
You dare!

"Just who are you? Are you one of those gods that try to do some mischief on me? It does makes some sense… You are able to make this god bleed…"

Like I said just now, I won't further entertain this god in front of me. But, I do have one last answer for him…

"I am the storm that is approaching…" I said, clearly referring to a song that I had listened to before while I was still on earth.

Man I wish I could have some music right now. Welp, beggars can't be choosers. It's time to fight this god before me, in silence…


'Teleport no jutsu.' I teleported a short distance away, immediately after uttering some lyrics that is only none sense to the god.

Mind Administrate wasn't wrong I guess. This new gotten ability of mine is really important to me right now, while facing this god. Very important in fact!

Well anyway, just to say, just now, I was very daring. As to why I'm saying that… Well, I teleported right in front of the god's face.