Saffron is expensive not just because of its medical uses, Its price depends on the intense labour needed to harvest it, not because it is difficult to grow as growing it is very simple and accessible to anyone. Saffron can be grow nearly anywhere in the world as the kind of soil required is far more important than the climate of the region where one wants to grow it.
considering that the saffron are seeded from June to mid-September then the flowering tales place throughout October and vegetative development happens in the winter finally the leaves dry out in May taking a year to harvest a batch of saffron. Soil at the location where Saffron are drained of all the potential to grow saffron again in the same location for atleast 10 yrs.
each saffron flower contains three saffron stigma. then about 110,000 - 170, 000 flowers stigma are needed to be hand picked for 1 kg of saffron threads.
according to the 'my planet system' based on the planet soil and saffron growth requirements it would take 3 hrs for the saffron to reach harvesting period from the time the seeds are sowed. But process of of the hand picking the stigmas was going to be very labours.
As Bhagat searched for stores to buy saffron bulbs , saffron seeds are called saffron bulbs. there were only three stores in the city which seemed to sell saffron bulbs . Bhagat thought of renting a car as the stores were few miles outside the city. so, he made his way to nearest car rental following google maps as it 8minutes by walk. car rentals
as Bhagat entered the car rental, he could see many variety of cars Suv, Sudan, jeep, van etc. what caught Bhagat's eye was a worn out Mahindra RoXor. when Bhagat was filling the rental agreement he saw insurance column. he laughed as he thought
'who takes insurance on a rental.'
'ring .. ring ... ring...'
when he was about to submit the agreement he received a call from his grandfather. with what was happening he totally forgot to give his family the daily call he he promised them.
" hello ,grandpa sorry I forgot to call you, I was busy with work"
"you lying kiddo" a old grumpy voice came from other end of the phone.
"what grandpa, why will I lie to you?"
"kiddo I saw the video of you getting beaten and kidnapped. you still thing I do not know " the pressure in voice increased from before.
"oh, grandpa that video, was it labeled one punched meteorite boy"
"yes , why does it change the fact you got knocked out with one punch . tell me who they were I will bring the whole village and surrounding village's to kick their ass, do not let them look down on us farmers, boy. if someone in the village sees this video they will not give their daughters to you boy. you are bringing the Bhagat family name to shame"
"grandpa!! ,grandpa slow it down , it was a youtube video . I got paid to get punched in the video okay it was all fake okay. I did it for some extra cash that's all non of it was real, okay." Bhagat lied through his teeth as he did not want his family worry for him.
"but it seemed real in the video son" replied the confused grandpa.
"it has to seem real to get views and like grandpa do you get it now " explained Bhagat
"oh, I was worried you got in some kind of fight so I didn't show the video to your grandma and mother but now I will show off your acting skills in front of you grandma , mother and the old foggies. ha ha ha my grandson is a superstar ha ha ha.he is a YouTube sensation. ha ha ha"
"No grandpa don't , you show them when I get a better role okay." said the panicked Bhagat
"why no role is a small role got it. don't be ashamed you will get a better role next time " consoled grandpa
"No grandpa there will be no next time it was just one time thing"
"really, I liked the idea of a superstar grandson . oh okay do what your heart wants"
"grandpa promise me you will not show it to mom or grandma or your friends ." ordered Bhagat more like begged
"there is nothing to be ashamed of .... "
"grandpa please ..."
"okay, okay kiddo"
"grandpa I have work to do I will call you at dinner okay "
"you do what you got to do I will tell your mother you called , don't forget to call tonight or even I can't save you from your mother's warth"
"okay grandpa bye" tu.. tu... tu..
'sigh... even the countryside , the video really made me famous'
"here's the keys for the black Mahindra RoXoR, sir. are you sure you don't want insurance ?"
"yes, I am pretty sure."
Bhagat was only renting the car for a month so he was pretty sure he didn't need a insurance for the rental. Bhagat got his license for four wheeler with little fatty Ranbhir during his junior year of high school. he set store destination into the car GPS and drove off to his destination.
Bhagat walked into the store and saw a middle-aged man near the counter so, he walked up to him and asked
"excuse me can I met with person in charge , please"
"yes , you are speaking to him. of what service can I be to you"
"sir, I am form saffron Inc. , and I am here to discuss about buying saffron bulbs I guess my Secretary should have called you ahead of time if not I am Zayn Maliki junior manager of sales and trade at saffron Inc." lied Bhagat without a single blink.
"the saffron Inc. the one opened by the daughter of Bharadwaja brothers." ask the astonished manager
"yes, sir . But , we are in anyway affiliated with Bharadwaja Brothers Ltd." Bhagat replied sincerely.
"yes I know saffron Inc. and Bharadwaja Bothers Ltd. are not affiliated in any way but blood is thicker than water ha ha ha . I don't know what such a big company would want from my store" exclaimed the manager
" I have come to your store to form a working cooperation between us . you supply us best quality saffron bulbs and we pay you the right amount . But for your information other two stores are also going to be approached and the one to provide the best saffron bulbs for best price will land the contract." explained Bhagat
"Mr Zayn, I glad to know that I am the first one you approached, If you could tell me the details of this contract it would be really helpful to me"
"O' where are my manners myself Rukle Bora. let's talk inside my office , what would you like to drink coffee, tea, lemonade or water"
"Mr Rukle Bora , I don't need any thing . we can discuss in your office about the types of saffron bulbs please" Bhagat declined politely
"okay , please follow me ..... here take a seat. "
"Mr Rukle Bora , I think it is better not talk anything before we see what you can provide"
"Mr Zayn our store can provide superior quility kasmir-er saffron bulbs"
"Mr Rukle if your store can only provide , superior grade kasmir-er saffron bulbs or Iranian - saffron bulbs we have nothing to talk about because our company can get the superior kasmir-er saffron or Iranian saffron imported in tonnes so, we do not need to grow ourselves . we need something better than that we heard we can find it in one the stores here, If you do not know what I am talking about than you are not the store I am looking for." said Bhagat as he looked in to Mr Rukle's eyes.
seeing Mr Rukle not willing to cooperate Bhagat got off the chair
" Mr Rukle I think you don't have what my boss requires than we can no longer be able to do business with each other, thank you for your time" said Bhagat as he began to leave.
" wait.. I think I have what your boss needs" exclaimed Rukle solemnly as he reached out to the safe near by him and took out a emerald box.
"you have my attention Mr Rukle" spoke Bhagat with a hint of curiosity in his voice.
"these are the pseudo - spiritual grade saffron bulbs do you think this is what your boss wants" question Rukle Bora solemnly
" yes, these are the ones . hahaha .... But what about the authenticity "
"aren't you junior manager you should be expert in this , don't you smell the spirituality in its aroma. what more do you want"
"Mr Rukle you know that there are many fake ones in the market these days , one cannot be more careful"
"Than how are you going to authenticate it"
"by testing it in our labs , we only need one of those bulbs. you also know Mr Rukle one saffron bulb can only yield one saffron flower. so, I think you won't have to worry about any thing but how you will met the supply demanded by the company" said Bhagat with a elegant and polite demeanor.
"you don't have to worry about me meeting the companies demand I can provide three times your demand" boasted Rukle Bora as he took a single pseudo grade saffron bulb , placed it in a smaller emerald box which was placed in a bigger wooden box containing 100 kasmir-er saffron bulbs.
" Mr Rukle is a very able man with special connections it seems. we will meet again soon" said Bhagat while flattering Rukle Bora. Bhagat took the the wooden box and left the store in his car.
Conning was nothing new to Bhagat , it all began as he got the scholarship for his high school. total three people were selected for the scholarship of one person and each had their circumstances. it was the last round , personal interview. where the high school scholarship committee seemed to favor him more over the other two as they sympathized with Bhagat thinking he was orphan. when the opportunity provided itself Bhagat didn't try to correct them , he just ran with it and landed the most prestigious and highly seek'd scholarship in the country. since then he never looked back. even though Bhagat felt bad he thought to himself the famous saying
' If You Are Born Poor It's Not Your Mistake, But If You Die Poor It's Your Mistake '
Bhagat conned this particular store because he knew that this store had the pseudo spiritual grade saffron bulbs.
when Bhagat searched through his smartphone for stores selling saffron bulbs , he came to know that saffron bulbs can be bought through Amazon. but a image of saffron bulb caught Bhagat's eye more like system's eye. Bhagat traced back the image to this store and decided to con the owner using Saanvi Ahuja's friends company name to get the pseudo spiritual grade saffron bulb.
[ Name: saffron
level: pseudo spiritual grade
race: spice
1.all the uses of superior grade saffron bulb increased by 40%.
2.increases a mortal living beings life by 7 years ]
It may be only one saffron bulb but one was enough for Bhagat, thanks to perks given by his planet system and SSS Grade Skill Celestial's creation.
all Bhagat had to was complete the process of harvesting saffron threads from planting the saffron bulbs to harvesting saffron threads to drying them with appropriate heat once in the heart plane. the system would record this process of saffron harvesting. than using SSS Grade Skill Celestial's Creation system would create the required materials like pseudo spiritual grade saffron bulbs in the heart plane by absorbing elemental and spiritual energy from the secondary earth plane. while the system would redo the recorded process of harvesting saffron threads without any external help.
so, in conclusion Bhagat had to do the process of harvesting saffron threads once then the system would plant and harvesting saffron threads by itself using the elemental and spiritual energy from the surroundings of the host. this was one of the most important reason for Bhagat to decide on saffron farming . Bhagat could not directly produce pseudo spiritual grade saffron threads because of level restrictions and it costs 10 times the elemental and spiritual energy than the harvesting process.