
My Pink Cinderella

Kingston kingsley a multi billionaire who went to Crystal hill high school but a dullard then fell in love with a pink goddess Angelina shaw but she disappear suddenly. Will kingsley later find his pink goddess?.

Daoistlt6hEr · Thành thị
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"She is a friend daughter" Rebecca reply smiling. " Why don't you give her to me tonight". he grins, gross oh I think I finally understand Rebecca job,she is an old prostitute."I think you already know my job,will you mind joining".She asked looking me straight in the eyes. "Nope" I shake my head. " I will go outside and look for a good job, thanks" I said entering my room .As I was about to enter into my room Rebecca hissed and I stood by my door eavesdropping and the man said if she could not fulfil her demand , he is not going to come any longer. Rebecca try begging him to stay but he refused bluntly and walks away. l quickly rush to my bed and lie down.

*******************************************The next morning....

I wake up and remember what happen yesterday, is she going to let me stay in this house since the stunt I pull yesterday,I shrug it off and enter the bathroom to do my morning business,I dress and got out,I met Rebecca sitting on a couch chewing gum like a bitch she is.

When I got to her she looks up "If you are not willing to do my job,then you will have to pay for the rent" She state with a grin. "It's alright,thank you for allowing me in and I have been employ,name your price and I will be paying. I said and she looks at me in shock, I think she think I will fall at her feet and start begging."Alright, you will be paying me fifty yuan and don't forget you will be cooking for me". I nodded and ask what we are gonna eat today,she told me to prepare chicken marsala. I enter the kitchen and Cook, after some minutes I set the food on the dinning table and call her because she has enter her room. We both eat in silent, after we are through with the food,I wash the dishes,pick my phone and go out for a walk because it's a long time I've been here. I pass through our high school,I enter our class and sight the students walking around.


My angel,you promise to reward me if I improve in my study but you didn't. Kingsley asked, "Alright what did you want?" I asked holding his hand. I want a peck on my cheek" he reply naughtily while I blush badly. "Kingsley don't you know we are in the school, what if anyone see us". "No one will see us and if anyone see us,they don't dare to mention because my father is the owner of this school".he said as I tiptoes to peck him because he is very tall and I only reach his shoulder as I wanted to peck him he turn his head making the peck to turn into kiss. I remember those days and shrug it off,I enter into the football field and remember the day he was sweating and I brought him a face towel to clean his face,he smiles and peck my cheek,I stop all my thoughts and leave the school,I have to save my granny. A message was sent to me yesterday from my laptop yesterday telling me to come for the interview on monday,I'm so excited because they will be paying a lot, it's the biggest company in north korea. I trek back home, sorry Rebecca's home. I enter and met her with five guys,they are sitting on the couch and smoking wildly, goodness Rebecca is also smoking,no wonder she didn't have a husband. As I enter,they all divert their attention to me. "Rebecca who is this pretty damsel?" he asked licking his lower lip. He was just too ugly.

Location: England, king villa.

"Kingsley till when are you going to wait for your angel?.My mum start with her nag again. "even if it will take forever,I will wait". I answer sitting on the couch beside her. " I also like this girl since high school you told me about her but what are we going to do when she left without a word" she said making me cry. "Mum I will die if I didn't see her,I can't marry another girl" I said with a dark face, she hug me." Vanessa why don't you leave him alone, don't worry kingsley you will find her sooner or later and I have also sent my spy outside to look for her". "Alright, I'm busy I have to go back, I just branch here, I'm on a business trip and I will go back to the hotel am staying" I said leaving. "Vanessa, why do you have to send him away,you know he doesn't come home and he eventually come home and you sent him away" Mr kingston said angrily leaving for his room. "I'm sorry honey,i'm concern about him, what if he doesn't see the girl again,will he stay single forever" Mrs Vanessa Said pacifying her husband. "You ought to have not mention it when you know that whatever kingsley said he will do it" Mr kingston mutter. Location:Ricardo hotel

I sit on the bed and look at her different pictures on my phone,she sit in the class reading while I snap this picture,this is when she's sleeping. I dial her number like I always dial it but I'm shock this time because it's went through, it's ring and it was cut,I dial it the second time and it later said switch off. I smash the phone on the ground and punch the bed angrily.

Back to North Korea

"Don't mind her,she is just nobody" Rebecca said and continue to smoke. "But Rebecca I really want this babe" The guy insisted. "Then go and talk to her, don't come back to me if you regret your action" Rebecca said,I heard their talk from my room.

To be continued...