
My Regressor System

[Do You Wish To Be Regressed?] [Yes] [No] Damon was a loser who couldn’t make it in life, and after finally getting a promotion, he was stabbed to death by a stranger. Thanks to a mysterious System, he regresses over twenty years into the past, when he was just a young adult preparing for his college exams. Now that he has been given a second chance at life, Damon intends to stop being the failure he once was. Using the help of his System, and knowledge of his past life, Damon wishes rise to power and conquer the very world that held him down. “I’ll become the most powerful man in the world. Just watch me!”

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190 Chs

Preparation For Rescue

[Damon's POV]

As I sat there in the room and awaiting the call, I conjured possible scenarios in my head as to who would have wanted me kidnapped and why they would want to kidnap me.

I picked up my phone and dialed Michael's number. It rang a short while before he picked it up.

"Hello, Michael. I have something I need to ask you" I said.

"Give me a second to leave my work area" he said and he excused himself and went to the restroom.

"I wasn't expecting a call from you but you sound like it's serious, what's wrong?" He said.

"It's nothing" I didn't want to get anyone involved in this and I trusted him so I knew it couldn't have been him. "I was wondering if you'd revealed my identity to anyone?" I asked.

"Of course not, why would I? What happened to make you ask me that?" He asked, he sensed something was up and was trying to get to the bottom of it.

I wondered if I should tell him, but I quickly changed my mind, this was something I had to do on my own.

"I was just curious, I'll be in touch" I simply said.

"Alright Damon" he said and I hung up the phone.

'So if it wasn't someone from Michael's end, who else could it be?' I thought.

My mind went to Satoshi, but I ruled the theory out of my head instantaneously. I'd given him a job, accommodation and a hefty sum.

I gathered a team of people for him to work with in order to monetize spit coins and I even flew his family in from Japan to live with him.

Even if he wanted to, he barely knew anyone in America and I didn't see a reason why he would want to kidnap me. He didn't even know where I lived.

"It's not him, it can't be him." I said to myself.

So with Logan and Satoshi out of the picture, who else could it have been. I was certain now that it had nothing to do with business, this was something more personal in nature.

Like a personal grudge, could it have been my father, did I anger him so much that he would want to do something like this to me?

'No, my father couldn't care less about what happened to me and he stood nothing to gain from this, it's not him.' I thought.

I thought about my stepmother. I was sure she hated me but she would never pull something like this in fear of angering my father and Stephen was too young to do it.

I didn't rule them out totally but I just moved on with my thoughts. The final suspects that came to my mind were the Darhk family.

The elders had been quiet for a very long time, I couldn't help but wonder if they'd finally deemed it fit to remove me from the equation.

It was a possibility, but an unlikely one. After thinking for a short while more I finally came up with a conclusion. The only way I was ever going to find out who was behind this was to ask the criminals directly.

'I need to strike first, I need some method of tracking them down, maybe I could track Noellel's phone.' I thought and I hurriedly searched the room to see if she'd left it behind and was disappointed to find it shortly after.

'So I can't track her phone, but what if I could track her directly. How on earth would I do that?' I thought and then it hit me.

"System!" I shouted.

<How may I be of assistance to the host?>

"Are there any skills available in the SP shop that can be used to track people's locations?" I asked.



<Based on the host's SP and current skill proficiency, system recommends purchase of D rank skill, Eagle's eye.>

'Eagle's eye, what a weird name for a skill' I thought.

"Bring up all the information you have about the skill" I said.

<Understood. >

Skill: Eagle's eye

Rank: D

Duration - Lasts until the host finds what he's looking for.

C.D - 24 hours.

Stamina cost - This skill doesn't consume stamina.

Price - 20 SP

I was intrigued to find out that once again there was so much that I didn't know about the system.

<Would the host like to purchase this skill?>

[Yes] [No]

"Yes." I said.

<Purchase complete.>

Displaying status window…

Usually the system would ask me if it could display the status window but now it did so without command.

I was evolving and so was the system.

[Status Window]

Name: Damon Darhk

Age: 18 years

Occupation: Student

Current Status: Healthy/Businessman

HP: 100/100 (Fully recovered)

SP: 80

Stamina: 100 (Recharged)

Skills: Foresight (D+ Rank)

Render (Secret skill)

Eagle's eye (D+ Rank)

{Additional Information}

The host prepares himself for an upcoming battle.

[End Of Information]

A lot had changed since I last opened my status window, I now had 3 skills and my status had changed from unemployed to businessman.

I didn't ponder too much on it and decided to put my remaining SP to good use.

"System, open my ability upgrade section." I said

<Understood. However, the system recommends you specify what abilities want upgraded.>

'What abilities, I was going to be in a physical fight so what did I need?' I thought.

After pondering for a while I decided to upgrade three abilities.

"System, divide my SP and upgrade my strength, agility and stamina stats.

<Understood. >



Undergoing status upgrade….

*Status upgrade complete.*

<The host has gained +30 in strength stat, agility stat and +20 increase stamina.>

It clenched my feet as it felt like a gentle water was flowing through me. I wanted to test my new stats out but decided against it as rescuing Noelle was my top priority.

"System, how do I activate Eagle's eye?" I asked.

<To activate Eagle's eye the host is required to hold a possession of desired target in hand and call on eagle.>

A possession, her phone! I searched the room and found the phone, placing it in my hand.

I closed my eyes and said "I call on the eye of the eagles" I said and a bright light shone before my eyes.

My eyes were closed but I could see, and it felt like a memory flashback.

It raced around the city until it stopped at a location, an abandoned warehouse.

It was like an eagle flying through the sky, scanning the ground for its prey.

I opened my eyes and realized that I knew exactly where they'd taken Noelle.

<Skill: Eagle's eye has been successfully activated.>

Now that I knew her location, I could launch a surprise attack on the kidnappers.

I would strike first and take them all out while they were still in shock.

"They'll never see it coming" I thought. As the thoughts of what I would do to them passed through my mind I couldn't help but smile.

I felt like a villain in my own story and strongly, I embraced the feeling.

"I'll make them pay." I said, a sinister smile creeping up my face.

Damon finally unlocks a new skill, he also now knows where the kidnappers are keeping Noelle, how will he rescue her? Keep reading to find out.

I say this enough, if you’ve gotten this far, send my book power stones and add it to your library.

Thanks for reading.

Tehncreators' thoughts