

Chapter 135 – The Wind Changes

Wang Lin didn't hesitate to use the Earth Escape Technique to move toward the War God Shrine. As he moved, he found fire beasts everywhere. The more he traveled, the more shocked he became.

He quickly changed directions. Meeting Lin Tao wasn't his objective anymore. Instead, he moved toward the border of the country using information from Ma Liang's memories. He could no longer stay in Hou Fen.

But before he got very far, a giant divine sense swept by him. This divine sense quickly moved back and concentrated on him. Shocked, he scanned the sky. What he saw were 16 giant fire beasts in a circle with a ring of fire in between them.

Threads of fire from the fire ring were connected to the fire beasts' heads.

The powerful divine sense came from the ring of power. This was clearly a special technique the fire beasts were born with. It was something they could only use when working together.

When they found Wang Lin, all 16 fire beasts' eyes went cold. They all roared as they descended from the sky and charged at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin sped up without a word and escaped. The 16 giant beasts all let out angry roars and spat out fire, causing the ground to turn red and split apart.

Wang Lin had already seen this before, so how would he let it hit him twice? As the fire came out of the beasts' mouths, he came out of the ground and disappeared in a ray of rainbow light.

The 16 beasts didn't give up. The only reason they left the volcano was to find and kill the cultivator that killed their ancestor. This was the only thought in their minds right now.

At the same time, because of Wang Lin, these fire beasts now hated all cultivators. They basically wanted to kill every single one they saw. Their losses were heavy too, especially under the powerful cultivators' magic treasures.

To be more accurate, these fire beasts don't have a souls; they exist in a special way. Normal flying swords cannot damage their hard bodies. The best way is to hit them with powerful blunt weapons.

However, there were just too many of them. Even now, there were endless fire beasts coming out of the big and small volcanoes in Hou Fen. As for exactly how many there were, no one but the ancestor fire spirit, who was absorbed by the heaven defying bead, would know.

As Wang Lin flew more, he got faster. These fire beasts were faster than him when they were inside the lava, but out here in the open, Wang Lin managed to keep his distance.

However, Wang Lin didn't feel very well. The surrounding spiritual energy was filled with fire element. Every time he absorbed some, he would feel waves of pain.

In addition to the constant roars of the 16 giant fire beasts behind him, there were countless fire beasts coming to obstruct him. More and more fire beasts accumulated behind him, chasing after him. He spread out his divine sense and felt his scalp go numb. There were so many fire beasts behind him that he couldn't tell how many there were right away.


If he were to pause for just a moment, the fire beasts would tear him apart, but Wang Lin was not one to be hunted. Back when he was only at the Qi Condensation stage, he dared to sneak attack Teng Li, who was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

At this moment, a vicious gaze flashed across his eyes. He took out a bucket full of spirit liquid and drank it as he ran to recover the spiritual energy he had consumed.

Next, a black light flew out of his bag of holding and disappeared. It reappeared before a fire beast and stabbed it.

The sound of two pieces of metal hitting each other rang out. A bloody wound appeared on the chest of the beast and it was knocked far away. It let out a roar as it got up and continued chasing.

Wang Lin's expression was normal, but his face darkened. Not only were the fire beasts immune to his Ji Realm Divine Sense, but their bodies were also this tough. The flying sword was only able to wound that beast's body, and from the looks of it, it could only be considered a light wound.

Wang Lin was unwilling to give up. As he flew, he continued to attack the fire beasts. Using its ability to teleport, the sword moved in a very strange way until it stabbed in between the brows of a fire beast. The sword sunk in and the fire beasts exploded, releasing waves of heat.

Wang Lin's hair immediately curled as the smell of burning hair reached him, but his eyes lit up. Although these fire beasts were tough, they were not without weaknesses.

After this, Wang Lin continued to control the flying word to ambush the fire beasts. One by one, the fire beasts were beheaded by him. Based on his calculations, the normal-sized fire beasts were only at the Qi Condensation stage, but because they had no souls and tough bodies, it was difficult to kill them.

But because Wang Lin was only one person, and adding on the fact that the fire beasts knew no fear, they continued to chase after him.

Eventually, the flying sword teleported too much and it's shape began to change. After all, the sword's spirit was simply possessing a new body. It was not fused with it. There were dents on it and some parts of it had completely melted. If the flying sword's original owner were to be revived, even he wouldn't be able to recognize it anymore.

Wang Lin realized that this was not a long term solution as more and more fire beasts showed up. Even though he had spirit liquid, once he runs out and can't recover fast enough, he will die.

Wang Lin clenched his teeth and changed directions. He no longer went to Xuan Wu, but flew toward the War God Shrine. He didn't believe that the War God Shrine would have been wiped out by these first beasts. If he was the War God Shrine's ancestor, he would definitely decide to move, and that would take time.

And even if they were going to move, it wouldn't be too quick because there were too many people. He had only been in the cave for a few days; even if the fire beasts had moved on the first day he went into the cave, the War God Shrine still wouldn't able to move this fast.

These were merely guesses by Wang Lin. What made him make this decision was the Soul Blood Essences telling him the general location of Yang Xiong and Lin Tao.

The moment Wang Lin changed directions, the fire beasts closed in on him. They spewed lava at him, and many times, he was almost hit. He clenched his teeth as he moved even faster toward the War God Shrine.

Not long after, Wang Lin felt a powerful aura from a distance. He spread out his divine sense and noticed a group of tens of thousands of cultivators slowly closing in.

The scene of tens of thousands of cultivators on their swords shocked Wang Lin for a moment, but he quickly recovered and charged toward the army of cultivators.

Among the army of cultivators, there were many war chariots that emitted waves of spiritual energy.

The fire beasts suddenly stopped and the 16 large fire beasts blocked the army of cultivators.

The army of cultivators didn't stop. More than 10,000 flying swords attacked without any hesitation under the orders of ten Nascent Soul cultivators. Soon after, two more groups flew out from the army and 2000 more people joined the battle.

Before Wang Lin even arrived got to the army, two lights flew out and surrounded him. The person in the middle was an ordinary looking young woman, but there was heavy killing intent coming from between her eyebrows. She looked at the fire beasts behind her and revealed a look of hate. She turned to Wang Lin and asked, "Fellow cultivator, which sect's disciple are you? Quickly, say your name."

Wang Lin revealed a look of fear and quickly replied, "I'm a disciple of the War God Shrine, Ma Liang."

The woman looked at Wang Lin coldly and said, "Qiang Xuan, take him to the War God Shrine to verify his identity. If he isn't a disciple of the War God Shrine, kill him."

A young man flew out and nodded at Wang Lin, gestering Wang Lin to follow him. Then he flew toward the army. Wang Lin clasped his hands at the young woman before following the young man.

Soon, they arrived at the center of the army of cultivators. The closer he got to the center, the more he realized how terrifying an army of cultivators large enough to cover the sky was. The fluctuations of spiritual energy here had already reached an unimaginable level.

Although the entire country was covered by the black smoke coming out from the volcanoes, under the fluctuations of the spiritual energy from the army of cultivators, a path has been cut open in the huge cloud of black smoke.

Everywhere they, the black smoke was split apart, unable to stop the army at all. What was even denser than the fluctuations of spiritual energy was all of the Sword Qi. It was so dense that it could cause the sky to change colors.

The Sword Qi revealed its might as it clashed against the black smoke. Especially now, at dawn, and adding on the fight before them, it created this very majestic feel.

Various flying sword and magic treasures shined in the sky like fireworks that were too chaotic to keep track of. This scene was something Wang Lin will never forget. After all, this scene was something that only appeared in large scale battles.

Compared to the collapse of the foreign battleground, there was an extra sense of everyone working together and the need to charge out of Hou Fen.

This power wasn't something an individual could wield; it was achieved because the entire country had been forced to move to survive.

Only the horde of fire beasts could compete with it.

Wang Lin couldn't help but enter a trance. By the time he regained himself, he had already reached to the center of the army with the young man.

Xuan Qing shouted, "Scout from Lou He Sect, Qing Xuan, has brought War God Shrine disciple Ma Liang. Would someone from the War God Shrine confirm his identity?"

Wang Lin's expression was normal. That Nascent Soul woman didn't act against him and her voice was filled with the intention of bringing him to their side.

But even without that woman's intent, Wang Lin would still come here. After all, this was the only place he could go while being chased by the army of fire beasts.

But Wang Lin was a very cautious person, so he was prepared to escape the moment things looked bad. With the battle with the fire beasts before them, there wouldn't be many people willing to chase him.

As for the Nascent Soul cultivators, none of them would take time away from managing the migration to come and kill him. Core Formation cultivators were the main fighting force against the fire beasts, so the best people to send after him would be late stage Foundation Establishment cultivators at the pseudo-Core Formation stage. But Foundation Establishment cultivators were no threat to Wang Lin. If one came, he would kill one. If ten came, he would kill ten without any fear.

Chapter 136 – Middle Aged scholar

The moment Qing Xuan finished speaking, the expression of a female cultivator, who was standing on a flying sword, suddenly darkened and became unsettled after hearing the words "Ma Liang". She clenched her teeth, stopped, and turned around. This woman was very beautiful, but her expression was very ugly as she came over.

This woman was the person who Ma Liang couldn't get out of his mind even in the foreign battleground, his junior apprentice sister Xu Si.

She greeted Qing Xuan, then looked at Wang Lin with an ugly expression and cold eyes as she said, "Where did this evil doer come from? You dare to pretend to be a disciple of the War God Shrine? Brother Qing Xuan, please help me kill this person." With that, she slapped her bag of holding and a two inch black rain needle appeared in her hand. She gently moved her wrist and the rain needle violently attacked Wang Lin.

Strands of grey light spread from the needle, creating a shower of needles. The shower of needles covered the sky, then rained on Wang Lin.

Qing Xuan was startled. He didn't act, but took a few steps back. He stared coldly at Wang Lin without saying a word.

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he sneered on the inside. He reached out, formed a giant hand with his attraction force technique, and easily caught all of the needles. He wiped off the divine sense on them, snorted, then casually placed them into his bag of holding.

The young woman's beautiful face suddenly turned pale as a stream of blood flowed down from her red lips. Her body shook, and the flying sword under her feet lost its shine. She stared at Wang Lin with a look of disbelief. In her memory, Ma Liang couldn't possibly have this kind of power. Not to mention stopping her magic treasure, but also to be able to so casually wipe her divine sense away from it. Her heart was in turmoil as she thought about this.

Just at this moment, three sword lights came from the middle of the army of cultivators. When they arrived, they revealed three young men. One of them was Yang Xiong.

He looked at the woman once, then turned around to Qing Xuan and said, "Sorry for bothering you, brother Qing Xuan. Junior apprentice Ma Liang is indeed a disciple of the War God Shrine. Thank you for guiding him here."

Qing Xuan looked at them meaningfully. He let out a chuckle as he shook his head and left. After he moved away a bit, he turned around and saw Yang Xiong being very respectful to Ma Liang. This startled him. After pondering for a bit, he changed directions and went toward the He Tu Sect.

Yang Xiong ignored everyone around him and whispered to Wang Lin, "Does master know ancestor Feng Luan? The person on the five-colored phoenix chariot is her. She ordered me to bring you to her."

Wang Lin raised his head to look at the constantly moving army of cultivators. In the center, there was a five-colored phoenix chariot, and standing on it was a woman wearing a court dress. She seemed to notice Wang Lin's gaze and glanced at him.

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he knew what was going on. This ancestor Feng Luan was the same middle-aged woman who had come for Zhou Zihong's Soul Essence Blood. After pondering a little, he moved toward her with Yang Xiong. When he passed Xu Si, he shot her a vicious look and silently placed a sliver of his divine sense on her.

This divine sense will activate after one month and then this girl will die. After experiencing the events in Zhao, Wang Lin decided he would eliminate anyone who had ill intent towards him, whether they were man or woman. He would nip the bud before anything else could happen. Since this Xu Si attacked first, then she couldn't blame him for being ruthless.

Yang Xiong guided the way and whispered, "When Lin Tao was making a copy of the map, he was caught by ancestor Feng Luan, so the map is currently in her hands. Lin Tao was also punished. If it wasn't for the migration, he would have been locked away for ten years."

Wang Lin's expression was normal, but he became even more cautious and followed Yang Xiong to the five-colored phoenix chariot. Yang Xiong stopped after arriving near the chariot, but Wang Lin went past him. He arrived before ancestor Feng Luan, clasped his hands, and respectfully said, "Wang Lin greets senior."

The woman withdrew her gaze from the battle and looked at Wang Lin. She gently asked, "Wang Lin is your real name?"

Wang Lin silently nodded. The name Wang Lin was simply too common, so there was no need to hide it. If it was discovered by her that he was lying about his name, then it would be bad.

The woman looked at the advancing army of cultivators. She pondered a bit before saying, "Currently, the country of Hou Fen is in danger. Once we reach Xuan Wu, there will be another big battle. Thus, we can forget about this matter, so you don't have to worry about it. If someone bothers you, I can protect you, but only once. After I help you, then I no longer owe you for saving Zihong."

Just as Feng Luan finished speaking, the sky suddenly darkened. In the distant battlefield, ten large volcanoes were ripped out from the ground and tossed aside by the ten Nascent Soul cultivators. The fire beasts all scattered, but some of them were hit by the impact and were turned to paste.

Using this chance, the army of cultivators charged through the opening and broke though the army of 20,000 or so fire beasts that were chasing Wang Lin.

Flying swords charged into the gap one by one. Once a gap was opened, the cultivators had already won. After all, their goal wasn't to eliminate the fire beasts, but to escape.

Feng Luan stared at the battlefield. The phoenix chariot suddenly charged forth and broke through as well.

The 16 giant fire beasts were held down by the Nascent Soul cultivators. They roared repetitively, but eventually stopped and stared coldly at the escaping army of cultivators. Then they linked their hands together in a weird wave and waves of roars like before came from their mouths.

Shortly after, red lines came out of their foreheads to form the ring of fire. The moment the ring of fire appeared, the 16 giant fire beasts revealed looks of devotion and let out sad growls.

Their bodies shrank rapidly as bursts of dark red energy entered the ring of fire.

This processes lasted more than an hour. Some cultivators noticed the change and came to stop them, but when they got close, they were turned to dust by a destructive force. After seeing this, no one else dared to come too close.

One more hour later, the bodies of the 16 giant beasts had dissipated. They had all fused with the ring of fire. The ring didn't grow any larger, but the color was now dark red. Finally, it silently shattered into tiny red specks and disappeared.

At this moment, all of the fire beasts inside Hou Fen stopped moving and knelt on the ground, letting out sad sounds at the same time. Suddenly, one of the fire beasts fell to the ground and started twitching. If one looked closely, they would see a speck of red light on its forehead. Its body rapidly expanded and in less than one hour, it grew to ten feet tall.

Shortly after, one fire beast after another was touched by the red speck and their bodies rapidly grew. In less than 2 hours, all of the fire beasts in Hou Fen seemed to have undergone a change. Their powers were also increased ten fold.

The beasts that changed flew into the air and chased after the army of cultivators. More and more changed fire beasts joined the chase. This scene looked very intimidating.

As for the army of cultivators, of the ten Nascent Soul cultivators that returned from the battle, four came back to the War God Shrine's group. One of the old men with a pale face swept the chariot and locked onto Wang Lin. His voice was cold as he asked, "It was this junior who lured the fire beasts here?"

Wang Lin stared at the old man with his cold gaze and nodded.

The old man let out a few cold snorts, then his giant hand reached toward Wang Lin. Feng Luan's face slightly darkened as she slapped the five colored phoenix chariot. A five colored phoenix appeared and let out a chirp. It flapped its wings and a five colored light spread out.

The old man withdrew his hand. He stared at the woman and angrily shouted, "Feng Luan, what are you doing? Not only did this guy possess a disciple of our War God Shrine, but also lured the fire beasts here. You have to know that more than 1000 disciples of Hou Fen died in that battle."

Feng Luan revealed a determined look and decisively said, "As long as I'm here, you can't kill him."

Zhou Jin stared at Feng Luan with a dark expression. He pondered for a bit, then said, "This person isn't Ma Liang, so he isn't a disciple of my War God Shrine. Although I can't kill him, he can't stay here either."

Feng Luan turned toward Wang Lin and asked, "Wang Lin, are you willing to become my honorary disciple?"

Wang Lin quickly thanked her and nodded.

Zhou Jin's eyes narrowed and became cold. Feng Luan's cultivation level was the same as his, at the early stage of Nascent Soul, but her cultivation partner, Yang Sen, was at the mid stage of Nascent Soul. It wasn't really worth it to offend two Nascent Soul cultivators over something this small. Zhou Jin snorted and said, "Since junior apprentice sister Feng Luan is willing to take this person as her disciple, then I naturally won't pursue this matter anymore. Putting the identity of this person aside, seeing that there are more battles to come, with his mere mid stage Foundation Establishment cultivation level, it would be hard to ensure his safety."

With that, he waved his sleeves and left.

Of the three remaining Nascent Soul cultivators, only one flew toward Feng Luan. The other two wryly smiled and scattered. The person who flew toward Feng Luan looked like a middle-aged scholar. He was the mid stage Nascent Soul cultivator that Zhou Jin dreaded, Yang Sen.

He looked at Wang Lin and frowned. He then sighed at Feng Luan and asked, "Junior sister Luan… why did you do this?"

Feng Luan coldly stared at the middle aged scholar and said, "If it wasn't for him, Hong Er would have died in the foreign battleground. If it wasn't you for inciting her, how could Hong Er have entered that dangerous place?"

The middle aged scholar turned toward Wang Lin and deeply bowed. After he finished, he took out a piece of jade and swiped his hand over it. He threw it at Wang Lin and said, "This jade is a Nascent Soul level treasure I made in my earlier years. I have already removed my divine sense from it. Once you imprint yours, you will be able to use it to protect yourself in the coming battles."

Chapter 137 – Country Sealing Array.

Wang Lin revealed a joyous expression as he accepted the jade talisman. The middle-aged scholar no longer said anything to Wang Lin. He entered the phoenix chariot to talk to Feng Luan.

Wang Lin was not someone who didn't know his place. The moment the middle-aged scholar walked into the phoenix chariot, he left and joined the army's ranks.

At the border of Hou Fen was Xuan Wu. Along with the cultivators, all of the mortals were also migrating with their families to Xuan Wu. Those fire beasts that underwent change rarely attacked mortals now; their only target was Wang Lin.

As time passed, the fire beasts began to catch up. More and more fire beasts appeared behind the army of cultivators, causing a heavy pressure to weigh above everyone's heads.

There was a giant basin at the border of Hou Fen. After the army of cultivators arrived there, the heads of various sects and cultivation families, along with the 19 Nascent Soul cultivators, began an important secret meeting.

After the meeting was over, 19 figures flew into the air above the basin. One of the Lou He Sect cultivators shouted, "After many years of studying, my Lou He Sect has determined this to be the ancestral home of the fire beasts, the birthplace of the fire spirit beasts. If we lay a seal here, it will affect all of the volcanoes in Hou Fen. Then, if we use the country sealing array left by our ancestors from more than 1,000 years ago, we can seal the fire beasts within Hou Fen."

One of the Evil Demon Sect's Nascent Soul cultivators looked at the ground and snorted. "If our ancestors already had things prepared, then why didn't they just wipe them out back then instead of letting things become like this?"

The three Nascent Soul cultivators of the Corpse Sect had no coffins behind their backs. That meant they were close to completely possessing their bodies.

The three of them had the most calm expressions. It was as if nothing interested them. If it wasn't for the fact that Hou Fen's current spiritual energy made it impossible for them to recover, they wouldn't even be involved in this migration.

Ancestor Song of the War God Shrine rolled his eyes and said, "Even the ancestors wouldn't be able to predict that this disaster would come. Even if they did predict it, they wouldn't be able to help. To be able to leave something behind from 1,000 plus years ago to give us a chance to live is good enough. Fellow cultivators, let us begin."

After Ancestor Song finished speaking, six Nascent Soul cultivators, including the middle-aged scholar and Feng Luan, stood together in a certain formation and formed a strange seal with their hands.

The six of them let out shouts together and six lotus flowers flew out toward the eastern corner of the basin. The entire basin shook as a cloud of red smoke floated into the air.

After that, the Lou He Sect, Corpse Sect, and Devil Demon Sect shot lotus flowers at the South, West, and North corners respectively.

More roars echoed in the basin as more and more red smoke appeared. The red smoke gathered in one place and formed many shapes before turning into a hollow ring.

At this moment, the Nascent Soul cultivators from the cultivation families who hadn't acted yet let out bitter smiles. They hit their own foreheads and their Nascent Souls appeared. Then they flew into the empty space inside the ring and stayed there.

One of the Lou He Sect's cultivators shouted, "Fellow independent cultivator, act now. What are you waiting for?"

One of the Nascent Souls inside the ring replied with a sharp tone, "Forget it! Since the four great sects are willing to repay us with Nascent Pills, it is only losing 100 years of spiritual energy! I'll do it!" With that, the Nascent Soul formed a seal and charged into the smoke. The moment he entered the smoke, his Nascent Soul disappeared as if it had fused with the fog.

The rest of the Nascent Souls clenched their teeth and changed in. The ring of fog didn't change in size, but there were movements of spiritual energy within it.

The country sealing array left by this ancestor not only required all four sects to act, it also required Nascent Soul cultivators to use their Nascent Souls to ensure that the seal was perfect.

The color of blood became stronger and stronger on this ring of smoke as it floated higher into the air. Soon after, the ring quickly expanded toward the four corners of Hou Fen.

All of the volcanoes that the red ring passed released red smoke. The red smoke from the volcanoes joined the ring and increased its expansion speed.

After one hour, the ring covered the entire country of Hou Fen like a bowl. The country sealing array had successfully opened.

Once the country sealing array had opened, only mortals could freely enter. Anything with spiritual energy and under the Soul Formation stage would not be able to pass.

As the sealing array opened, the 19 Nascent Soul cultivators of the four sects grabbed the bodies of the independent Nascent Soul cultivators. Those who had families had entrusted their bodies to them while those without had entrusted their bodies to the Lou He Sect.

Several cultivators of Lou He Sect stood outside the array. They bowed and shouted, "Fellow cultivators, please be at ease while you maintain the array. We promise to keep your bodies safe. This array only needs to last three months. I believe we will have a spot in Xuan Wu by then. I believe that by then, the higher cultivation country will also come to wipe out the beasts. We will personally come to greet your return."

The moment the those words were said, the Nascent Soul cultivators of the other three sects sincerely bowed without a hint of dishonesty.

After the country sealing array opened, the fire beasts let out angry roars and slammed into the red cover. Every time they slammed into it, the barrier would tremble, but none of them could break through.

Now that they had managed to temporarily stop the fire beasts, the cultivator army moved at top speed. One could see ray of light left by the flying swords charging toward Xuan Wu.

At the border of Xuan Wu were some mortal armies. These mortals gawked at the sky as countless flying swords flew over their heads. No one knew who, but someone let out a scream and began to kowtow toward the sky. Soon, everyone was kneeling on the ground, praying to the sky.

There was one person who was dressed like a cultivator within the army. His face was pale as he muttered, "This… these are the cultivators of Hou Fen…"

He sucked in a breath of cold air and took a few steps back, but just at that moment, a creepy laugh came from the sky. One of the Devil Demon Sect's Core Formation cultivators came by on a flying sword. Three flying swords quickly pierced through the middle-aged cultivator.

The middle-aged cultivator let out a miserable groan as he was cut into pieces.

The mortal army immediately scattered. Even the mortal general ran away, afraid of getting caught in this mess.

Tens of thousands of flying swords charged into Xuan Wu in the blink of an eye. They stopped at a mountain covered in fog. An old man with a gloomy expression moved to the front of the army. He waved his hand and a powerful force smashed down on the mountain.

Rays of golden light appeared, forming a screen to block the descent of the hit.

Below the light screen were thousands of cultivators. They looked at the sky with fear in their faces. An old woman walked out and shouted, "Fellow cultivators of Hou Fen, what is the meaning of this?"

The War God Shrine's Yang Sen gently moved his body and appeared on top of the lightscreen. His expression was plain as he grabbed with his right hand. The lightscreen immediately cracked under the pressure and shattered.

The old woman's pupils shrank. She turned around and left without a word. Her body disappeared and reappeared more than ten kilometers away. However, clouds gathered before her in the shape of Yang Sen. He looked at her with a cold gaze and waved his hand at the old woman without a word. The old woman let out a roar as she hit her head and her Nascent Soul came out.

The moment her Nascent Soul appeared, her body was disintegrated by a destructive force.

The old woman was frightened. She was only at the early stage of Nascent Soul, while her opponent was clearly at the peak of the mid stage of Nascent Soul. There were only three people at this cultivation level in Xuan Wu. She didn't even have the heart to resist; she only wanted to survive this.

Yang Sen let out a snort and shouted, "You won't be able to run!"

Ignoring Yang Sen, the moment the lightscreen failed, all of the Core Formation and Foundation Establishment cultivators of Hou Fen attacked. They killed everyone they saw, and in the blink of an eye, the entire mountain peak was covered in blood. No one was left alive.

This large mountain was now completely occupied by the four sects. Tens of thousands of disciples stood on the mountain peak with all of the Nascent Soul cultivators other than Yang Sen above them.

The War God Shrine's Ancestor Song's eyes were like lightning. His voice was filled with killing intent as he shouted, "This is a war without right or wrong. If we can't establish a foothold in Xuan Wu within three months, then we must face the fire beasts. The fire beasts aren't scary. What is scary is not having spiritual energy to cultivate."

"As of today, the War God Shrine, Evil Demon Sect, Lou He Sect, and Corpse Sect will become the Hou Fen Union. Every disciple of the Hou Fen Union will be gifted a Core Formation treasure, and every Core Formation disciple will be gifted a Nascent Soul treasure."

"During the war, everything you seize belongs to you. The union will not take it from you. Disciples, this is war, but I personally want you all to see it as an invasion, an invasion for survival."

A Nascent Soul cultivator of the Lou He Sect on the side let out a cough and said, "Aside from the treasures, each of you will receive a jade talisman that can be used to record the number of enemies you have killed. Anyone who kills 100 5th layer Qi Condensation or higher cultivators, or ten Foundation Establishment cultivators will be gifted ten medium-quality spirit stones. Anyone who kills 200 5th layer Qi Condensation or higher cultivators, 20 Foundation Establishment cultivators, or one Core Formation cultivator will be rewarded ten bottles of spirit pills."