

As Shun Long reached the end of the cave, the scene in front of his eyes had left him tongue-tied.

A huge bird almost 10meters(33ft) tall had wrapped itself around a giant vine, that was no smaller than the bird itself. The bird's wings were a shiny silver color while its wingspan was more than 30m(100ft) long.

Shun Long who looked at the bird felt like an explosion had just set off inside his head.

Little Black was shocked as well, as he said in disbelief

''Master that green vine must be the treasure of this Demonic Mountain region. Also.. what is a roc doing in a place like this? How can a roc be at just the peak of rank 4? Rocs are very similar to us dragons, so its strength should have at least been at the peak of rank 7 as it was born.''

Shun Long didn't even answer little Black's question as his eyes were glued at the huge vine at the heart of the mountain.

The silver winged roc had tried to completely encapsulate the green vine by wrapping its wings around it, looking almost like it was trying to absorb it inside its own body.

The green light that the vine emitted held a kind of fatal allure to magic beasts.

Even Shun Long's heartbeat had started speeding up at the thought of obtaining this treasure.

After taking a few breaths to calm himself down Shun Long answered little Black's question

''This isn't a pure roc, that's why it is only at the peak of rank 4. Its bloodline seems to belong to the silver winged rocs but it is extremely impure. I guess that one of its ancestors was a pure-blooded silver winged roc but as time passed, the 'pure blood' of the silver winged roc became thinner and thinner with every passing generation.''

Taking another deep breath Shun Long continued

''However, the important thing here isn't this silver winged roc, but the green vine at the heart of the mountain''

Little Black's attention was also on the green vine, as he had too felt the attraction that the vine was emitting he curiously asked

''Master, do you know what this vine is? I don't seem to recall ever seeing a plant like this.''

Shun Long nodded his head as he said

''If I'm not wrong.. this is a 'Heaven swallowing vine'.''

''Impossible! How could such a treasure exist here?'' Little Black asked but his voice seemed to be slightly trembling

To Shun Long, little Black's reaction wasn't exaggerated at all. Instead, he nodded his head as he answered

''I don't know how but it's definitely real. Originally, I didn't even think that a 'Heaven swallowing vine' could exist in this place, but now I understand why the qi in this Demonic Mountain Region is so pure compared to the 'floating cloud city's'. The 'Heaven swallowing vine' is absorbing the qi from its surroundings as it turns it into purer qi.''

Seeing the silver winged roc wrapping itself around the 'Heaven swallowing vine' little Black felt fury as well as envy in his heart. How could an impure small rank 4 roc try to eat a heavenly treasure like the 'Heaven swallowing vine'.

Even little Black in the past, hadn't seen such a treasure as this vine, if you excluded the 'Stone of Time' of course.

This 'Heaven swallowing vine' was a treasure that could advance the rate of your cultivation, if your body cultivated close to it. However, the 'Heaven swallowing vine' was also rumored to have its own spirit and it was known in the cultivation world that things that were alive couldn't enter spatial rings.

As Shun Long was staring at the vine with greed evident in his eyes, the roc's eyes suddenly snapped open.

Its bright red eyes were staring at Shun Long with extreme hostility as it let out a screech before it slowly unwrapped its wings from the vine.

''Master, it's going to attack!'' As soon as little Black finished speaking, he instantly appeared in front of Shun Long. Now that the roc had noticed them, he knew that they couldn't avoid a fight.

Shun Long was standing behind little Black as he asked him through their mental connection

''Little Black, can you pin it down just for 3 breaths of time?''

Little Black didn't know what plan Shun Long had, but he agreed without hesitation as he said

''Leave it to me master!''

The roc flapped its wings once, as it instantly appeared in front of little Black and Shun Long who were still situated at the end of the cave.

Little Black flapped his wings as he took the roc head-on.

However, the disparity in cultivation was too big, and little Black was the one who suffered in the first exchange as he was sent flying, crashing into the inner walls of the mountain.

The silver winged roc didn't let up as it attacked the black dragon continuously using its talons to tear off the dragon's flesh from his body.

Little Black's body had turned bloodied as wounds appeared all over it, while even his scales were injured as they weren't enough to defend against the roc's onslaught.

However, the dragon didn't even let out a single sound as he kept enduring the roc's violent attack.

This was the pride of the king of magic beasts, who even in the face of death would never bow down.

Shun Long who had just retrieved a silver-white page from his spiritual space looked at this scene and his eyes had instantly turned red.

Little Black and Shun Long were sharing a spiritual bond and that's why he knew what the dragon was thinking in his mind as the roc was destroying his body.

''Buy time for master, I need to buy more time for master''

Shun Long raised his left hand as he slashed the space in front of him, creating a space tear big enough for him to walk inside.

After Shun Long stepped inside, he had directly appeared above the roc's neck that was still attacking the black dragon relentlessly.

Holding the silver-white page in his hand, he circulated his qi to activate it, and as a pair of white runes appeared on the page, Shun Long threw it straight at the roc's spine.


The silver page seemed as if it had automatically found its target, as it headed towards the roc's spine.

As soon as it touched the roc though, it didn't pierce a hole in its body like Shun Long had expected. Instead, it looked as if this silver-white page had turned into something intangible after leaving Shun Long's hand, as it buried itself deep within the silver winged roc's body.


The roc cried out in agony after that silver-white page had entered its body. Letting out cries of indescribable pain it didn't have any strength to keep attacking little Black as it immediately collapsed to the ground.

The black dragon, whose body had suffered terribly after the roc's onslaught, was still lying on the ground as well, when he saw Shun Long approaching him. Little Black tried to stand up but the wounds he had suffered were just too heavy.

Shun Long patted the dragon's head while his eyes had started to redden seeing the condition he was in after fighting the roc.

Cuts were present all over his body, while blood was flowing from his mouth. Shun Long was also certain that even some of his internal organs were damaged, before he sent little Black inside the 'Stone of Time'.

After handing a purple fruit with red lines on it to little Black, along with 2 pieces of 'blood lotus', Shun Long said

''Directly eat this rank 2 'purple fire fruit' as well as these 2 pieces of 'blood lotus'. They will stop your injuries, while I will make sure to refine a pill for you in a bit.''

Shun Long had picked this rank 2 'purple fire fruit' from the lush forest earlier along with a dozen more rank 2 medicinal herbs.

He had also gathered the seeds from every fruit that he had obtained so far including the rank 3 'Profound earth fruit', and had planted them all inside the 'Stone of Time'. Although they hadn't matured yet as Shun Long hadn't found the time to enhance their growth speed, it was only a matter of time until they did.

Little Black seemed to be smiling as he instantly swallowed the 'purple fire fruit' as well as the pieces of the rank 2 'blood lotus'.

Although his strength was enough to match a middle rank 4 magic beast and rank 2 medicinal herbs shouldn't be of much use to him, the 'purple fire fruit's effects when combined with the 'blood lotus' were enough to stop his injuries until Shun Long refined a medicinal pill for him.

After handing the rank 2 herbs to little Black, Shun Long turned his eyes to look at the silver winged roc on that was still wreathing in pain on the ground.

Half an hour later, the roc's cries had started to weaken as its struggle started to lessen.

At the same time, Shun Long could feel that his connection with the silver-white page was becoming thinner by the second, and after an hour, at the same time as the roc stopped moving the silver-white page had completely disintegrated inside its body.

From the first time that this silver page had appeared inside his spiritual space, back in the 'Alchemist's Guild', Shun Long had instantly understood its use. It was a killing weapon that was meant to save his life once.

The 9m(30ft) roc's body was now sprawled on the ground. Its red eyes that were still open had now completely lost their luster as its body didn't have the slightest trace of life in it anymore.

Seeing the dead silver winged roc in front of him, Shun Long touched its body without hesitation as he put it inside the 'Stone of Time'. Then he completely turned his attention to the 'Heaven swallowing vine' that was buried at the heart of the mountain.

The biggest challenge was about to start now.

The moment that Shun Long removed the 'Heaven swallowing vine' from the central mountain, he expected pandemonium to take place in the central region.

As soon as the magic beasts here noticed the absence of the 'silver winged roc' as well as the disappearance of the 'Heaven swallowing vine', all of them would definitely rush to the central mountain.

And now that little Black was hurt and couldn't fly, if even a middle rank 2 magic beast noticed Shun Long, he would be in danger.

''Since it's only a matter of time before the rank 4 beasts notice that the 'silver winged roc' has disappeared, there is no reason to hesitate. After all I can't leave such a treasure here in the first place.''

Hearing Shun Long mumbling to himself, little Black nodded his head as he agreed with him

''That's right master, the magic beasts here have taken enough advantage of this 'Heaven swallowing vine'. I'm actually curious as to how no high-level expert has noticed this place yet.''

Shun Long nodded his head at little Black's words as he moved his hand towards the huge vine.

As his hand came in contact with the green body of the vine, Shun Long felt an immense repelling force the moment he tried to put the vine inside the 'Stone of Time'. After all, although the 'Heaven swallowing vine' wasn't alive, it had its own spirit and understood that Shun Long was trying to store it inside a spiritual space.

The 'Heaven swallowing vine' burst forth with a blindingly bright green light that forced Shun Long to close his eyes.

However, just as the vine's spirit started to resist, the 'Stone of Time' also reacted, as it emitted an even stronger blue light that completely suppressed the 'Heaven swallowing vine'.

The 10m(33ft) vine was instantly absorbed inside the 'Stone of Time', but before Shun Long had any time to rejoice and check his spoils, little Black's voice sounded inside his head as he said

''Master, I can sense a lot of magic beasts moving from the forest on our east, and they are all coming towards our direction''


Shun Long hadn't expected for the magic beasts to immediately react as soon as he took the 'Heaven swallowing vine' from the central mountain.

'' How many magic beasts are there? What about that '4 winged ice bird'?''

''Master, it's coming as well. The middle rank 4 magic beast inside that lake, as well as the early rank 4 beast from the mountain next to the lake is also coming''

Shun Long was stuck in an impossible position. Without little Black, there was no way that he could escape before the rank 4 magic beasts arrived here. Every escape path was blocked as well.

Stuck in this desperate situation, Shun Long tried his hardest to think for a way out when he suddenly remembered the layout of the central mountain.

Looking around him he asked little Black

''Little Black, are you certain that the magic beasts below rank 5 can't use their soul to sense?''

''Master I am certain but... we don't have any more time to leave! The '4 winged ice bird' has almost arrived at the foot of the mountain. Even if we leave now it's too late.''

Shun Long then said

''I won't be able to see anything so you have to guide me through this if we want to avoid all the magic beasts here''

Little Black didn't understand what Shun Long was saying.

His words made no sense, until he saw Shun Long looking around, before he entered in one of the caves that were inside the mountain's heart.

''This central mountain is full of caves, big and small. If I can navigate my way through them, with little Black's help we can certainly leave.''

At the same time as Shun Long entered the cave, the middle rank 4 magic beast, the '4 winged ice bird had already reached the foot of the mountain as it was flying towards the huge entrance in the middle at breakneck speed. To these magic beasts living inside the Demonic Mountain region, nothing mattered as much as the 'Heaven swallowing vine'.

In the distance, more than a dozen rank 3 magic beasts could be seen leaving the forest as they all headed towards the central mountain. At the same time, a ferocious beast that resembled a crocodile could be seen running on all fours, as it emerged from the big lake while it too headed towards the mountain.

From the smaller mountain on the left side of the lake, a 3m(10ft) tall spider was madly rushing towards them as well... but that was just the start.

Hundreds of beasts from all over the central region were now also rushing towards the central mountain.


The '4 winged ice bird' issued a loud cry as soon as it reached the heart of the mountain. Not only was the 'silver winged roc' missing, but their most important 'Heaven swallowing vine' had disappeared along with it.

As Shun Long had expected, the beasts that had just arrived at the foot of the mountain didn't head towards the mountain's heart, but instead entered from the many empty caves at the base, madly searching for the 'Heaven swallowing vine'.

Little Black who was relaying the situation to Shun Long, was also calculating the routes to avoid the magic beasts inside

''Master, there are many beasts coming from our left side. Enter the second entrance from our right, and then directly the first entrance from the left.''

Although little Black had his soul sense and could still guide Shun Long, there were just too many beasts inside the mountain at this point. Although the central mountain was huge, there was almost one beast in every entrance by now.

''Master, we are in trouble! There is a middle rank 3 magic beast coming straight ahead of us and there is no way to avoid it from the other caves''

Shun Long was now very close to the foot of the mountain, but in the end, it seemed that they couldn't avoid every magic beast inside.

Facing this situation, Shun Long's heart had turned cold. Could it be that there was no other choice than for them to fight here?

Little Black's voice was then heard inside Shun Long's head

''Master, I can leave the 'Stone of Time' and kill it with my 'Darkness fire' but...''

Shun Long shook his head as he replied

''We will definitely be discovered then... I know. I also know the burden that it would place on you if you fought in your current condition.''

Stuck under this situation of extreme pressure, Shun Long tried his best to stay as calm as possible before he said

''There is no other choice. We will either pull this off or we are doomed this time.

Little Black, you have to tell me the exact moment when this magic beast enters a 40m distance from us, and then again when it enters within a 20m distance from us.''

Little Black wasn't sure what Shun Long was trying to do but he agreed to his request regardless as he said

''Master, right now it is 600 meters away from us. 500m.. 400.. 200.. 100''

The magic beast was closing the distance between them extremely quickly.

As this beast was approaching closer and closer, Shun Long tightly clenched his fists as he emptied his mind from all other thoughts.

''80 meters.. 60... Master! It is 40m away from us!''

As soon as little Black's voice sounded in his head, Shun Long punched the air in front of him and a spatial tear was forcibly opened.

As soon as he created the space tear, Shun Long heard little Black's voice in his head again saying

''Master, it's within 20 meters!''

Shun Long instantly entered the space tear, while at the same time, the magic beast had just arrived in front of where he was just standing.

His body had appeared 20 meters behind the beast, as he heard it while it was running deeper inside the mountain.

The absolute darkness inside the cave had saved him from being noticed by this magic beast, and approximately an incense stick of time's later, he had finally arrived back at the foot of the mountain.


Leaving the cave, Shun Long had finally arrived back at the foot of the mountain. As the starry sky shed some light to his surroundings, Shun Long heard little Black's voice saying

''Master, there are many magic beasts coming from both the forest on our left, as well as the mountain on our right. The rank 4 beasts are all inside the central mountain so this is probably the best time for us to leave!''

Nodding his head, Shun Long headed directly towards the big lake in the middle. Since all of the beasts had now entered the central mountain this was the best chance to leave this place.

Running at full speed, Shun Long had quickly arrived in front of the lake as he directly dove inside.

Since this lake was the territory of a magic beast that was infinitely close to the peak of rank 4, no other beast was living here, making it the best path for Shun Long to take to return back.

While Shun Long was swimming through the lake, the magic beasts in the central region were swarming the lush forest in droves, as they were all heading towards the central mountain.

Meanwhile, neither the magic beasts in the inner region, nor the bigshots from the 4 sects at the Demonic Mountain region's entrance had noticed anything yet. After all, the fact that a 'Heaven swallowing vine' existed in the depths of the central mountain was a closely guarded secret that the magic beasts had never allowed the humans to find.

Although the 4 sects had their suspicions about a mysterious treasure existing at the heart of the central mountain, which increased the qi in the air of this region, they were unable to find out anything thanks to the silver winged roc and the other powerful rank 4 magic beasts inside, that were guarding the vine with their lives,

More and more disciples were gathering back at the entrance of the Demonic Mountain region, while the disciples that were deeper inside like Yong Ru and his group, or the 3 geniuses and their own groups, would take at least a few days to return.

Nearly 2 hours later Shun Long had already swam to the other side of the huge lake. Completely ignoring his clothes that were drenched in water, he rushed towards the inner region.

The sun soon rose and a bit more than 6 hours had passed by since Shun Long had left the central mountain.

After many hours of non-stop running and many detours to avoid the waves of magic beasts, he had managed to return back to the inner region. And yet, Shun Long was now exhausted both physically and mentally.

Not having slept for so long, along with the stress from barely escaping the pandemonium in the central region had really tired Shun Long out.

After finding an isolated cave, he sealed the entrance with a big rock as he then immediately fell asleep.

It was only after 10 hours that Shun Long had woken up.

After waking up, the first thing he checked was little Black's condition to make sure that his wounds hadn't reopened. After making sure that he was alright, Shun Long heaved a sigh of relief before he took out his cauldron from the 'Stone of Time'.

Taking out the beast core of the rank 3 'man-eating tree', as well as a few other medicinal herbs, Shun Long threw them all inside the cauldron as he mumbled to himself

''The 'man-eating tree' is a magic beast of the wood element. Its beast core has plenty of wood energy inside, and it's brimming with vitality which will help you fully heal your injuries. Adding a stalk of a rank 2 'ice grass' along with the 'purple fire fruit' will also enhance the pill's effectiveness. Since I don't have any better ingredients at hand, I have to at least create a high-grade rank 2 pill or its effect won't be enough to fully heal you.''

As Shun Long was mumbling to himself, his hands were also moving non-stop as he was adding the ingredients inside the cauldron.

The rank 2 'ice grass' required Shun Long to be very careful with the cauldron's temperature or it could easily be destroyed, losing all its medicinal properties, while the 'pu'purple fire fruit' instead, needed a very high temperature to be properly refined into medicinal essence.

Shun Long who was aiming to create a high-grade rank 2 pill for little Black had to completely split his attention into 3 parts as he placed the ingredients inside the cauldron.

The beast core of the 'man-eating tree', the 'ice grass', and the 'purple fire fruit' had to all be refined at the same time as Shun Long merged their essence into one. If he failed to do so, part of their medicinal essence would be lost during the refinement process and he would at most create a middle rank 2 pill.

Beads of sweat rolled off his forehead, as 30 minutes later, Shun Long had reached the most crucial part of the refining process.

The cauldron had started to tremble as Shun Long was mixing the medicinal essence inside it.

With the 'Monarch's Domain' though, he had managed to successfully finish the refinement.

Opening the lid of the cauldron, Shun Long saw a bright green pill inside it. The pill had red and white lines on it and it was emitting a very refreshing smell.

Shun Long smiled as he saw the high-grade rank 2 pill in his hands, before he handed it to little Black.

As little Black consumed the pill, his internal injuries had already started to heal. His external injuries followed right after them and in just a few of hours, his body had already been restored back in perfect condition.

Laughing, the black Dragon flew around the 'Heaven swallowing vine' as he said

''Master I feel really good! Even better than before actually. Now that we have this 'Heaven swallowing vine' our cultivation will surely advance greatly''

Shun Long smiled as he watched little Black eyeing the 'Heaven swallowing vine' greedily, like a kid that had just discovered a treasure.

Little Black however, seemed as if he had just remembered something as he suddenly asked

''Master, do you really have to return to this 'floating cloud sect'?''


Shun Long was slightly taken aback by the dragon's sudden question. Thinking about it for a while, he nodded his head as he said

''For now, I have to return. I'm still not strong enough to even protect my parents, let alone establish a foothold for myself. I also don't know anything about the regions around the 'floating cloud sect'.

If it wasn't for the sect forcing the new outer disciples to participate in this 'sect examination', we wouldn't even have a clue about this Demonic Mountain region either.

So for the time being, it's more beneficial for me to stay there.''

Little Black agreed with Shun Long's words. Even he had never heard of this 'floating cloud sect', so he had no idea where they were right now. Staying inside the sect and gathering more information was probably the best decision.

Shun Long then thought for a bit before saying

''We have to quickly return to the safe area first. From there, I will head towards the entrance in the outer region alone. I guess that many disciples must have already gathered there by now.''

After Shun Long walked out of the cave, little Black came out from the 'Stone of Time', as he unfurled his black wings and flew towards the safe area.

While flying, little Black was also using his soul sense at the same time, to see if there were any humans anywhere near them.

However, they didn't find a single disciple from the 4 sects inside the inner region.

After all, only a few elite groups like Yong Ru's senior sister, or the son of the sect master from the 'Iron-hardened sect' would dare to enter deep in the inner region in the first place, and even they had probably left already after the sect exam was officially canceled.

One day later Shun Long who was flying on the black dragon's back had arrived near the 'safe area'. However, he had already noticed from the sky, that the place had already been completely deserted.

Landing near the safe area, Shun Long had little Black return inside the 'Stone of Time' before he continued on foot for the rest of the journey.

With little Black scanning the way with his soul sense, Shun Long didn't meet a single beast above the early rank 2 or any disciple from the 4 sects.

After 3 days, he had returned back to the outskirts of the Demonic Mountain region.

''I'm probably just a few hours away from the entrance''

Shun Long inferred as he then remembered what Yong Ru had told him while they were traveling together.

Searching inside the 'Stone of Time', Shun Long grabbed the beast core of an early rank 2 bat, that little Black had killed when they had hunted the rank 3 'red fanged flame bat' in its cave, and put it inside his pocket.

Then he proceeded to walk towards the Demonic Mountain region's entrance.

2 hours later, Shun Long had arrived in front of the entrance as he saw 4 huge rows of disciples queuing up in front of it.

The disciples were all split according to their sect uniforms, and it seemed that at the start of each line, there was an Elder from each sect, doing some sort of inspection.

Shun Long walked at the end of the 'floating cloud sect's' line as he stood behind a young man seemingly no older than 14 years old.

Although Shun Long was relatively certain of what was happening, he still decided to ask the kid in front of him

''Junior brother, do you know what's happening in the front? Why do we have to line up here?''

The young man looked at Shun Long who had just queued up behind him nervously, as he clutched something in his hand before he responded

''Ah.. actu- actually, I heard from a senior sister that there is some inspection going on. I think that they are checking for what we acquired from the outer region and also count our survival points.''

The young man replied stutteringly when the voice of a young girl sounded from the front of the line as she was shouting pleadingly

''Please Elder! I need this rank 2 'water pearl' to advance into the earth grade. I beg you don't take this from me.''

Shun Long looked at the young girl who seemed to be around 16 years old and was clutching a pink pearl in her hands, as her eyes had turned red from tears. She was begging on her knees in front of the bald Elder Zhu.

Elder Zhu however, looked at her coldly as he forcefully snatched the pink pearl from her hands before he said

''It is thanks to the sect that you could even come here. Not only that, but the sect has helped nurture you since you arrived and now you dare to deny when the sect is asking you for something? After all, I am not stealing this 'water pearl' from you, but I am giving you sect points in return. This is a fair trade you know.''

Shun Long snorted inwardly as he heard the bald Elder Zhu's words and thought

''What a joke. The sect has helped nurture the disciples? Everyone has to work to get any sect points in the 'floating cloud city'. It's thanks to the sect that she managed to come here? Yes, she had to risk her life whether she agreed or not as the sect forced her. You are not stealing from her? A fair trade you say? She is clearly being forced to trade whether she agrees or not. So this is the true face of the 'floating cloud sect' then!?''

The line was slowly moving up and people who seemed to be hiding something or didn't offer something of value by themselves, were personally searched by Elder Zhu regardless if they were men or women. 3 hours later, the line had come close to its end and the person in front of Elder Zhu was now the young man who was in front of Shun Long.