
My pure blood

They say the purest of heart, has the purest blood. what then happens when a bad blood mixes with the good one. Would they become one or will one take over the other. But it's a secret read to find out

Pho3nix_4 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 11:The ball and The poem

It is finally time for the ball, and have I gotten my poem finished "No!!!". What can I say, I am a slow thinker but anyways I know I must finished this, it is an assignment given to me by the queen mother, like think of the pressure I am in, I would have to give a poem with alot of eyes watching me, I can feel my anxiety kick in, all sorts of questions running through my mind, my head is spinning. "What if the poem is a total fail?", "what if everyone laughs at me?", "what if nobody likes it?". Oh somebody put me out of my misery.

And just then I heard a knock on my door, then I realised I was totally running mad on my own, my bed was a mess but I wonder who is at the door.

"Yes come in!!!" And just then like about five maids walked into my room, wait they had maids I haven't seen them before, are they vampire's too. My mind is about to explode.

"Your majesty we have been sent to take care of your every need for the ball, first we would wax and dress you up with the finest quality of clothing material" one of them spoke. Oh so all of them just for one ball.

"Then carry on" I said smiling, it's not everyday you get to be pampered.

"Okay your majesty" she bowed her head and I can say it is the greatest day of my life, except from getting wax that was painful, then they applied scented oil on my skin, it felt so soft and shining, For my hair they washed it, applied oil on it made it as shining as my skin, trimmed it, I can say that my hair has never looked so healthy.

The head maid, I guess that what she is since she has been the one calling all the shots, just few minutes later she clapped her hands and, bam!! Another set of people came In with different set of gowns, and wow it was fabulous, so many choices.

But one of them caught my eyes, A red flowing ball gown, with diamond stones embedded on it, it looked wonderful and I decided that was it, they helped me put it on and did my hair. Now it's time to see what I look like, they took me to stand in front of the mirror, through it all my eye were shut when I finally opened it up I gasped.

I looked beautiful, like seriously cause I looked like crap before but now I look gorgeous, my hair done with diamond stones, packed in a neat bun, with a red crown filled with diamonds on my head, the gown fit perfectly. It may look heavy but it's actually not, I love how it's flowing from the back, it's tightened from my breast area to my waist making it look like a corset top, pushing my breast up but not in a slutty manner, in an elegant kind of way.

As I walked ,the black material used in the inner layer comes out as I take my every step.

Just then another knock and it was time, I took in the remaining breath I had left, I left my room and walked down the stairs the whole place decorated with the finest materials it made me quite speechless, "I have never seen anything as beautiful as this" I said to my self.

"It is quite beautiful." A voice spoke it sounded manly, wait what? Does my mind have a sore throat.

" Hahaha, no it doesn't". Oh I know who it is, DEAN.

"Took you long enough, oh and I must say you are very beautiful" I couldn't help but blush.

"Get out of my head, infact you stay I am leaving" I said and focused on what Is to come.

As I made my way down, immediately the spotlight fell on me I almost lost composure, but I still stood tall, chin held high and walk with grace. Finally I am down from that stairs felt like forever, now I wish I could go back cause everybody eyes were on me. But I still stood strong and tall, I just hoped that my inner queen could be seen.

"My queen". I turned and saw Dean, you guessed right, I lost all my breath, if this was a dream I don't want to wake up, cause he is so fine, he was wearing the same colour as me, clean shaven, my mind is in total chaos, my body doesn't know how to react, my heart is beating so fast I may explode due to excessive pumping of blood from my heart.

"Quiet your heart beat, most of them here are vampires so they can hear your heart beat" he told me and immediately I tried to calm myself down.

I took his hand and we made our way to the throne, everybody separated to form a pathway, as we walked through they all had their heads bowed, I have never felt so important in my life, it made me smile.

We sat on our respective thrones, but what caught my attention is the fact that the rest had their sits position in a straight line, their sits were like an entrance to the throne it looked magical. His mother looked beautiful, elegant, her dressing and everything she stood for is the epitome of beauty, she looked at me and nodded her head in acknowledgement, I couldn't help but want to be a queen like her.

Once we sat down everybody went back to talking, some were dancing, some flirting.

"Pure would you like to dance" before I could answer him some one interrupted.

"Wait before you ask her to Dance we would like a dance with her first" Christopher spoke and I looked behind him, to see the rest, jay even waved at him, I chuckled.

"The pleasure would be mine" I took his hand as he lead me to dance floor, while Dean just stood there looking handsomely dumbfounded.

"Hey Christopher be fast, we also want our turns" Carson said.

"Don't step on her toes" jay commented and the rest burst out laughing as Christopher flipped them the middle finger.

After hours of dancing with them all, I could feel Dean eyes on me through out every dance.

"May I have this dance" I looked and saw Dean with his hands stretched towards me.

"Yes, cause you have earned it" I responded and took his hands.

As we stepped on the dance floor the spotlight Light fell on us and everybody stopped to watch, as we moved together with the instrument, and his eyes only fixed on me.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you looked" he said, bringing me out if my thoughts.

"Yes, twice already" . I chuckled.

"I know this is not the kind of music you like but what is even more shocking is where you learnt to dance like this" he said.

"Well, yes I would rather jam to Nicki Minaj amd yes i know it's not christ-like but who wouldn't love the rap queen but this works too, and I had a few dance lessons and I would jam to a classic anytime" I responded.

When people started clapping that's when I realised that the music had stopped and we were lost In our own words, but this time our world collided.

After a few hours of dancing the food was finally shared and just where I thought the whole poem incident has been forgotten, that's when queen Rebecca decided to give a toast. she rose from her sit on the dining and took her wine glass in one hand as she Clicked her wine glass to get everyone attention.

"Welcome everyone, I would surely hope that everybody is having the time of their lives, this ball is dedicated to our newly found queen" As she said that I heard a few whispers, about how I was human, how they could never accept me and all that, I was starting to get self conscious until I felt Dean hands squeezing mine in assurance.

"Our queen has been given the assignment to create a poem to fill our soul and minds, though it was not an assignment per say I just wanted to hear the beautiful words she picks, and now I hand it over to the queen". I don't understand why they call me queen, when it hasn't been made official yet.

"Thank you My queen for this wonderful opportunity, I truly hope this poem gives you peace and put your mind at ease". I said and cleared my throat.

*The poem* NOTE: this poem I am about to write is made purely by ME.

A World Unknown

A world outside reality

A kingdom built on loyalty

A kingdom yet to be known by all

Yet a home owned to all.

Every inspiration bore by those with a Crown

Judgement given by those on a throne

Unity formed by those who we serve

A world yet to be seen by others, but a world I choose to have.

It feels like a dream

But with no Angels to sing hymns

Just Faye's with enchanted smiles

Vampires with sparkling skins

Wolves who live by the moon

Spirit animals to guide and protect

A form of faith to those who believe.

This world makes life an inspiration

When my life was nothing but pain, tears and curses

Now, it is filled with love, laughter and blessings

With this words i feed the world with love and peace

While I put their mind at ease.

There is no world Like va-mystic

Cause it remains a mystery

It feels like a dream or a fantasy

Cause it remains a world unknown

But now HE has made this world known to ME.

I'm BACK!!!!!!!!! It has been long enough

Incase of any mistakes I would want to finish this book before I edit it, so please pardon me

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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