

Chapter 361: Gone

"Fang Heng from Zombie Apocalypse District 8. He can control zombies. He has been appearing on the player forums many times recently."

"No, it can't be him."

Li Dahai shook his head and vetoed it.

Server 8 had only been in service for a short while. Upgrading to Tier 2 space tearing device was impossible.

No one could do it!

Perhaps it was an organization that was hostile to the Night Owl organization?

"Edit the video and send it to the intelligence department. Try to figure out the identity of the player who was secretly controlling the Lickers."


Not far from the Federation's shelter, in front of an abandoned building.

A few people wearing silver masks were standing guard beside Sikong Mao.

One of them asked, "What happened to the last group of zombies?"

"I don't know."

Sikong Mao's voice was hoarse.

Controlling a large number of high-tier zombies into a berserk state to attack the Federation's shelter had consumed almost all of his energy.

"Licker is a hunter with sharp perception. It would hardly attack a higher-level mutated zombie, let alone have the ability to self-detonate."

Sikong Mao's breathing was heavy, and his eyes showed a deep fear.

"Someone must be controlling them from behind."

The few people in silver masks fell silent.

They had planned for half a year, and spent a lot of effort to drag the three Tier 5 mutated zombies into hibernation mode.

The other party seemed to have an easier way to control the zombies.

If there was such a person, his strength would definitely be terrifying.

After a long while, that person asked, "Is it the Federation's backup plan?"

"I'm not sure."

"Release the video to the black market and think of a way to find out that person's identity."


The two masked men nodded.

Sikong Mao turned his head to look at the mine halfway up the mountain.

"Let's ignore him for now. We've managed to delay the Federation for a few hours. The blue crystal ores should have already been transported, right?"

"Hmm. I've made some calculations. It should be about time."

"The Federation's sudden attack this time is a little strange. They might have predicted our movements in advance. In addition to the loss of the blue crystal raw ores, we won't be able to hide our actions from them for too long."

Sikong Mao had slightly recovered his stamina. Leaning against the wall beside him, he said, "We need to carry out our plan in advance. The sooner the better."

"If we want to speed up, we still need a few players who have advanced construction engineer skills."

"It's finally done."

Seeing the last giant zombie fall in a series of self-destructions, Fang Heng let out a sigh of relief.

Controlling the Lickers to self-destruct one by one consumed too much energy.

In this battle, all the Lickers were exhausted.

Fang Heng opened his palm and aimed at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

The drop rate of the giant zombies was extremely high. After the three zombies died, they all dropped high energy evolution crystals.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Three high energy evolution crystals came from afar and flew into Fang Heng's palm.

When they came into contact with his palm, the rune mark on the back of Fang Heng's hand once again displayed a weak light.

Then, the high energy evolution crystals were absorbed by the rune mark.

A line of game hints appeared.

[Hint: Detected that the player has mastered a skill: occult ritual (Tier 1), basic occult (Level 2). The evolution crystal in your backpack can be stored directly in the occult ritual.]

"The evolution crystal can be stored directly in the occult ritual?"

Fang Heng placed the back of his hand in front of his eyes and observed.

This was a pretty good skill. It could save quite a few slots in the backpack.

Since the crisis of the Federation's shelter was over, Fang Heng estimated that the people from the Federation would soon rush to the mining area.

This wave of profits was almost over.

He should leave as soon as possible!

The players of the Night Owl organization in the mining area had also noticed the situation in the Federation's shelter at the foot of the mountain. They called on the players to speed up the transportation, preparing to leave after getting the last batch of goods.

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone was speeding up the transportation of materials, Fang Heng casually walked to the side of a military truck.

The blue crystal raw ores behind the truck were already 70-80% filled. A few players had just laboriously moved two large boxes up.

Fang Heng quietly sat in the driver's seat.

He stepped on the accelerator and the large truck drove out of the mining area.

Night Owl organization did not notice anything amiss. They only thought that Fang Heng was also a player who helped to move the ores.

When a few players came out of the iron mine with boxes filled with iron ores, they were stunned when they saw the truck driving away from the iron mine area.

"Hey! Wait!"

"It's not full yet!"

"Hey! That guy!"

The truck did not have any intention of stopping. The players watched as Fang Heng drove the truck to the foot of the mountain and disappeared into the night.

The remaining players looked at each other in dismay.

What was going on?

The truck was not filled up and someone had driven it away?

This was going to cost them money!

There were 35 hours left until the end of the teleportation.

Including the truck full of high-quality blue crystal raw ores, it should be enough to cover the cost.

Fang Heng pondered.

It was a pity that he didn't bring the live sample collector. Otherwise, he should be able to collect some samples of Tier 5 giant zombies.

Next, he should think of a way to find the first-generation meteorite.

Fang Heng went down the mountain along the path.

On the way, the remaining five Lickers jumped onto the back of the truck.

Fang Heng controlled the steering wheel and made a turn, moving along Road No. 102.

He headed all the way to the apocalypse merchant camp. About half an hour later, Fang Heng discovered the apocalypse merchant camp beside the path ahead.

The sky was still dark and the gate of the apocalypse merchant camp was still closed.

Fang Heng took a detour and temporarily parked the truck in a dense forest nearby, protected by the Lickers.

He went offline again to deliver a wave of high-quality blue crystal raw ores.

Express Hotel.

In the pitch-black room, Old Black sat alone in front of his computer desk.

The screen was playing the video of the Tier 5 giant zombies being attacked by the Lickers not long ago.


The phone on the table vibrated.

Old Black picked up the call.

"It's me."

"Did you receive the latest video?"

Old Black paused the video at the moment the Licker self-destructed and replied expressionlessly, "I'm watching."

"What do you think? Is he from the Federation?"

"I'm not sure."

"Confirm his identity as soon as possible. His existence will increase the uncertainty of our plan. I have a bad feeling."

"It's a bit troublesome. I've already checked the latest database, but so far, I haven't found any suspicious candidates that match the relevant abilities."

"10,000 King of Gods' points."

Old Black massaged his temples and his sitting posture became more relaxed. He said, "It's not about the money. The person you're looking for isn't on the list."

"Yes, I understand."

"The plan has been moved forward. We need to activate the first phase of the plan within 24 hours. We still lack players who are proficient in mechanical repair abilities."

"That's a rare talent, and you know that place in District 5."

"10,000 King of Gods' points. I need to ensure that the amplification device is activated within 24 hours."

"Of course, as you


Old Black pressed his phone.

Chapter 362: Dark Knights Wiped out

By the time Old Black saw the video, he was 80% sure.

It was Fang Heng!

Old Black had been paying attention to Fang Heng's movements in District 8.

This included the videos of Fang Heng controlling the Lickers and the prison's recent collection of rare ores and materials.

Old Black was very clear.

In the game, those who had both the Tier 3 space tearing device and the ability to control the Lickers…

Perhaps only Fang Heng!

However, Old Black did not expect Fang Heng to be able to complete the modification of the Tier 3 space tearing device so quickly.

He also did not expect Fang Heng to appear in the Federation's second shelter last night.

Old Black even suspected that Fang Heng had something to do with the Night Owl organization's plan being exposed ahead of time.

"Good boy, you caught up with me in advance."

Old Black's face showed a hint of amusement.

"I turned down a big deal for you. You have to help me earn more."

Fang Heng waited on the spot for nearly an hour until the sky turned white. The apocalypse merchant camp was finally open to the public.

Leaving the truck in the bushes, Fang Heng entered the apocalypse merchant camp alone.

"Hello, Adventurer."

The merchant in the camp was a white-haired old man.

He had just opened for business and was wiping the counter with a rag.

"You look unfamiliar. Is this your first time here?"

"Yes." Fang Heng nodded slightly and introduced himself, "My name is Fang Heng, I come from another parallel world. Our world is experiencing the apocalypse just like you guys."

The apocalypse merchant raised his head and looked at Fang Heng.

He did not show much surprise and continued to wipe the armrest of the counter with a rag.

"Welcome, guest from the parallel world. Others call me Uncle Lindsay. Is there anything you need?"

"I want to inquire about the Dark Knights. I need to find them. I know you can do it. Just pass them a message on my behalf. I'm willing to pay some points."

"Dark Knights…"

Uncle Lindsay paused.

He put down the rag in his hand, closed his eyes and sighed.

"It's been a long time since I've heard this name…"

Fang Heng had a very bad feeling.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Uncle Lindsay turned around and took out a bottle of wine and two wine glasses from the cabinet at the back.

He opened the bottle cap and slowly poured a glass of wine into the glass.

"The Dark Knights were completely destroyed 30 years ago. I was still very young at that time. I once thought that they would save our world."


The team got wiped out?

Fang Heng opened his mouth.

He had heard of Dark Knights being wiped out in some worlds.

He did not expect it to be in Server 5!

"You are very surprised. It seems that in your parallel world, the Dark Knights are still alive."

Lindsay pushed the glass of half-filled wine toward Fang Heng.

"Do you mind telling me about it?"

Fang Heng was a little confused. He gulped down the wine in the glass.

"Can you tell me how the Dark Knights were destroyed first?"

Uncle Lindsay recalled with a nostalgic look on his face.

"It started with a special operation. I think it was Pine City."

Yes, I remember it should be that place. During that operation, the Dark Knights were attacked by the Nemesis and were completely destroyed. Their strength was greatly reduced."

"After that, we encountered the zombie wave that erupted in the quarantine zone. The Dark Knights were greatly weakened. When they tried their best to stop the spread of the poison gas in the quarantine zone, the Dark Knights' headquarters was attacked by a group of lunatics."

Fang Heng digested Uncle Lindsay's words.

The Dark Knights were tricked by the players!

It was most likely caused by the anti-federation forces of Night Owl.

Fang Heng had heard a long time ago that the anti-federation forces in District 5 were deeply rooted.

He knew that the situation in District 5 was bad, but he did not expect it to be this bad.


Thinking carefully, according to what Uncle Lindsay said, the main storyline mission of District 5 had just reached Pine City.

This meant that the Dark Knights had yet to discover the first-generation meteorite.

The first-generation meteorite should still be there!

"After the Dark Knights were destroyed, I can no longer see the hope of the end of the apocalypse."

Lindsay finished the wine in his glass and poured himself a full glass.

"It's your turn, Fang Heng. Now, I want to hear your story."

"In our world, we successfully entered Pine City and obtained information related to the primogenitor virus and the first-generation meteorite…"

Fang Heng roughly told the main story of Server 8.

"Uncle Lindsay, I need to find the first-generation meteorite. This is the most likely way to save our world. Do you know the whereabouts of the first-generation meteorite?"

"I'm sorry, young man. I've never heard of such a thing."

Fang Heng's heart sank again.


Although he did not know, there was a high probability that the first-generation meteorite was still in a corner of this apocalyptic world.

With the last glimmer of hope, Fang Heng continued to ask, "Then do you know who might know?"

"I really want to help you, but it's been a long time since I've paid attention to the Meteorite Company."

Uncle Lindsay lowered his head and thought, "From your description, I suggest that you start investigating the first-generation meteorite from the source."

"The source?"

Fang Heng left the apocalypse merchant camp in disappointment.

The source?

Did he have to start investigating from Pine City?

Fang Heng scratched his head and yawned.

He felt a little sleepy.

He stayed up all night without sleep.

Back in the truck, Fang Heng threw down a simple bed and went offline.

Fang Heng opened the game cabin with much effort and took a deep breath.

Buzz Buzz Buzz…

His phone continued to vibrate.

"Coming, coming. That Chen Yu, he won't stop for a second…"

Fang Heng muttered as he flipped through the messy pile of ores in the room, trying to look for the missing phone.

The only person who could persistently call him on his phone was Chen Yu.

After spending a long time, Fang Heng finally found his phone under the pile of blue crystal ores.

When he saw the caller ID, Fang Heng was stunned.

Unknown number?

Fang Heng had a guess almost instantly.

Could it be Old Black?


A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Fang Heng, it's me."

"Old Black?"

"Hehe, it's been a while. It seems like you still remember me."

Old Black chuckled. "You're in District 5, right? Let me guess, you're looking for the first-generation meteorite?"

Fang Heng immediately became extremely vigilant.

Old Black was actually able to guess that he was going to District 5 to look for the first-generation meteorite…

On the surface, Fang Heng was still laughing loudly. "Thanks to you. Besides, didn't you ask me to go to Server 5? Is there any news?"

"Fang Heng, you really surprised me. To be honest, I didn't expect you to complete Tier 3 space tearing device modification so quickly."

Fang Heng pursed his lips. "Really? Should

I be proud?"

"You do have the right to be proud. Now that time is limited, I'll cut to the chase. I need you to do something for me."

"Sure, in exchange, I need to get the first-generation meteorite."

"Hahahaha, deal!"

Fang Heng was stunned.

He had only pretended to be polite, but he did not expect Old Black to agree directly.

Chapter 363: Research Institute

"Do as I say. I can guarantee you that you will get the first-generation meteorite within the next 30 hours."

"In exchange, I need you to do something."


"That's cool. This is not the first time we've worked together. I need more trust this time. Do as I say. Can you do it?"

"Of course."

Fang Heng felt that he should agree first.

"You're near the second shelter of the Federation, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Very good. I need you to go find Night Owl's people now."

"Night Owl?"

"Yes. I don't want you to expose your identity. Go to the King of Gods' game and buy a custom-made red mask. I'll send you the mask blueprint later."

"To be safe, spend another 100 King of Gods' points to buy a bottle of potion that can change one's appearance for up to 24 hours."

"You'll have to pay for this."

"Sure. Right now, Night Owl desperately needs an excellent mechanic. I need you to find them first and help them with some work."

"Send me to work? What about the first-generation meteorite?"

"Don't worry. Night Owl's people will take you to an experimental base to work. The first-generation meteorite is in that experimental base."

Fang Heng's eyes lit up.

After circling for half a day, the first-generation meteorite was actually in the hands of the Night Owl organization!?

"Don't get excited yet, Fang Heng."

"That place was originally the Meteorite Company's experimental base. After it was occupied by the Night Owl organization, it underwent special modifications. I only have the initial map of that place."

"Night Owl has very strict control over that place…"

"Back garden? There's a lot of stones?"

At first, Mr Sun did not believe what the cleaner said.

It was not until he was dragged to the back garden by a few cleaners that he saw the piles of stones piled up in the back garden with his own eyes.

"What's going on?"

"It's probably Mr Fang Heng. We were about to call someone to clean up the stones, but Mr Fang Heng stopped us."

"Fang Heng?"

Mr Sun felt like he was going crazy.

Last night, Fang Heng went back and forth to the library, saying that he was looking for inspiration.

He hadn't stopped yet. What was the meaning of putting so many stones in the back garden today?

If Fang Heng wasn't Mo Yunxiao's VIP and Mo Jiawei's best friend, Mr Sun would have chased him out.

Wait, when did he put so many stones in the back garden?

"Mr Sun, you're up so early, huh?"

Fang Heng walked into the back garden and greeted everyone with a smile.

He had just made a part of the follow-up plan with Old Black. After hanging up the phone, he heard the sound of the outside world through the window, so he ran out in a hurry.

"Mr Fang Heng… What are you doing?"

Mr Sun smiled bitterly and looked at Fang Heng, waiting for him to explain.

"Ah, this… I'm sorry, these stones are quite precious. I can't find the place at the moment…"

"I have put them in the back garden for the time being. These are very precious ores, so we must be careful that they don't get stolen by others."


Mr Sun did not believe a single word Fang Heng said.

"Mr Fang Heng, you're new here. Could you have been deceived by someone? Is this kind of stone very precious?"

"Of course, it's very expensive."

Mr Sun casually picked up a raw stone and placed it in his hand to observe.

The raw stone emitted a faint blue light.

Blue jade?

But this blue was so transparent. No matter how one looked at it, it seemed fake.


"Three days. Three days later, I'll clean it up. I'll have to trouble Big Brother Sun."

It wasn't easy to convince Mr Sun to temporarily store the ores in the back garden. Fang Heng meditated for another three hours, recovering some of his energy and returned to the game.

After spending 110 King of Gods' points, Fang Heng first bought a custom-made red mask and a face-changing potion that lasted for 24 hours according to the blueprint Old Black gave him before entering the game.


the Zombie Apocalypse, Fang Heng put on the mask, drank the potion and drove the truck toward the agreed coordinates.

To prevent the truck from exposing his identity, Fang Heng parked the truck at a location one kilometre away from the agreed-upon gathering point and slowly walked over.

Soon, an abandoned shelter appeared in front of him.

The abandoned shelter had been destroyed in the zombie wave and only half of it remained.

Stepping into the shelter, Fang Heng looked around.

Two members of the Night Owl organization, one on the left and one on the right, wearing silver masks, walked out from behind the stone pillars.

"You were introduced by Old Black?"

"Yes, that's right."

"We were sent by Night Owl to pick you up. Come with us."

The two compared the masks on Fang Heng's face and led him to the back door of the ruins.

Fang Heng followed the two of them out of the back door of the abandoned shelter.

A black SUV was parked by the roadside.

"Let's go, get in the car."

After getting in the car, Fang Heng turned his head to look out of the window. "How long will it take?"

"About two hours if everything goes smoothly."

Fang Heng took out a sleeping bag from his backpack. "I'll go offline to rest for a while. Wake me up after two hours."

The two Night Owl players looked at each other.

Most players would be nervous when they heard that Night Owl was an anti-federal organization for the first time.

It was rare for them to be as relaxed as Fang Heng.


"Old Black should have told you that to prevent the mission from leaking, offline operations are prohibited during the operation. This is also for the safety of both parties."

"Correspondingly, Night Owl will give you extra mission compensation."


Fang Heng curled his lips.

He definitely wouldn't be able to receive the so-called compensation. Most likely, Old Black would use it to fill his own pockets.

He thought of it as the price for the first-generation meteorite.

Fang Heng put away the simple bed and controlled the scattered ordinary zombies in the distance to slowly walk over.

The entire journey was silent.

After bumping for nearly an hour and a half in the car, the car drove into the wilderness.

Fang Heng looked out of the window.

District 5, in the wilderness.

This large area was controlled by the anti-federation forces.

Fang Heng had seen some random conversations on the forum before.

It was said that the anti-federation forces were not on the same page. There were frequent conflicts of all sizes, so it was normal for them to fight to the death.

However, once the Federation forces tried to invade the wilderness, they would unite and face the outside world.

After driving along the road in the wilderness for half an hour, the car turned into a newly built path.

Soon, the car stopped outside a research institute.

Fang Heng did not get out of the car immediately.

Through the car window, he saw many large trucks parked outside the research institute.

Many players were moving materials down from the trucks.

These players didn't wear masks.

Eh? Boxes?

After carefully observing them, Fang Heng felt that those boxes looked a little familiar.

Could they be the blue crystal raw ores that he had plundered from the mining area last night?

Fang Heng was suspicious.

"We're here. You can get off now."

Fang Heng opened the car door and got off.

The scorching sun hung high in the sky.

Fang Heng narrowed his eyes and looked up at the building in front of him.

It was a five-story building with a large number of turrets attached to it.

A few people wearing silver masks stood at the entrance of the research institute.

Chapter 364: Stabilizers

Among the crowd, only Sikong Mao wasn't wearing a mask. He looked at Fang Heng, his gaze fixed on Fang Heng's red mask.

"I'm Sikong Mao, the person in charge of the research institute."

"Fang Shuo."

Fang Heng replied indifferently, his gaze shifting to Sikong Mao.

Sikong Mao!

The Federation's S-level wanted criminal!

He was a ruthless character.

Fang Heng had a slight impression of him.

There were two types of criminals that could make it onto the S-level wanted list.

The first type was those who were strong to a certain extent and possessed extremely destructive abilities, causing the Federation to feel an extremely great threat.

The second type was those criminals who relied on their efforts to stir up trouble in the game, causing great damage to the Federation.

Sikong Mao belonged to the latter.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. Time is limited. Let's walk and talk."

Sikong Mao turned around and led Fang Heng into the research institute. He gave Fang Heng a general introduction to the research institute.

"This building used to be one of the secret research institutes of the Meteorite Company. Now, it's completely under the control of our Night Owl."

The group of people walked straight into the research institute and stopped in front of the delivery elevator.

Sikong Mao pressed the button that led to the second basement.

A few players who were pushing ore carts followed them into the elevator.

"After we took over the research institute, we completely modified it and strengthened the research institute's defensive capabilities."

"The wilderness areas are all anti-federal organizations. We're united against the outside world, so it's safer. Next is stealth…"


Fang Heng looked at the player who was moving the ores and materials, thinking, is this still considered stealth?

"There's a change in the plan. They only came here last night. Two days ago, only the core members of Night Owl's organization knew about the existence of the research institute."

Sikong Mao noticed Fang Heng's tone and explained.

He raised his head to look at Fang Heng and asked, "Fang Shuo, what's your mechanic level and building level?"

"Both are Level 15 and there's also the talent skill bonus."

Fang Heng deliberately omitted Tier 3.

Sikong Mao's eyes flashed with surprise.

"You're Level 15?"


"Very impressive."

Sikong Mao nodded his head in praise.

Level 15. This level was considered a veteran player in Server 5.

"Looks like Old Black has introduced me to a reliable candidate." Sikong Mao sighed and asked intentionally, "How do you know Old Black?"

"In the beginning, it was through an anonymous mission. At that time, I didn't know that he was related to your Night Owl, so I was almost cheated by him once."

Fang Heng said with a smile, "But he still gave a lot of money, and it arrived in time."

"Ding Dong!"

The elevator stopped at the third basement.

"Let's go."

Along the way, Fang Heng was observing the surrounding terrain.

The internal security of the research institute was relatively tight. Night Owl players wearing silver masks could often be seen.

After walking through a passage that was about ten meters long, a huge underground platform appeared in front of them.

"This is the research institute's main control room."

Seeing the scene in the main control room, Fang Heng's pupils suddenly constricted.

That was…

In the middle of the platform stood a large mechanical device.

Many players were surrounding the machine and making calculations and modifications.

What the hell!

Large-scale space tearing device?!

Fang Heng was shocked.

That's not right!

Fang Heng frowned as he carefully observed the super-sized machine in the centre of the platform.

It was not a large-scale space tearing device.

Even though it was very similar to the structure of the space tearing device.

"Let me introduce the space tearing stabilizing device."

Fang Heng turned his head to

turned his head to look at Sikong Mao.

"What's that?"

Sikong Mao wanted to test Fang Heng's mechanical knowledge.

"Old Black said that you're proficient in mechanical devices, so you should have heard of the large-scale space tearing device, right?"

"Of course, it's a kind of long-distance transmission device. It consumes a lot of energy and requires a special blue crystal as its energy source."

Fang Heng paused and added, "In addition, I heard that after the device is upgraded to a higher tier, it can also conduct teleportations across servers."

"You're right. The space tearing device is the 'back door' left behind by the game in various worlds."

"After we get the space tearing device, we can continuously upgrade it to level up, so that we can cross servers and even cross the game worlds."

Fang Heng narrowed his eyes.

What Sikong Mao said proved his previous guess.

That's right!

The space tearing device would most likely continue to level up after levelling up to Tier 4!

Fang Heng had always believed that the destruction of the first-generation meteorite in Server 8 had something to do with Night Owl.

It was the Night Owl organization's use of the space tearing device.

And the traces left in the cave on Paradise Island indicated that it was related to vampires.

Therefore, Fang Heng concluded that it was an invasion from the world of vampires.

This meant that the large-scale space tearing device could also carry out transmissions across the game world!

For example, it could enter the world of vampires of the same level.

It could even enter the game world of a higher level!

Fang Heng took a deep breath and raised his head to look at the large-scale device in the middle of the spacious main control room.

"You still haven't told me what this thing is used for?"

"You can think of it as an amplification device of the space tearing device."

Sikong Mao explained, "There are multiple restrictions on the space tearing device. Under normal circumstances, the passage across the game world can only open for a very short moment."

"For example, a normal space tearing device can only transport a player from the original point A world to point B world, and it will also cost a little."

"Now, we can build an amplifier at point B to link point A and point B for a long time, which is equivalent to opening a long-lasting passage."

"Of course, this passage still has many restrictions, and there are still many things that can not pass through this temporary passage."

Listening to Sikong Mao's words, Fang Heng's heart beat wildly.

"You're saying that this can be used to open a continuous time passage?!"

"Yes, that's right."

A cold glint appeared in Sikong Mao's eyes.

"The troublesome thing is that building the passage requires a lot of rare materials and a lot of energy."

As they spoke, a few players laboriously dragged a few large boxes into the laboratory and stacked them along the right wall.

"As you can see, those boxes are filled with blue crystal raw ores."

"You should also know that after the Dark Knights of District 5 were destroyed, the production method of blue crystal ores is also impossible to obtain. Hence, we can only use this inefficient method to directly use blue crystal raw ores as energy stabilizing devices."

"Hence, we need a large number of blue crystal raw ores."

"Unfortunately, most of the blue crystal raw ore mines in District 5 are within the scope of the Federation's control."

"Therefore, from a few months ago, we've already begun to secretly steal the blue crystal raw ores from within the Federation."

Sikong Mao walked to Fang Heng's side and sized up the large space stabilizing device located in the centre of the main control room.

"I believe Old Black has already told you that to obtain the blue crystal raw ores, there was a huge commotion last night."

"Those people from the Federation aren't all trash. I believe that they will react very quickly. They might be able to guess what we are trying to do."

"Therefore, I need to complete the construction of the stabilizing device before the Federation realises it, and open the passage completely!"