The last memory Anu remembered was imprinting her will on the scroll after that it was all hazy and it felt was as if she woke up from an a eternity of sleep. When she opened her eyes she is greeted by a whole new world and she could see that the man calling himself Zayn Bhagat seated on huge iron Throne smiling at her about 20 meters from her but it isn't the one aweing her it was the ground which she was standing on, being a Flower Nymph she had a unique connection with terrain but this particular terrain has a unique aura to it which did not belong to secondary plane earth terrain , not only the aura it has but the concentration of elemental and spiritual minerals within it is completely different and off the charts compared to terrain in secondary earth plane.
No, not just the terrain the atmosphere was also rich in elemental and spiritual energy , this energy levels in the terrain and the atmosphere are almost on par with average energy levels in primary earth plane. but what is more flabbergasting is the fact that the whole terrain that she was standing on only amounted to 5 kmsq area, not only that it is in spherical shape while floating in the space orbiting a huge spherical mass of white light almost like a planet orbiting a Sun.
what is more astounding is that this type of high grade terrain is being used to grow pseudo spiritual grade saffron ' how prodigal can one be ' thought Anu as she tried to analyze her surrounding only to be surprised by a window log which popped in front of her eyes
[ Welcome to Planet Asmi ]
[ Your Life equation has been recorded in Planet Asmi's record's. You are the 1st inhabitant of Planet Asmi ]
[Title acquired :- « Planet Asmi's First Inhabitant »
° Immune to all status debuffs ]
[ Divinity of Planet Earth was found during recording of life equation. Divinity used in Skill Alterations. New acquired skills :-
1. « 7 Virtue Sutra (SS) + Twin Twilight-Dawn lotus = 7 Virtues - Sins Sutra »
2. « Mountain Heart Sutra + Wing Chun + Qi = Bloom Heart Sutra »
3. « Photo Heal (S) + Twilight Synthesis = Cockcrow - Owl light heal (SS)»
4. « Poison Alchemy + Radioactive Nuclear Toxin = Poison Mastery »
5. « Flower Domain (A) + 4 Season Samsara = 4 Season Flower Samsara Domain (SS) » ]
[ Skill :- < 7 Virtues - Sins Sutra >
» 7 Virtues Rite - allows user to cast various buffs on oneself and allies based on the 7 different Virtues. ( A.O.E ) ( Passive)
° Humanity - 20% increased strength
° Kindness - 20 % increased Health regeneration
° Abstinence - 20 % increased Agility
° Chastity - 15 % increased Fatigue recovery
° Patience - 20 % increased wisdom
° Liberality - 20 % increased mana regeneration
° Diligence - 20 % increased intelligence
» 7 Sins Rite - allows user to cast various debuffs on the enemies based on the 7 different Sins. ( A.O.E ) (Passive )
° Pride - 20% decreased strength
° Envy - 20 % decreased health regeneration
° Gluttony - 20 % decreased Agility
° Lust - 15 % increased Fatigue gained
° Wrath - 20 % decreased wisdom
° Greed - 20 % decreased mana regeneration
° Sloth - 20 % decreased intelligence
One Virtue and it's opposite Sin may be casted simultaneously ]
[ Skill :- < Bloom Heart Sutra >
» Blossom Dance ( passive )
° Immensely enhanced 5 mortal senses
° Immense Energy boost
° Immensely improved affinity with nature
° Immensely improved mental toughness
° Immensely Improved Charm
° Immensely Improved Core Stability and Posture
° Immensely Improved Strength , Vitality and Agility
° Immensely Improved body , mind Co-ordination and Awareness
° Immensely improved Reflexes and flexibility
° Immensely improved upper and lower body strength
° total control over ever part of the body with enhanced Dexterity
° Immensely enhanced physics increasing charm by 35 %
° Mana recovery increased by 25 %
» mana - qi conversion ( 1:1 ratio )
» Martial intent (active)
° Immensely improved focus
° Allows the user to identify week points of any defense, movement or structure depending upon the users Mana.
° accuracy increased by 75 - 100 % depending upon mana-qi conversion.
° Critical rate increased by 9 %
° mana used with skills increased by 5 % when active
» Bloom Qi
° able to enchant any one item by enhancing it's property by 10 %
° Strength enhanced by 30 %
° Vitality enhanced by 30 %
° Agility enhanced by 30 %
° Charm enhanceded by 30 %
° Critical Damage increased by 150%
° Physical damage reduced by 15%
° Magical damage reduced by 15 %
° Mana used related to the skills increased by 15 % ]
[ Skill :- < Cockcrow - Owl light heal >
° Photo regeneration :- Health regeneration in presence of Sun light increased by 30 % ( passive )
° Twilight regeneration :- Health regeneration in presence of moon light increased by 25 % ( passive )
° Cockcrow Heal :- During day time Heals target by 25% of casters original Mana and 300 % increased health regeneration for 180 seconds.
° Owl light Heal :- During day time Heals target by 20% of casters original Mana and 250 % increased health regeneration for 180 seconds. ]
[ Skill :- < Poison Mastery >
° Able to identify and smell any poisonous substance with in 120 meters
° 35% increased efficiency and control over poison, toxin etc
° Poison Alchemists
° Poison-mancer ]
[ Skill :- < 4 Season Flower Samsara Domain >
» Domain :- This skill allows the user to create its own permanent Domain . Domains area effect depends on casters level.
° Domain will be immobile but caster will be able to cast temporary domain similar to permanent Domain with all the abilities and status effects , himself as center during combat.
» Flower Samsara :- This ability allows the user to summon or control plants to be utilized during battle. Each plant can produce different effects and attacks and can appear anywhere she wishes them to like :-
°Spying Flower
°Projectile Fruit
°Grow Flow
°Spore Bomb
° poisonous spores
» 4 Season Domain ( A.O.E ) :- ability to control and change Climate and terrain with in the domain.
° Domain Effect: Gravity
° Domain Effect: Lava
° Domain Effect: Whirlpool hurricane
° Domain Effect: Cold Antarctica
° Domain Effect: Gale Force Cyclone
° Domain Effect: Dessert of death
° Domain Effect: Icy hell
° Domain Effect: Boiling Water
° Domain Effect: Hot Wind Blaze
° Domain Effect: Iceberg
Range :- ranges with in the limits of Casters domain is casted. ]
Seeing her stats Anu stood there dumbfoundedly with her mouth wide open enough to fit a egg while pinching herself to see if she is still dreaming before. even before she could get hold of herself another window log popped up in front of her stating
[ Remaining items left after skill alterations :-
1. 3.25 billion Gold coins
2. High grade health portions X 10,000
3. High grade mana portions X 10,000
4. High grade recovery portions X 10,000
5. Mid grade health portions X 100,000
6. Mid grade mana portions X 100,000
7. Mid grade recovery portions X 100,000
8. Low grade health portions X 1,000,000
96. Ghost Gallery
97. Devil incense
98. 5 Elemental Peacock Fan
116. Twin Mountain Root Gauntlet
117. 9 Yin blade
118. Metick Bow
119. Red Oak Arrows X 10,000
166. White panties
167. Sexy panties
168. Stockings
204. Rwentine Ore X 450Kg
205. Baywon steel X 567Kg
292. Velmet herb X 1000
293. Chacol veins X 1000
294. Yin Water Bead ]
" Thief, bandit, pirate, dacoit, , crook, robber, burglar, pickpocketer, mugger, larcenist, stealer, pilferer, poacher, embezzler, swindler, criminal, villain, kleptomaniac, raider, looter, plunderer, pillager, marauder. " shouted Anu in single breath pointing her fingers towards the man setting on iron throne while her E - cupped size chest went up and down with her every heavenly breaths seeing that all her precious gold coins and Skill books were missing from her storage space.
[ Subject Anu Meliae is going to gain consciousness in 5 .. 4 .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 ]
Hearing that Anu was going to gain consciousness Bhagat decided to make a good impression on her even though their first meeting did not go that well. so, he created a iron throne to sit on and greet her to Planet Asmi trying to gain Anu's admiration . he was looking forward to her expression seeing him sitting on a big ass iron throne.
But contrary to Bhagat's expectation Anu did not spare him a single glance, she just surveyed the Planet with a astounded look and after some time as if rooted to the same spot while she glanced in one direction as if she spotted a ghost. Bhagat wasn't able to comprehend what was going on with her , one second she looked shocked, another second confused. But abruptly she looked distressed and discombobulated while she started name-calling pointing her finger towards Bhagat . unable to make head or tails about this Bhagat just shook his head in disappointed thinking ' looks like it was never ment to be '.
" Thief, bandit, pirate, dacoit, , crook, robber, burglar... "
" Ow ow... , lady who are you calling Thief, bandit, pirate, dacoit, crook ... Ow how many synonyms do you know for Thief , all that in a single breath impressive " exclaimed Bhagat impressed by her vocabulary.
" I do not need your admiration give me back all the money and Skill books you stole from me or else I am not letting you go you shitty thief ."
" wait before you do something we will regret I will explain what happened with them "
"I do not need you explaination , give me my money back it was supposed to be given to my uncle as tribute . give it back , give it back ... "
"look lady I don't have them with me , let me explain what happened. calm down."
" What you don't have them with you , you don't have them with you ..... are you Kidding me that is 16.75 Billion coins how can you spend it in the such small amount of time . Don't kid around , I am serious . ..... the only reason I am not hurting you is because I need your help, don't make me hurt you."
" are happy with your new skills ? "
" what is that supposed to mean ?"
" those new skills you just got we're not cheap, they costed you that money and ingredients you are missing, all for the skill alterations. "
" how could you do that , how could you ? it was supposed to be a tribute "
"I did what I did because I could , you don't get to throw a tantrum, you didn't lose anything instead you gained much more "
" AH AH AAHH , you did it because you could .... , YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO ! ! ! , it was my coins my skills who are you to decide "
" who am I , who am l . let me tell you I am your new master , AH AH AH "
" what new master , you pesky little thing... My master! oouf... I can kill you with just a finger. "
"Just a finger uha! let me see, I say let alone a finger you wouldn't be able to move a single muscle in your body without my permission ."
" wanna bet , aaahhggg...! !! . why can't I move my body , what have you done to me you ape-brain . let go of me , let go "
" ha ha ha ha ..... looks like what they say is right big chested girls don't have brains. I thought to treat you as a precious subject but now I will treat you like a slave . "
" what do you mean , that contract was just for my emigration to planet Asmi . how can I be a slave, did you mess with contract , no that's not possible I read it thoroughly twice. what trickery did you play on me you Vile human . "
" Yes you are right , the contract was just a emigration contract there is no trickery in that. the trap wasn't in the contract but the Planet Asmi it self "
" hehehe... just shifting from one house to another people do background 10 times before deciding , but you didn't think twice before shifting planet system . you dimwit whose the ape-brain "
"whats that got to do with this , life equation is managed by planet system not by you "
"if it were some other planet you would be correct my dear but , this planet is my personal planet . I am the king here , the Planet System here is my personal system he he he "
" How can that be , how can that be ..... unless yo.. u you are a Celestial!! "
" Ding , Ding , Ding !!! you got it correct I am a celestial "
" Blasphemy !! Celestials are godly beings extinct billions of years ago . you Kidding with me , how can a pesky little weak human like you be a Celestial .... I don't believe it "
"believe what you must , but since you are my servant I will let you in one of my secrets. you are right I am a weak human but with a SSS Grade awakened gift < Celestials Creation > "
" what !!!! a SSS Grade awakened gift < Celestials Creation > you are speaking nonsense !! "
" it all makes sense , even though I am not a godly Celestial but my awakened gift gives me almost all the abilities of a Celestials. this planet is the hard evidence "
" but , but I trusted you "
"uhmm trust, if you really trusted me you wouldn't call me a thief and keep questioning my decision to alter your skills "
" You are the first one to break the promise by not telling me about planet Asmi situation. how can you blame me back "
" I never broke your trust I have already warned you again and again that it will cost you something equal to your divinity. it did it cost your freedom . I could have altered your memories , instincts every thing but I didn't as , I didn't want to go back on my promise to save your sis. "
sorry about late update s I will try to give continuous updates from now on