
My Personal Diary

Unknown_Bean · Thanh xuân
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Dear Future me

The first entry of the year. I didn't think it will come to this but it's kinda embarrassing to say this. My goal of Freshman year is to be unnoticeable as possible. I don't know why I chose to be that way but that's the goal this morning.

Walking in the school was ok no one I knew yet but I have a feeling someone is going to scream my name which we all have that one friend that loves to scream your name in the hallway and it's very embarrassing. Back to the story first period was pretty interesting because the teacher was a doormat and couldn't take care of the class. I hope he's not reading this because I will be in trouble I guess I don't know but back to the point. I did understand what he was saying even though it's Spanish class. The first few words he said were "tell me how to say your favorite song in Spanish". I thought it was insane because I know nothing but then yet again in my life I went to sleep.

As you can see future me I'm one of those people who don't give a shit in life and move on. The rest of the day was pretty funny I guess. I didn't learn as much or see anyone I know but there's this one person that caught my eye. On my way to band call we had a new student and he was from California. He "claimed he was the best trumpet" and I'm like bitch I am like what the fuck you just got into this class and now you wanna gloat about yourself like go suck a dick bro. ANYWAYS excuse me I am a very rude person but if you we're thinking "what instrument does she plays" it's trumpet but if you were thinking I was a guy YOUR WRONG IM A GIRL!!! Now let's continue, he sat next to me. In my brain I'm like what the fuck would you sit next to me when I already despise you already like come on!!

He asked me one thing before the bell ringed. He said "your ugly as shit bitch." Then he laughed and left. That's the moment I realized he was an asshole and I have to get rid of him.