
Chapter 3 intimacy

Ashley Brooklyn

It's been one month since I went to the club and my first and last night with that stranger. I don't know what he did to me but I can't get him off my mind, I know it's crazy yearning for a man whose face I don't know. But I can help it, I've tried to fight it, tried to forget it but each time I remember his touch, his tender kisses the way he held my body like I'm some precious gem I can't help but fall head over heels for him.

I'm not the kind of lady that is captivated by a man it has never happened to me before, but with this stranger, I cannot even control the way I feel, he might drive me crazy one of these days, remembering his eyes, the way they stare down at me possessively the way adored every part of me. Sometimes thinking about him got me feeling wet. "Ahuuuuu…" My stomach growled and I sighed, looking at the time which was hanging on the wall. A sign escape my lips "Damn!" I screamed.

I can't believe it's already eleven in the morning, gosh I've been sitting around thinking about a man whose face I didn't know, I stood up immediately as I walk towards my kitchen, but suddenly I stopped immediately running into the bathroom as I emptied my stomach, "gosh what is wrong with me?" I thought rinsing my mouth. I don't know but recently I've been feeling nauseous and tired at the same time.

I started my journey back to the kitchen deciding to go see a doctor after this, I think I caught some flu or something. Walking into my kitchen the smell of it suddenly irritated my nose, I tried to proceed further into it but I couldn't. I gave up as I walk out of the kitchen deciding to eat out and drive straight to the hospital after that. I can't keep on feeling like this.

I walk into my room as I strip the whole of my clothing, I walk into the Jacuzzi and soak myself in the bathtub, I don't know why my body feels different these days, could it be because I'm no longer a stripper, is my body adjusting to my new lifestyle, I can't help but think that as I couldn't think of something else.

I walk out of the Jacuzzi and wrap myself in a towel, I walk into my room and unwrap the towel from my body. I dried my body with a whole new towel after which I applied my body lotion, blow dried my hair, and straightened it. I walked towards my closet and settled for a pair of matching pants and a Brazier. I wore one of my body hug gowns that stopped below my knees revealing my adoring curves. I coated my lips with red lipstick and did light make-up, my body didn't need much at the moment.

I picked a stiletto and wore it on my foot, looking at myself in the mirror. I'm happy with how I turned out to look. I picked up one of my expensive purses and cat walked out of my apartment with my car keys. Well after the stranger left me a credit card, I told myself I've been through a lot and deserve a car. I entered my car drawing attention from my neighborhood, I relocated to this place recently, I decided to live everything that reminds me of my former lifestyle, and I like it here as nobody knows me except for when I come out in times like this.

I slid into my car, and turn on the ignition as the car jerked back to life, I smile and revise driving out of the parking lot, I drove off. I kept on looking through the window for a nice restaurant or eatery I just need to feel my stomach, the hunger is becoming hard to control every passing minute and its line I can't control my immune, luckily I sighted one at a far end and I heaved a sigh of relief, minutes later I'm driving into the restaurant and parking my car, I hop out closing my car in the process.

I walk into the restaurant drawing attention from all angles, suddenly…. I stopped. I don't know why but all the hairs on my back jerked back to life, I felt chills run down my spine….coming back to reality I hastened my step as I took a seat at the extreme part of the restaurant. I felt different like somebody's watching me or should I say keep an eye on me. I tried looking around but all the faces I saw weren't familiar to me, "So what's this unusual feeling?'' I ask myself.

A waiter walked towards me smiling, " What would you have me?"

"Lasagna please"

"Two minutes" She smile dropping a glass of wine as she walk off, I smile as I start pressing away on my phone while waiting for her, minutes, later she arrived with a freshly prepared lasagna, making my mouth water,

"Enjoy…" She muttered smiling as she walk off, making me wonder if she ever gets angry.

Without wasting time, I drop my phone aside on the table drawing the food close, I pick up the spoon as I munch into the food, the more I eat the more my appetite grows, I don't know how it happened but the next second my plate is already empty, I look at the plate and felt like crying, the waiter walks towards me with yet another plate of Lasagna making my eyes widen

"How did you know I needed more?" I pouted my lips,

"Someone told me"

"Who?' I ask looking around

"Nobody and your bills have been settled, you have nothing to worry about," She said with a smiley face and walked off.

I sighed, looking at the food and my stomach growled and I picked up the spoon and started to devour it again. I ate till I finished the whole food, I gulp down the glass of wine suddenly feeling refreshed, I waited till I relaxed myself. I picked up my handbag and walked out, with only one place in mind. "The hospital".

I reach the parking lot and slid into my car, after which I drove off straight to the hospital. Many thoughts are running through my mind. What was that feeling when I entered the restaurant and who could have paid for me? I only have one friend and she's distant. I don't know many people who could be kind enough to pay for my food. Since I was a kid every penny I have I worked hard for them. Another here I am to thinking about my sickness, fuck! I just have a second world war going on in my head.

I drove into the hospital, and park before coming out. I asked the receptionist and she pointed towards the doctor's office for me. I thanked her and walked towards it. I knocked on the door and heard a faint " Come in" pushing the doorknob open I walk in, the office looked elegant

"Good day" I greeted a young lady of my age

"How are you and welcome, you may have a seat" She gestured to a seat before her

"Thank you" I muttered and sat down

"How can I help you, honey?"

"Err...actually I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm always feeling nauseous, tired, and weak" I concluded, hoping she could know what was wrong with me.

"That's okay, how long have you been feeling that way?"

"A month now" I shrug

"Okay I will carry out a test on you"

"Okay," I nodded.

It's already minutes past after the test, I'm sitting alone in her office waiting for her to come out with the result. I admire the neatness and expensiveness of this office.

I was still in thought when the door, slid open and she came out holding a brown paper.

"Congratulations" She smile, making me look confused

"For what?" I ask

"You are four weeks pregnant"