

Chapter 43 Cooperation With The Young Lady

Lu Yu looked at the three people in front of him and was slightly surprised. He didn't expect to meet others in this wilderness.

"Hello, my name is Yun Zirou."

The gorgeous girl in front of him walked toward him, which made Lu Yu feel a little strange.

"Hello, my name is Lu Yu. Looking at the three of you, you should be from the same family, right?"

Yun Zirou nodded, and she turned to look at Xiao Qing.

"Xiao Qing, you can talk to him about the rest."

Xiao Qing, the maid beside her, nodded and walked to Lu Yu.

Yun Zirou was not good at negotiating deals, so she left it to Xiao Qing to handle.

Xiao Qing came to Lu Yu and said, "Mr. Lu Yu, I'll give you a chance to earn 100,000 for free. As long as you fulfill our headcount."

Lu Yu chuckled, "100,000 dollars? Who are you looking down on? I'm not joining!"

Xiao Qing was neither anxious nor impatient. She explained, "Although the money is not much, what you need to do is very simple. You just need to accompany us into the secret realm and wait for us to come out. You don't need to do anything during the whole process. You just need to be an extra headcount."

Lu Yu thought for a moment and asked, "You just said that you want me to enter a secret realm? Where is it?"

Xiao Qing pointed at the cave behind her. "As long as you enter that cave, you can enter the secret realm."

100,000 was too little for Lu Yu. He didn't care about this bit of money at all.

However, Lu Yu was very interested in the reward of this secret realm.

The items contained within it were probably far more than 100,000 dollars.

Lu Yu looked at Xiao Qing and said, "I don't want to negotiate about this with you. Among the three of you, the one with the highest status should be Yun Zirou, right?"

As he said this, Lu Yu walked toward Yun Zirou.

Xiao Qing quickly came in front of Yun Zirou and stopped Lu Yu.

However, Yun Zirou pushed Xiao Qing away and looked at Lu Yu.

"If you want to negotiate this deal with me, you can. So, are you willing to cooperate with me this time?"

Yun Zirou looked at Lu Yu calmly. As she was in a rush, she hoped Lu Yu would agree as soon as possible.

However, she couldn't show her anxiety, or she would be at a disadvantage.

"If I want to cooperate with you, you've got to at least state where you came from. Otherwise, who knows if you guys are good or evil?"

Lu Yu's question made Yun Zirou hesitate for a moment, but she still said it out loud.

"Alright then. My name is Yun Zirou, I've already said this. I'm the daughter of the head of the Yun family in Cloud City. The person next to me is my butler. This is Xiao Qing, my maid."

Lu Yu sized up the three of them. Their clothes were outstanding, and they looked like they came from a prominent family.

After Yun Zirou finished speaking, the three of them looked at Lu Yu earnestly, hoping that Lu Yu would give them some reaction.

After all, the Yun family was quite influential in Cloud City. Most people have heard of the powerful Yun family.

Yun Zirou was the publicly acknowledged goddess of the entire Cloud City. She had the appearance and figure that made countless guys from other wealthy families craze for her.

However, after Lu Yu heard it, he only let out a simple "Oh."

"Since you've already announced your household, I'm relieved. Let's enter the secret realm."

Yun Zirou looked at Lu Yu, flabbergasted. "No, I said I'm the daughter of the Yun Family?"

Lu Yu nodded. "I heard it. I'm not deaf."

Yun Zirou held her hands to her forehead and was utterly speechless. "You must be from another place. Somewhere far away."

The three of them were disappointed, but they did not say anything more.

Lu Yu could roughly guess that Yun Zirou's family was not ordinary. That was probably why she felt that his calm reaction was abnormal.

"Although I have never entered a secret realm, I understand it."

"Let me get straight to the point. I want the reward for this secret realm."

As soon as Lu Yu finished speaking, Yun Zirou was immediately displeased.

"What do you mean? You're asking for a lot right from the start, aren't you? Do you want to hog all the rewards for yourself right from the start? How are we supposed to work together with you like this?"

Butler Lin quickly comforted her, "Miss, don't be anxious. We'll listen to his explanation."

Lu Yu explained, "I'm not here to just be an extra headcount if I cooperate with you guys."Our cooperation will be carried out according to the rules of the secret realm. After completing the secret realm, the rewards will be distributed according to the rules."

"Other than the overall team rating, there will also be a weighted score based on the four ratings of damage received, physical damage dealt, spell damage dealt, and healing done. The final individual rating will be obtained based on these scores. Those with the higher rating will receive the secret realm's rewards first."

"It shouldn't be a problem for us to act according to the rules, right?"

Although Yun Zirou was confused, she still agreed.

She had never entered a secret realm before, so she naturally did not understand the rules.

She also understood that Lu Yu was not asking for too much, but she felt he was acting very confident.

At the same time, she also became highly confident. Since they were subjected to the realm's rules, she was sure that she would definitely get the highest rating and obtain the rewards of the secret realm!

"Alright, we will follow the rules. But I am telling you, I will definitely get the rewards this time!"

Looking at her confident act, Lu Yu only smiled faintly.

"You haven't even entered, yet you're already boasting. What if you get slapped in the face?"

Yun Zirou smiled smugly, "Do you know which university I'm going to?"

"It's Clanorth University!"

Before Lu Yu could start guessing, she answered quickly.

"So, do you still think you have a chance to beat me?"

When Yun Zirou saw that Lu Yu was the same age as her, she knew that she would surely win!

After all, Clanorth University was the top university in the country. Those who could enter this university were all the top geniuses in the country.

She was one of these top geniuses! No one could compare to her.

It was this confidence that made her believe that she would undoubtedly win against Lu Yu.

However, Lu Yu only shrugged indifferently, "We'll know the result after we enter."

"Alright, I'll give you a chance to witness the elegance of a top-notch genius!"

Following that, the four of them arrived at the entrance of the secret realm.

This place was like a teleportation portal. Once they entered, they would head to another space.

Yun Zirou raised her right hand. The ring on her slender jade finger flashed with light, and a pile of equipment appeared before her eyes.

Let's make preparations first before entering the secret realm. Let me put on my equipment first."

Lu Yu also revealed his storage ring. After the light flashed, his equipment also appeared on the ground.

Usually, to facilitate movement, he would not wear his equipment. Only when he was about to battle would he put on the equipment.

Lu Yu looked at the equipment in front of Yun Zirou and could not help but sigh. As expected of a member of a prominent family.

Every piece of equipment was incomparably superb. At a glance, one could tell that it was the clothing of an aristocrat.

Then, he looked at his own equipment. Although the equipment's stats were not bad, it looked very rough and did not look fashionable.

At this moment, Yun Zirou looked at the equipment in front of Lu Yu and asked, "This set of equipment of yours can't be green quality, right? If so, that's newbie-level equipment."

Chapter 44 Who's The True Genius

Yun Zirou looked at the equipment in front of Lu Yu and felt that many of it was green equipment.

"These pieces of equipment, are there any that are above green quality?"

"Look at my blue robe. It's of perfect blue quality. Look at the lovely workmanship."

Yun Zirou proudly showed off her equipment. Besides her, the maid Xiao Qing couldn't help but show off as well.

"This speedy vine armor of mine is also blue-quality. If I didn't work for the Yun family, getting this kind of equipment wouldn't be easy."

The three people in front of him all showed off their equipment, whether intentionally or not.

But Lu Yu roughly looked at them and felt they were all very ordinary.

[ Blue Magic Robe: Blue, increases 50 mana, increases 15 defense, increases 15 speed ]

[ Speedy Vine Armor: Blue, increases 40 speed, 20 defense ]

There were also a few pieces of inferior blue equipment; the rest were all green equipment.

To be honest, they were pretty ordinary. Lu Yu did not know where they got the courage to show off.

Lu Yu was a little speechless. He said powerlessly, "All of my pieces of equipment are blue-grade. They should be fine."

The three of them were stunned when they heard that.

Yun Zirou was in disbelief.

"I don't believe it. How are your pieces of equipment all blue grade?!"

She did not want to believe it. As the young lady of a large and prominent family, she had only obtained one or two pieces of high-quality blue-grade equipment.

However, this young man who needed to go on a material collecting mission before her was wearing all blue-grade equipment.

How could she believe it…

Xiao Qing and the Butler were in disbelief. From their point of view, Lu Yu looked like he was from an average family. How could he own so many blue equipments?

"If you don't believe me, just come over and take a look." Lu Yu was too lazy to explain.

Yun Zirou walked over doubtfully and looked at the equipment carefully. She picked up one of the pieces of equipment and immediately got the information.

Then, she opened her mouth in surprise.

"It's really blue-grade equipment. What about this one?"

She picked up another piece of equipment. Sure enough, it was also blue!

She continued to pick up the third and fourth pieces. In the end, they were all blue-grade.

At that moment, she stood frozen on the spot and couldn't believe what she had seen.

"It's really, really all blue quality equipment!"

Lu Yu shrugged, "I've already told you. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can say."

Xiao Qing and Butler Lin were also surprised.

Lu Yu looked like a young man from an ordinary family. To be able to take out so many blue-grade equipments at once really surprised them.

Yun Zirou pouted unhappily. "Hmph! When I go home, I'll definitely ask dad to get me more blue-grade equipment!"

The four of them started to put on their equipment on the spot. After everyone was fully equipped, they could make their final preparations.

"I suggest that both of us introduce our talents and our roles to each other. This will be more convenient for our future cooperation."

Yun Zirou suggested it.

Butler Lin was the first to respond to Yun Zirou's suggestion. He said, "My talent is Rock Wall. My defense is very high, so my position is a tank. I usually take the role of absorbing damage in a party."

"Oh right, my overall strength rating is level 28."

After Butler Lin finished, Xiao Qing continued, "My talent is Twin Shadows. My speciality is invisibility and creating clones, so my role is an assassin."

"My overall rating is level 24."

Yun Zirou gave the last introduction. "My talent is a hidden talent. The specific name, evolution path, and so on are vague."

"The only thing that can be confirmed is that my talent is a mage-type talent, so it requires a very high mana value."

"Oh right, my overall strength rating is level 15."

After the three of them finished introducing themselves, they looked at Lu Yu, looking forward to hearing about Lu Yu's talent.

However, their expectations were not high. They felt that it would be pretty good if Lu Yu's overall strength rating could reach level 10.

Lu Yu began to introduce his talent, but he did not plan to reveal his talent's name.

After all, the world had too many prejudices toward the Claw Attack talent. If he revealed that his talent was publicly acknowledged as the weakest talent, he would definitely be looked down upon by the three of them.

"Based on the effect of my talent, you guys can treat me as a close combat specialist. My tank and damage output aren't bad."Yun Zirou was puzzled, "Close-combat fighter… It seems that your talent is also a hidden talent. I didn't expect us to be the same. The biggest problem with hidden talent is that we can't estimate our path from previous users with the same talent.

Because she didn't know her specific talent, she couldn't know the complete path of evolution.

If she knew this in advance, she would be able to prepare for the future as soon as possible.

However, as she had a hidden talent, she could only figure it out herself.

"Oh right, you all said that you have a comprehensive rating. How did you calculate this?"

Lu Yu was a little confused about this rating. There was never a rating on his personal interface.

Yun Zirou was a little curious. "It can't be that you have never rated your own strength, right?"

After saying that, she looked at Butler Lin.

Then, Butler Lin took out something that looked like a scanner and pointed it at Lu Yu.

After scanning him for a while, two numbers appeared on it.

Butler Lin muttered, "He's actually level 19!"

When Yun Zirou heard that, she was astonished and hurriedly walked over.

"Really? Is he actually level 19, higher than me?"

"But he looks the same age as me!" Yun Zirou exclaimed.

At that moment, Yun Zirou's brows were tightly furrowed as she fell into deep thought.

She was only level 15, and a top-tier institution like Clarnorth University accepted her.

Lu Yu, who looked the same age as her, was already level 19!

Didn't this mean Lu Yu was also very likely to be accepted by Clanorth University?

This was a very likely outcome. After all, Clanorth University would not let a genius out of their sight.

Yun Zirou carefully looked at Lu Yu and asked, "You're not on a mission for the black market, are you?"

Lu Yu shook his head.

"Could… could it be that you are going to Clanorth University for admission?"

"That's right, you're correct. I'm the same as you. I'm going to attend Clanorth University."

Lu Yu did not beat around the bush and directly said it.

Yun Zirou was utterly speechless. As the daughter of a large family clan, she had many experts by her side to help her fight monsters in dungeons.

However, the speed at which her strength increased was not comparable to a lone cultivator!

Clanorth University even accepted him!

All this while, Yun Zirou had always felt that she was a genius, a chosen one!

However, in front of Lu Yu, she felt that she was mediocre for the first time.

He was a true genius!

"I didn't expect that I would meet a future classmate…" Yun Zirou sighed and looked at Lu Yu differently.

Chapter 45 Enter The Secret Realm, Toxic Ruins

When the three of them discovered that Lu Yu was also an admitted student at Clanorth University, they were all surprised.

They knew that, with Lu Yu's condition, he must have put in a lot of effort to be admitted to Clanorth University.

Moreover, Lu Yu's talent was definitely not ordinary.

The three of them were curious about what kind of talent Lu Yu had, but since Lu Yu did not want to tell them, they did not intend to ask further.

The four of them put on their equipment and began to make preparations in advance.

Butler Lin was the first to stand up and said, "I'll take the lead. Then, Lu Yu will follow behind me, and Miss will be in third place."

"Lastly, Xiao Qing will be in last place. How about that?"

They all felt Butler Lin's allocation was reasonable and nodded in agreement.

Under this allocation, there was no doubt that Yun Zirou was in the safest position.

On the one hand, she was the daughter of the Yun family, so Butler Lin naturally had to allocate her like this. On the other hand, the position of a mage should be in a safe position in a team, so they will be able to deal more damage.

"Since we are all ready, let's enter the secret realm!"

As Lu Yu said, he stepped forward to the secret realm entrance and looked at the panel that was displayed.

After he confirmed that their team was about to enter the secret realm, a ray of light flashed from the cave, and the four of them disappeared.

Soon, their figures appeared in another place.

After the four of them were teleported to this place, they quickly scanned their surroundings to get a hold of the situation around them.

There were thick waves of fog around them. In the thick fog, they could vaguely see that their surroundings were piles of ruins.

Yun Zirou frowned slightly and pinched her nose with her hand.

"The smell of this thick fog is very strange…"

Lu Yu and the other two also sensed something was wrong with the thick fog. They started to feel uncomfortable while breathing.

At that moment, they saw the notification panel floating in the air.

[ You have entered the secret realm, Toxic Ruins. Please proceed with caution… ]

"Toxic Ruins. It seems that this secret realm is related to poison or some sort. This fog might contain poisonous gas!"

Butler Lin said, with a solemn expression. They did not bring any anti-poison equipment this time.

At most, they had a few emergency antidotes.

But if there were poison fog everywhere, just these antidotes wouldn't be enough.

Yun Zirou and Xiao Qing looked troubled. They didn't know what to do next.

At this moment, Lu Yu used his Eye of Truth to look at the details of the surrounding poisonous fog.

[ Fog of Corrosion: After inhaling it, resistance to poison will decrease. Damage from poison attacks will increase. ]

After reading the notification, Lu Yu was relieved.

It was just a fog with a debuff effect. It was not too bad, and they could still continue their journey.

Of course, this negative effect was also very troublesome. After all, the monsters inside were definitely all using poison elemental attacks.

"Don't worry. This poisonous fog is called the "Fog of Corrosion". After inhalation, it will only give a debuff effect, reducing our resistance to poison attacks."

creatures, the four of them regrouped.

"Damn it. These creatures aren't easy to deal with. I'll be finished if I'm not careful and get poisoned!"

Butler Lin wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Yun Zirou looked at Lu Yu and lowered her head. "Thank you for helping me out just now…"

The sudden wave of attacks just now almost made her unable to react in time.

If it were just the three of them, she would have already been poisoned…