
My Pirate System

To hunt down the Gods and snatch their powers, I embarked on a journey to loot the world. Allies? Foes? I need none. All I want is revenge, revenge for the death of my parents. *Ding* [ New Mission – Become A Pirate ] [ -> Gain 2 Allies ] [ -> Find a ship to sail ] I couldn’t be any happier after receiving the first mission. But making allies? Ha… I will make allies for sure, but they won’t have my trust. They will only be my pawns! [Warning: A bit slow paced, mc only gets system in chap 21. Aggressive progress after that. ]

1st_Manga_KING · Kỳ huyễn
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129 Chs

Meeting The Criminals


The officer who was dragging Eric was quite scared. His hands were trembling and that was not because of Eric, it was because of the notorious and the deadliest criminals that were shouting.

The prison consisted of Five sectors, the top most was called the Zeroth sector where the officers used to stay and use as their waiting place or watching place which worked just like a watchtower.

Just below was the sector which was at the same level as the ground and one basically didn't have to climb any steps to reach it.

It was called the first sector where the criminals who have special powers or have special connections but were weak were confined.

Then followed the second, third, and fourth sectors which all were underground or rather underwater.

The land on which this base was built was called the floating island. It had no contact with the bottom layer of the sea.

Basically, it was like a piece of some rock floating on water due to which the supposed underground prison was built underwater!

Regardless, it was one of the best prisons in the world where many criminals with huge records were placed or captured and confined!

Right now as the officer dragged him, he was sweating profusely and that was because, on both of his sides, there were a ton of criminals who were constantly trying to break open the bars and escape.

Some had been constantly trying to get rid of the so-called handcuffs which were made from devil stone and some were trying to break the walls.

Regardless, the officer was too nervous to be there. Although it was a daily occurrence, he couldn't possibly make it into a habit.


"How dare you lock us all!"

"We will definitely kill all of you!"

Some of them were constantly fixated on the fact of revenge since their pride didn't allow them to be there.

Others were too busy trying to break free and didn't have the time to come near the bars and speak.

Thankfully the bars were quite solid and were made up of the same devil stones therefore none of them could ever dare to get out even if the handcuffs were broken which was nearly impossible anyway.

Actually right now the officer was passing through Sector 2. Soon he reached sector 3 where Eric was supposed to be confined at.

Although he has regained his consciousness, he didn't have any strength to fight back probably because most of his bones had already been shattered.

They beat him up pretty badly because of which the bearing with the pain was itself a heavy task.

The moment the officer stepped into sector three, he started to sweat even more. It was as if his fear had increased.

But contrastingly, there were no noises being made nor was anyone swearing about revenge or anything else.

In fact, it was completely quiet. However even amidst this, an intense blood lust could be sensed.

Powerful auras and killing intent were filled in the room which inevitably increase the pressure of the Room.

The officer soon reached Jail number 297 and just dragged Eric inside after opening it.

He then locked back after coming out and dashed as fast as he could.

He did what he was assigned and now his task was over, but the task for Eric had just started.

He was conscious now and was looking here and there despite his hands and legs being in bad shape.

He could see a ton of criminals who were placed in the same jail though handcuffed to the wall.

All of them were staring at Eric intensely.

Eric lost his consciousness yet again because he had no power left.

It took him one day, one whole day to regain his consciousness, and right after opening his eyes, he heard the chatter of the criminals.

Just after noticing that he was awake, they started to talk about him and his role here.

"Vice-Captain, the new slave that had arrived for you is awake now!", one of the criminals that were present there said.

He had bright yellow hair with a sinister-looking face. Seemed quite thin and well over 30 years of age.

"Yes Vice-Captain, another new addition to your army can be done now!", a big fat man who had black hair said.

It seemed like the person didn't have an eye instead of which there was a black patch.

'Whom are they talking with?', Eric was way too confused to even understand anything.

He was trying to find out the so-called master they were referring to when suddenly he heard a loud voice from the cell that was just next to them.


The voice was more than enough to cause a small tremor. Just by hearing the loud shout, all of them shut their mouths with fear.

'This voice...'

'Where have I heard this again...?', the voice seemed quite familiar to Eric. But he couldn't possibly know some criminal.

"Fools, the age of pirates is ending..."

"After the greatest chosen one, our captain, has gone missing, do you really think it will help if we get more subordinates?", the person asked.

All of them had their gazes lowered when they heard this.

'Huh...? Who are they anyway...'

'First of all, how are they able to be in the same cell without causing a fuss? It's as if...'

'As if they known each other since long!', was what Eric thought.

'And more than that... this voice...'

Indeed it was quite unusual to see criminals being with each other without any problems.

'Could it be...'


"Is that you Reo!!?", Eric raised his voice.

*cough cough*

His throat was dry but despite that, he tried to confirm what he had been thinking.

"You insolent bastard! How dare you call our Vice-Captain directly with his name!?", suddenly all of the criminals got furious.


While they were furious, the so-called Vice-Captain answered politely, "Yes, I am Reo, so what of it?"

"...", after Eric heard that tears started flowing down his eyes.


"It's really you!"

"I'm glad..."

*sob sob*

"I'm glad that at least you are alive!"

Others were confused about seeing him cry and they were with Reo. He didn't have the slightest idea as to why Eric was crying since he never knew his identity.

"You... do I know you?", Reo asked.

"The aura that is leaking from you despite your attempt of hiding it..."

"It feels familiar...", Reo took the chance to say that.

"It's me, Reo, don't you recognize me...?"

"I'm Eric..."



"Master Eric!?", Reo raised his voice yet again but this time out of respect.
