
My Pokémon Trainer Simulator.

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KingCrumble · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Looking Ahead

Late at night.

Baiki, lying on his bed after returning from dinner, stared at the mottled ceiling.

Kecleon, feeling full, rested against Baiki's left calf, curled up obediently, eyes closed, taking a nap.

"There's quite a lot to do..."

He glanced at the countdown on the simulator, still nearly two days left.

Among the rewards already obtained, the clue should have been redeemed. What's left are two 'Level Up at Level 30,' plus the move "String Shot."

The level up remains unused. Regarding the move, he had already attempted it with Kecleon; however, "String Shot" showed a learning failure, and when prompted with "Iron Head," it provided a prompt asking 'Yes/No,' promptly choosing 'Yes.'

This undeniably proved that Pokémon can only learn moves from their respective movepools.

It's regrettable.

It would have been interesting if Kecleon could have learned "String Shot."

As for its condition, Baiki had already gathered information from the Pokémon Center.

[Pokémon: Kecleon]

[Type: Steel + Rock]

[Gender: Male]

[Height: 47cm / Weight: 50kg]

[Ability: Rock Head]

[Level: 28]

[Moves: Tackle / Harden / Mud-Slap / Metal Claw]

[Iron Defense / Take Down / Iron Head / Dig / Strength]

Though slightly taller, its weight was significantly low, indicating malnutrition. Its metallic layer had some issues; upon closer inspection, many areas were uneven, requiring further maintenance.

Just like raising cats or dogs in his previous life, Pokémon also had different methods of care, which could significantly enhance their will, confidence, and battle prowess.

The doctor mentioned its young age. Observing its moves, level, and reaction time, it was clear that it had been carefully nurtured.

As for why it was abandoned... unless Kecleon voluntarily speaks, Baiki won't delve into it, as it's not a pleasant matter.

"Come up here to sleep."

He lifted Kecleon onto the bed and used the level reward.

Once it surpasses level thirty, this wouldn't be effective anymore. Right now is the optimal time for efficiency.


Kecleon paused for a moment, feeling strange sensations, as if many places on its body were itching and it wanted to roll around and scratch.

It somewhat resembled the feeling after a battle in the past.

Baiki softly asked, "Is something bothering you?"


Kecleon shook its head, thinking maybe it was just feeling unusually full and had the urge to engage in a little scuffle.

However, seeing Baiki looking a bit fatigued, it lost interest in physical activity and obediently lay down, welcoming the next day.

Initially, it thought it might find it hard to adjust to not being in close contact with humans for so long, but surprisingly, these days were happier than expected. This made Kecleon realize how easily satisfied it was and began looking forward to the future.

Will they be battling tomorrow? It's been so long since it had a proper battle; Kecleon wondered if it could satisfy Baiki...

Lost in these thoughts, Kecleon gradually fell asleep.

Baiki gently stroked its head, hearing its faint breathing, gradually relaxing his mood and feeling a bit drowsy himself.

Tomorrow, he should go to the Sand Division and find a way to attend some remedial classes to quickly resolve his semi-illiterate issue. Then, find a way to communicate with the outside world online; perhaps he could explore more paths in the future.

He must leave Team Quicksand eventually.

It was a small goal he had set, waiting until he had grown and gained some power.

There were too many leeches aboard the Team Quicksand ship. Apart from the higher-ups exploiting the lower ranks, there were extortion fees, tribute fees, gifts on special occasions.

Even the iron ore they were supposed to transport—five tons smuggled as three.

The members were arrogant and frequently stirred trouble with other violent groups, making enemies everywhere.

Understanding the developmental plans of the leadership was quite difficult.

After a while, once he was familiar with the process of nurturing Pokémon, he could prepare to welcome his second and third Pokémon.

But the most important thing was to figure out how to make money. Without money, nothing could progress...

Baiki slowly closed his eyes.

The next morning.

Baiki and the others changed into their Team Quicksand uniforms and headed to the Sand Division's base.

Surprisingly, the style was relatively normal, somewhat resembling combat desert camouflage from his previous life, better looking than most evil organization uniforms in the games.

"Oh right, why do you always keep it outside?"

Chenghong curiously looked at Kecleon by Baiki's feet, "Isn't it troublesome?"

"Adaptation between partners is more important."

Baiki glanced at Kecleon, understanding that mutual understanding was accumulated through companionship, gradually formed through life's small moments.

Changing Pokémon was a common practice among Pokémon trainers in Yellow Iron Town, but he didn't have that habit. The existence of the simulator also gave him the confidence to do so.

Chenghong pondered for a moment and then released a coal-like rock, which prompted others to follow suit. Suddenly, the group was accompanied by a multitude of Pokémon, occasionally drawing the attention of passersby.

As they neared the Sand Division's base, the number of curious onlookers increased, mainly from other officially dressed members.

"Look, that one...!"

"Is it him? So lucky!"

"Is saving people that amazing? I can do it too..."

"I wonder what stroke of luck he had; he looks so imposing."

Whispers surrounded Baiki, accompanied by various odd glances.

Chenghong furrowed his brow in annoyance but was stopped from picking a fight with those people by someone's hand.

"Don't mind them; reporting is more important. These guys are different from idiots like Chikata."

He said in a low voice, pointing out some individuals among the onlookers who seemed to be instigating. It wouldn't be surprising if they were associated with Chikata, who hadn't passed the assessment due to family issues and was now spreading rumors.

Rushing into a conflict would only serve their purpose; it would delay their reporting to the Sand Division.

Chenghong and the others nodded obediently. They always regarded Baiki as the backbone of the team and wouldn't act recklessly without his lead.


Under the watchful eyes of bystanders, Baiki and the team with their Pokémon entered the Sand Division's base—a colossal, rust-stained, orange egg-shaped structure.

At first glance, the base resembled an abandoned sports arena. Inside was exactly as Baiki had imagined, littered with various items such as iron barrels, chains, tires, and walls adorned with strange paintings.

But the standout feature was the motorcycles.

Single-wheel floating bikes, double-wheel bikes, all-terrain floating bikes—they had them all, exuding an audacious biker gang vibe. Lined up one after the other, some were even dismantled, resembling the headquarters of a biker gang.

Chenghong and the others couldn't help but exclaim in amazement, while Baiki met eyes with a nearby person.

"It's you! You're here early!"

The man, appearing to be around thirty-five, wore a black tank top, hands stained with engine oil. He turned towards the interior and shouted, "Newbies are here! Come and welcome them!"

His voice was exceptionally loud, likely audible throughout the base.

Soon after, a man with disheveled wine-red hair, wearing glasses and narrow-eyed like a Kadabra, stepped forward.

He assessed them briefly and then pointed at Chenghong and the others, "You guys, follow this path to the end. There's a small room there; tell them you're here for registration."

He separated Baiki from the rest before saying, "As for you, Baiki, right? Come with me; the boss wants to see you."

"The boss?"

Baiki was taken aback.

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(End of Chapter)