

Chapter 790: 800 Years Old

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

Su Mo spent a day in Qingyuan City to help Su Hong, Qing Pingzi, and Yue Qun improve their cultivation with his Devouring Martial Soul.

He said goodbye the next morning and headed for Ancient City.

Su Mo was still travelling alone since Hong Qingxuan had returned to the Divine Map.

This was because Hong Qingxuan would slow him down tremendously since she was weaker.

Su Mo rushed toward Ancient City as fast as he could.

Ancient City was obviously an archaic city. Furthermore, it was one of Central Continent's biggest archaic city.

It was huge because it consisted of a main city and eight satellite cities.

The eight satellite cities were scattered around the main city in eight directions, forming a gigantic circle. The entire city spanned across thousands of miles. It was grand and majestic.

The main city itself was already bigger than Emperor Spiritual City, not to mention the satellite cities. Ancient City could easily hold more than 100 million residents.

When Su Mo finally arrived at Ancient City after a long and tiresome trip, he frowned upon seeing its size.

If the arena did not exist anymore, it would be difficult to locate the entrance of Firmament Palace in such a huge city.

After a moment, Su Mo sighed and headed toward the main city.

He entered the city after paying an entry fee and started looking for Firmament Palace's entrance right away.

After asking around for four hours, Su Mo felt frustrated that no one knew where the Ancient Arena was.

Everyone who had heard of the Ancient Arena gave him the same reply – it was torn down since a long time ago, before the Ancient City was even built. No one knew its exact location.

Su Mo's heart sank.

Afterward, Su Mo spent an entire day looking around the main city and all the eight satellite cities. He even took out Firmament Palace's Holy Son token to detect the entrance, but to no avail.

Su Mo was extremely frustrated, because he could not return to Firmament Palace unless he found its entrance!

Su Mo eventually ran out of choices and went to Sky-sea Pavilion's branch in Ancient City. He was welcomed by the Pavilion Leader after he identified himself.

Su Mo and the Pavilion Leader sat across each other in the reception room.

The Pavilion Leader was a chubby and friendly-looking man in his 60s. He was known as Pavilion Leader Huang.

"Supervisor Su, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Pavilion Leader Huang asked with a smile after exchanging pleasantries.

He was very polite despite being an expert of the Martial Royal Realm because his position in Sky-sea Pavilion was lower than Su Mo.

Nevertheless, he simply treated Su Mo as his equal rather than licking his boots.

"Pavilion Leader Huang, I came to Ancient City in search for the Ancient Arena that was part of the Holy City of Top 100!"

Su Mo asked frankly, "I wonder if you know where the Ancient Arena was originally located?"

"The Ancient Arena?" Pavilion Leader Huang paused momentarily before he replied, "It was demolished many years ago, so it's almost impossible to determine its exact location!"

"Is it located within Ancient City?" Su Mo asked again. He was confident in finding it as long as it was within the boundaries of Ancient City.

If worst came to worst, he just had to turn the entire Ancient City upside down. It would not take very long anyway.

Pavilion Leader Huang pondered quietly before he replied uncertainly, "I don't think it's located within Ancient City. The Holy City of Top 100 existed in this region countless years ago, but the Ancient City was not built upon its foundation."

Su Mo frowned at his reply. He would have wasted his time and effort if that was the case.

However, the Holy City of Top 100 was definitely no further than 50,000 kilometers away from Ancient City!" Pavilion Leader Huang told Su Mo everything he knew even though he did not know why he was looking for it.

"Ai!" Su Mo sighed inwardly because that was too wide for him to cover!

He originally intended to return to Firmament Palace to look for Blood-striped Seed and Divine Jade, then help Hong Qingxuan receive the ultimate Legacy of Evergreen Palace.

He also wanted to find out more about Archean Spiritual Spiral martial practice from the master of Earth Palace and make use of Firmament Sect's resources to strengthen his cultivation.

It seemed like his plan was foiled.

Su Mo was already at Lv 8 True Darkness Realm, just a step away from the Martial King Realm.

Therefore, he desperately wanted to know more about Archean Spiritual Spiral martial practice.

Su Mo was under a tremendous amount of stress. Archean martial practice had become an unresolved issue for him.

He was in an even greater hurry to find Blood-striped Seed and Divine Jade.

He also had to improve his strength as soon as possible since he had no time to waste.

Su Mo was thinking of looking for Blood-striped Seed in the Mist Mountains if he could not return to Firmament Palace!

"Pavilion Leader Huang, does your branch have any Blood-striped Seed and Divine Jade?" Su Mo asked without much expectation.

"Blood-striped seed and Divine Jade?" Pavilion Leader Huang looked confused as he was not a craftsman. He had never heard of these two materials before.

"Supervisor Su, please wait for me while I look for someone from the Craftsmanship Pavilion!" Pavilion Leader Huang then left the reception room.

After a short while, Pavilion Leader Huang returned to the room with an elder with a hunched back.

This elder had murky eyes and looked extremely old. From a normal person's perspective, he must be more than a hundred years old.

"Supervisor Su, he's Elder Chen, the premier craftsman of our branch!" Pavilion Leader Huang introduced the elder to Su Mo.

"It's nice to meet you, Supervisor Su!" The elder with hunched back clasped his fists at Su Mo.

"Master Chen, you're too courteous!"

Su Mo quickly returned his greeting. Although this elder was very old, his badge identified him as a Lower Royal craftsman.

"Supervisor Su, you can ask Elder Chen about any crafting materials. Elder Chen is already 800 years old, so he is very experienced and knowledgeable!" Pavilion Leader Huang said with a smile.


Su Mo gasped when he heard that. He could not believe that this elder was 800 years old. He was truly a relic of the past!

Su Mo had heard that an expert of the Martial Royal Realm could live up to a thousand years as long as he was not injured. This rumour turned out to be true!

"Master Chen, have you heard of Blood-striped Seed and Divine Jade before?" Su Mo asked.

"Blood-striped Seed and Divine Jade?" Master Chen trembled, and his murky eyes lit up when he heard Su Mo.

Chapter 791: Dark Stone

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

Su Mo was delighted when he saw Master Chen's reaction.

"Master Chen, it seems like you know about these two materials!" Su Mo said in a deep voice.

Master Chen nodded and replied, "That's right. Both of them are required to craft Spiritual Swords!"

Su Mo was amazed that his knowledge. He had underestimated this 800 years old relic!

"Are you crafting a Spiritual Sword, Supervisor Su? Master Chen stared at Su Mo intently and asked.

Su Mo felt a suffocating pressure from his gaze as if the space around him had solidified!

"I've acquired the partial formula of a Spiritual Sword, so I want collect and study the materials needed, in the hope that I can craft a Spiritual Sword in the future!" Su Mo replied with a smile. He did not tell Master Chen the truth because the formula of Spiritual Sword was too precious to be revealed to anyone.

"Partial formula?"

Master Chen's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked, "Supervisor Su, can you show me your partial formula?"

"That's…?" Su Mo hesitated. How could he possibly give him Spiritual Sword's formula!

Master Chen realised he was too rash when he saw Su Mo's expression. He then smiled awkwardly and continued, "Supervisor Su, I've actually found a partial formula several hundred years ago too. We may be able to recreate the complete formula by collating our formulas!"

"Really?" Su Mo was astonished that Master Chen was lucky enough to acquire Spiritual Sword's formula as well.

"Definitely!" Su Mo could not turn him down, so he took out a jade slip and imprinted Spiritual Sword's formula on it.

He obviously didn't hand over the complete formula. He only gave Master Chen a third of the normal Spiritual Sword's formula instead of the Natal Spiritual Sword's formula.

Su Mo exchanged jade slips with Master Chen after he imprinted the formula.

He examined the jade slip from Master Chen and discovered that it was actually the formula of the Natal Spiritual Sword.

However, it only listed around 200 materials that were required, which included Blood-striped Seed and Divine Jade. That was less than half of the actual formula.

Su Mo did not care if Master Chen had only given him a fraction of the formula that he had obtained. He was sure that he could not piece together the complete formula.

That was because he handed Master Chen the partial formula of the normal Spiritual Sword, but what Master Chen had was the partial formula of Natal Spiritual Sword.

Although both types of Spiritual Swords required many identical materials, there were several glaring differences too.

Master Chen was extremely excited as he scrutinized the jade slip.

Then, they returned the jade slips to each other after studying the contents.

"That's definitely the formula of Spiritual Sword, because our partial formulas shared many similarities. I may actually piece together the complete formula if I spend more time studying them!"

Master Chen seemed to have become younger as he smiled brightly. Crafting Spiritual Swords had always been his dream since a long time ago, and he finally saw a glimmer of hope.

"Master Chen, I'm looking for Blood-striped Seed and Divine Jade. Do you know where can I find them?" Su Mo asked in a deep voice. It was almost impossible for Master Chen to derive the complete formula, and he would not care even if he did.

He only wanted to know where he could find Blood-striped Seed and Divine Jade.

Master Chen thought for a while and replied, "I'd obtained the partial formula several hundred years ago. Even though I didn't look for these materials, I roughly know their whereabouts."

He had never bothered collecting the materials because he only had a partial formula, but he was quite knowledgeable about them.

Oh? Please enlighten me!" Su Mo quickly clasped his fists at Master Chen.

"Blood-striped Seed only exists in the Mist Mountains. However, there aren't anymore Divine Jade in the entire world!" He replied.


Su Mo was stunned to hear him. He already knew that he could find Blood-striped Seed in the Mist Mountains. However, he found it hard to believe that there was no Divine Jade in this world anymore.

He could not craft his Natal Spiritual Sword without Divine Jade. In that case, Shangguan Hao would surely defeat him in the upcoming battle.

Su Mo had no chance of winning!

His heart sank because he had to find another way to defeat Shangguan Hao if he could not craft the Natal Spiritual Sword.

His other option was fusing the five elements together and converting them into Chaotic Force.

However, that was the tougher option because he was unable to even fuse three elements together at the moment.

At this instance, Master Chen continued, "Although I failed to find Divine Jade after looking through all the ancient scriptures, I managed to find its replacement!"

"What? Its replacement?"

Su Mo was startled and thrilled to hear him, and he asked, "What's its replacement?"

"Dark Stone!"

Master Chen said in a deep voice, "Dark Stone and Divine Jade are extremely similar in terms of their properties and utilities, so I believe that Dark Stone could replace Divine Jade!"

Master Chen did not know that Su Mo had the complete formula, and he thought that Su Mo wanted to collect and study the materials to derive Spiritual Sword's complete formula.

Hence, he told Su Mo everything he knew.

"Dark Stone!"

Su Mo murmured to himself and then asked uncertainly, "Are you sure that it can replace Divine Jade?"

If Master Chen baselessly believed that Dark Stone could replace Divine Jade, Su Mo could not take his words for real!

"Definitely!" Master Chen continued confidently, "Although it may be less effective, it can definitely replace Divine Jade."

Su Mo was overjoyed to hear that. If it could really replace Divine Jade, he did not mind if it was less effective!

"Master, are Dark Stones rare?" Su Mo quickly followed up with another question. He would be rest assured if Dark Stone was a common material.

Master Chen shook his head and replied, "Dark Stone is also a rare treasure that could only be found in the Waste Domain!"

"Which continent does the Waste Domain reside in?" Su Mo asked again, because the concept of "domains" did not exist in the Central Continent. Therefore, Waste Domain must be in one of the four other continents.

Master Chen shook his head again and said, "Waste Domain is not part of Firmament and Continent. It resides on the Plane!"

"Can you tell me where its entrance is?" Su Mo clasped his fists at Master Chen respectfully. He was a great help to him.

"The entrance of Waste Domain only opens once a year. It is within 5,000 kilometers from Ancient City, but its exact location always changes!" Said Master Chen.

Su Mo frowned to hear that. If it only opened once a year, he did not know if he had time for it.

Master Chen smiled when he saw Su Mo's frown and said, "Supervisor Su, you've come at the right time. Waste Domain's entrance will open in less than half a month!"