
A battle of lies and truth




Unique form:

-Immortal Intelligence YYYXX 1

Description: A super creature of Ultimate nature that have traits similar to the male version of humans.

Requirements for use:

Outer: 1200

Inner: 800


>Lean body

>Supernaturally strong muscles

>Great mental prowess.

>Cultivation organ made for PP energy to physical and mind enhancement.


Immediately after seeing how my newly added form might be against the god, I didn't hesitate to make use of it immediately.

The instant I transformed, that's when the god took a step back. I doubt it's because of fear though. Okay, it might be fear, but probably the disgusted type of fear, due to the fact that I've suddenly turned from looking like something that he likes his PP, to looking like something that he doesn't want to put his PP in.