
CHAPTER 3 : Our Way

When we walked, one of the owner of the shop called our name, "Mashiro Tamae ALL THE BEST TODAY! Enjoy your first day as university students!" It was Miss Sakiko waving and shouting at us. "Mashiro don't go crazy again, don't punch other people face, make sure investigate it first okayyy?!" I laughed, what happened to them, am I really look like a thugs right now. Well I don't blame them, it was my mistake though.

It was back then, I went to Miss Sakiko flower shop, it's just takes a minute to get to her shop from our Ramen shop. I always go there when I have free time during weekend and if I got a free time while working. Back then, I was sitting and admiring Miss Sakiko flowers, they all beautiful and smell so nice. Miss Sakiko is twenty eight years old women and still single at that time. While chilling looking at the flowers, there is a guy entering the shop well he is not suspicious though so I'm just let it be.

After a while, the man are running out from the shop and I was surprised!

"Ehhh ehh what happened?! Why that guy running like that? Did he steal something?! Oh no!". Miss Sakiko went outside and she is out of breath.

"Miss Sakiko are you alright?! That man did he do smoothing to you? Or did he stole something?!" I asked.

Miss Sakiko still tried her best to calm herself. While pointing at that guy who is still running she said, "That man please stop him hah please". Then without thinking and hear any further. I just run to chased that guy with power that I had after eating Tonkatsu.

"Oiiiii wait for me you punk! What did you do to Miss Sakiko! Come back hereeee!" I run as fast as I can tried to catch that man. Mother was cleaning outside the Ramen shop, she heard a familiar voice and think 'Hah what kind of disaster had she made today' while looking at the direction of the voice.

"You punk stop right thereee! Once I got you I pull out all of your teeth!" Two steps away from that guy, I jumped and catch him. The guy end up lying on the small road in front of our Ramen shop floor.

"No stop it's hurt, I'm not doing anything to her. Stop it you monkey!" The man yelled at me.

There is me sitting on top of him while punching his face. "Stop lying you bastard! What did you do and If you are not wrong then why are you running when I told you to stop huh?! You dare to call me Monkey too?!". Still find my way to punch him.

Mother who is looking at us was shocked, "Mashiro! Stop it, you hurt himmm!" Mother said while trying to pull me out from that guy. I'm still tried to punch that guy, Tamae and father are there too after hearing Mother shouting outside of the shop. Thankfully, there is only people whom I know there. Father also come and help Mother while Tamae standing behind them cheering for me.

"You did a great job Mashiro, let that man taste your Goku Punchh!" Cheering silently while doing uppercut punch style.

After a while, Miss Sakiko run towards us and yelled. "No stoppppp! Don't hurt him, he is innocent." Miss Sakiko arrived and looking at the man who are lying down on the floor and his face are red after being beaten by Mashiro.

"Oh no, Mashiro stand up stop it right there, he is a good guy! Now stand up and let him free." After I heard Miss Sakiko said that, I was gone blanked 'Ehh he is not bad?'. Then why did she tell her catch this man. I stand up and let the guy free.

'Wow his face are red and blue now, pity you man' I said while looking at him. Then, Miss Sakiko trying to help the man, "I'm so sorry, are you okay? Can you stand up, please let me treat your wounds" The guy nod his head and followed Miss Sakiko to our Ramen shop.

"What really happened Sakiko? Why did Mashiro run and chasing this guy and punching him?" Mother said while looking at Miss Sakiko waiting for her explanation. Mashiro are standing at the door looking at the guy, 'That guy really traumatised by only looking at me huh'.

"Mashiro do you have an explanation? Why did you do that?" Mother looking at me with her fierce eyes.

I'm scared though, mother is more scarier when she is angry, feel like she is going to transforms to be dragon. Mashiro imagination are really is something. Even though, mother only looking at her but she imagined it she is a dragon and there is smoke in and out of her nose with burning fire around her.

I'm scared, "I'm sorry mother, but I thought he was a bad guy and stole something from the shop, that is why I.. I erm chase him." Me explaining while making innocent face.

Suddenly, Miss Sakiko open her mouth after treating the man. "I'm sorry Madam Sakura, It's not Mashiro fault. I'm the one to tell her to chase the man, but I don't finish my words and suddenly Mashiro run towards this man. Actually, this man tried to confess his feeling to me, but he is to shy to tell me about it and running away from me. So that is why, I chase him but don't have enough energy, then I tell Mashiro to help me chase this man." I was stunned and my jaw dropped. If my jaw can reach the floor that would be nice to show my expression. Tamae sitting and looking at me while tried her best to hold her laughter, her face are red because holding her laughter as much as she can.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys before, but this guy is a good man. So don't worry." Then she look at me, "Mashiro, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you." Im looking at that guy, I feel sorry looking at him right now and I'm embarrassed.

"Im sorry that I punch your face, as I said I thought you were a bad guy. But I'm wrong, I'm so sorry." Me looking at that guy with puppy eyes hoping that he will forgive me and not going to report it to the police, if not 'Arghhh my futureeee!'.

Father and mother are just standing and relieved that all the misunderstanding are over now. Suddenly, that guy laugh really hard, we all looking at him and surprised.

'Did i punch him to much till he become insane, oh my godddd! What should I do?!' Mashiro blabbering with her self.

"I'm so sorry, but you guys are really funny. What a lively neighbourhood, hahah. Well it's fine now cause all of the misunderstanding are settle now, and I'm fine too this is nothing." Then he look at me, "You really strong huh, how many guys did you punch before" he laughed. I'm just smile embarrassed with myself.

Then he looked at Miss Sakiko with loving eyes. "Miss Sakiko, I tried to confess my feeling to you just a while ago. But I'm going to say it again". He suddenly stand beside Miss Sakiko and kneel, we all shocked and excited wuuuu we can see a romantic scene right now!

"Hanami Sakiko, I love you since I first saw you two years ago at the flower shop. You look so beautiful compare to the flowers, you catch my heart and now I'm here kneel in front of you to express my feelings towards you after two years watching you from afar and gaining all my courage to meet you at the flower shop, acting like I'm a customer only want to buy a flowers." Miss Sakiko are covering her mouth and surprised with his action and she was moved.

"I don't know if you can accept my feeling, but as long as I have already confess to you and it's okay if you can't give me the answer now or later, it's okay if you cannot accept me. I'm okay as long as I don't hurt you, and I want to see you happy. But before that, I need to try my best and take my chances first. Can you be my girlfriend?" We we're shocked and moved by the scene that happened in front of us.

Tamae was recording the romantic scene and crying at the same time. 'This girl is really easy to move' me watching her wiping her her tears and snot.

Mother and father also holding each other and moved to see that guy trying his best. And Miss Sakiko, still shocked but then, "Well I can give you my answer right now, because I had a same feeling towards you too. And yeah sure please take care of me" With a smile on her face, that man also happy to hear that, surprised and thankful that Miss Sakiko had a feeling towards him too.

I was like 'whattt Miss Sakiko had feeling to this guy too?' Wow I'm impressed and 'Arghh this is so sweet, just like a dream!'

And that is what happened, that is why every people that know me they will remind me not to go crazy. Hah it is so funny to remember that moment. Well, thankfully it was happy ending memories. Now that guy is finally Miss Sakiko husband. Opps forget to mention his name, he is Sir Atsushi. He is a good man, and now he works with Miss Sakiko run the flower shop business to another level.