas. He looked at a group of goblins and said we need to wipe them out. Goblins are nasty little creatures that repopulate too rapidly and if left unchecked they could develop small cities worth of goblins here. I said understood as I swooped down and cleaved through two goblins in a single stroke. A hail of arrows followed me and before I knew it I was dancing around them chopping through the little goblins using a mana blast to hit the ones too far away. Once all the little ones were defeated I heard a chuckle as I could sense a large spell being cast and for the first time I activated cancel magic on the goblin mage cleaved through him swiftly. The system chimed Congratulations you have leveled up. My father gestured for me to come to him and said I think this is no simple goblin patrol. This was an organized party of goblins meaning they must have a goblin king or crowned prince. 

Son, it seems we have been either blessed or cursed. I need to kill this Chaos beast to evolve. If we do our hunting right we may be able to get you to base evolution as well. There should be some tough beast for us to clear out. My father sits still and listens for a while as I activate mana scan. I could detect a decent amount of energy coming from our left side as we both stayed there at the same time we darted through the trees to see a more organized group than the last. This group was being led by a majin which is a human-looking evolution of a goblin. There was a mixture of Hobgoblins, Ogres, and regular goblins they numbered around 15. My father said I will deal with the Majin while you take care of that down there. Thunder Emperor mode my dad said with a clap as he vanished and appeared before the Majin and kicked him so hard the trees split apart. I never knew my dad was that strong. He was holding back in our training as I prepared my grand entrance to the battlegrounds I lept down and activated holy armor along with swift and cleaved through the regular goblins first. The Hobgoblins feel like they should be on my level but the ogres are way too strong. I tried to pick off the weakest ones but it was becoming a challenge as I cut through the 10th goblin. I went after the hobgoblins next numbering 2 but there were also 2 Ogres left that were stronger than me. I darted to slash the legs of one hobgoblin but the other one anticipated that as he swung on me I crashed through a few trees but luckily Holy armor was activated. It didn't stop me from feeling dizzy. The Hobgoblins were laughing as I got up I felt something not right i jumped out of the way and a tree landed where I was then another one and this attack came from the Ogres. I ran back to the Hobgoblins and began my assault Holy Armor now deactivated and faked a slash at the legs again and as the other ogre attacked to protect the blind spot I jumped up and slashed at its neck not prepared for how strong it was getting my sword stuck half way in its neck. This made the Hobgoblin mad as it knocked the sword out its neck it began to rampage and for a moment I was scared, but this fear was only momentarily as the other Hobgoblin punched at me i dodged a little bit but was still caught by the blow knocked into the air a little bit and away. 

The Hobgoblins looked distracted for a second along with the Ogres as they began to chase a fairy-looking creature. The creature spoke and said please help me. I used my nature magic to slow down the beast allowing it to escape but the fairy-looking creature came to me and laughed saying you're an interesting boy. I like you as it glowed and became one with me I could feel a new power in me and I wanted to try it Spirit Magic Crystal trap one of the Hobgoblins got caught in it, and then I knew what to say now shattered. The Hobgoblin was struck by several ice shards until the crystal he was encased in shattered. Congratulations you have leveled up x3. After witnessing this attack the ogres joined the battle and didn't hold back. I could sense that I could only use this ability 2 more times; it doesn't draw from my mana. I was surprised because it was so powerful if it wasn't for this attack I would have struggled harder. I began to attack the Hobgoblin and two ogres as I activated Holy Armor again waiting for the perfect opportunity I added a mana blast to my blade to cut through the hobgoblin's leg it fell and an Ogre sent me flying in the opposite direction which was what I was hoping for as I activated spirit magic again saying Crystal Trap to the Ogre. The ogre was a little different because I could tell he was resisting it somehow I said to shatter the Ogre took a lot of damage and was on the brink of death but still alive So I activated it again faster this time it seemed it was in a bit of a Berserk state and began smashing everything as it ran at me with unreal speed. He punched at me and I dodged for a little but it became difficult I looked over and I could see the Hobgoblin regenerating its leg and slowly dragging towards me. 

I began trying to counter-attack but the Ogre's skin was too tough in its berserker state when suddenly I finally made a miscalculation and felt a booming hit slam into my back I had forgotten about the other Ogre who was far away then with a bang the berserker mode Ogre hit me so hard my Holy armor shattered and turned off sending me flying like a ragdoll when blood coming from my mouth and eyes all I could hear was ringing in my ears and could not function I felt sleepy. A moment that made me happier than any other came saying congratulations you have leveled up x4. 

I graduated from college and can now consistently deliver content. I apologize for the delay but I hope to bring even better content then before!

Prodigy_Kingcreators' thoughts