
1467 to 1469

What kind of memories did you find?" Little Lizhi was a little curious.

"Divine Devil Cult and Fire Divine Palace have secretly joined hands. They wanted that seed and then they planted it together. It seems like their goal is to go to that Heaven Realm." Chen Xiang said: "The memories I have are limited, this is what they know about this matter."

Chen Xiang did not completely devour the other party's memories, so it would take some time, and it would not be good if he had too much memories as well. He was only looking for some crucial and useful things, such as where the Divine Devil Cult was hiding and the thing that could give birth to divine soul that he had always been thinking about.

"Just what kind of origin do you have? You have mastered the powerful Devil-suppressing method, and yet you also understand the unique Devil Dao arts of the Soul Absorbing Devil Spell." Little Lizhi frowned and asked.

"I am Devil-killing Summit." Chen Xiang casually found an excuse.

Hearing that it was from the Devil-killing Summit, Little Lizhi did not ask more about Chen Xiang's origins. "I heard some rumors that your Devil-killing Summit had also sent people to snatch that seed, could it be you?"

"No, I have no interest in that seed, if not I would have caught you long ago. Although I am a member of the Devil-killing Summit, I have never stepped onto that mysterious Devil-killing Summit, and currently, I do not have that power either. So, the reason why the people from the Devil-killing Summit are here has nothing to do with me." Chen Xiang said: "You promised me, you must keep this a secret, and can't tell anyone else that I'm here.

"I will never go back on my words, but you must tell me your purpose in calling yourself Hundreds of Flowers Heavenly Emperor." Little Lizhi had always been brooding over this matter, otherwise her relationship with Chen Xiang would have been better.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to disgust that arrogant woman from the Flower Emperor. I had no other goal, when I feel like it's enough, I naturally wouldn't do that." Chen Xiang laughed.

Little Lizhi was speechless in his heart: "You, what hatred do you have with Asgard Mistress?"

"I don't hate her, I just hate her and want to disgust her. But you will understand in the future." Chen Xiang was already walking deeper in, and said: "Let's hurry, time is tight, I want to hurry up and get the master Star core."

"I will try my best, but whether or not I can get it will depend on you." said. Now that she knew that Chen Xiang had a lot of methods up his sleeves, even if that place was dangerous, he could guarantee his safety.

Although Chen Xiang was already a Immortal King, his progress in the divine way was very slow. He was not a Imperial Dragon Clan, as he could not even make breakthroughs in his sleep like Long Xueyi. If he wanted to quickly raise his divine soul, he would need to rely on external help.

There were still three days until the end of the time period, so Chen Xiang and Little Lizhi were running frantically in the forest, rushing towards the center.

"In front of us is a small mountain, and beside it are the Evil beast. There are about 2000 of them." Long Xueyi said: "I'll try to see if I can find out where the master Star core is."

Chen Xiang told Little Lizhi to stop. If they continued to move forward, perhaps those Evil beast would be alerted. He had to wait for Long Xueyi to investigate everything thoroughly before he could decide on his next course of action.

"It's in the middle of the short mountain, but I don't know what material the short mountain is made of, but it's extremely sturdy with no gaps at all. On the surface, there are traces of attacks coming from the direction of the attacks, it seems like those Evil beast have attacked many times, but have no way of obtaining the inner Star core." Long Xueyi said.

"What if I use the power of the Space Laws?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It shouldn't be possible either. That short mountain should be the core of that evil star. After so many years had passed, it still hasn't been destroyed. I'm afraid that it might not be easy to take it out." Long Xueyi said.

Chen Xiang frowned: "I wonder if we can use Green dragon demon-slain broadsword s."

"You can try, but then you'll be exposed." Long Xueyi said.

"I'm not afraid of that, Little Lizhi will not tell others, but I will tell her to keep it a secret. Although she is rather violent, she has good faith in me." Chen Xiang said.

Little Lizhi asked: "Any discoveries, we need to hurry up and move. If we still can't find him, we need to hurry back, in case we don't have enough time."

"I found it. I found a few thousand Evil beast surrounding that place. I need you to lure most of the Evil beast away so that I can move quickly." Chen Xiang said: "That place is very sturdy, I will need some time to open it."

Little Lizhi was very suspicious in her heart. She nodded her head: "Let's go."

Little Lizhi rushed over as fast as he could. Not long after, he saw that in front of him was a large area with no trees, and the soil was pitch-black. In the middle of the area was a relatively large and round dwarf mountain.

There were many transformational Evil beast above the short mountain, about a thousand of them, and around the short mountain, there were also about two thousand Evil beast, but their bodies were quite large, and it seemed like they had not completely evolved.

Little Lizhi suddenly rushed in, and his whole body was releasing Devil-suppressing holy power's Qi, causing the Evil beast to feel extremely uncomfortable, they immediately roared at her, causing thousands of Evil beast to roar at the same time. The sound resonated into the sky, causing all the birds in the Evil Killing Forest to fly out of shock.

The roar was accompanied by a gust of wind that blew against the forest, the trees close to the center had their branches and leaves snapped, and waves of black Qi came out from the Evil beast and floated in the air, blocking the light, causing the forest to become dark.

Facing so many angry Evil beast, Little Lizhi felt a lot of pressure, but she still took out a large sword and rushed into the herd of beasts, killing them in the blink of an eye. At the moment, the group of Evil beast were all rushing towards her.

Her goal was to lure the Evil beast away so that Chen Xiang could take action. She immediately escaped in one direction, this group of Evil beast were originally stupid, they immediately chased after them, and only a few were still there.

"We've gone far. Let's begin." Long Xueyi said.

Chen Xiang immediately teleported through space and took out his Green dragon demon-slain broadsword s to kill the few remaining Evil beast s. These Evil beast s were at most at the late stage of Immortal King Stage.

Chen Xiang jumped into the air and used both hands to hold onto the divine blade. As he fell, he

he channeled the holy energy within his body to pour into the divine blade, increasing its power.


The short mountain actually shook violently, and from the inside, a thunderous noise came out. The power caused Chen Xiang's hands to feel pain, and he was actually unable to move the small mountain, nor did he leave behind any traces.

When Little Lizhi, who was running wildly in the forest heard the sound, he knew that Chen Xiang had already made his move. However, the group of Evil beast that were chasing after her immediately turned their heads and ran back after hearing the sound.

"What's going on?" Little Lizhi clenched his teeth, holding onto his broadsword, he retreated back into the group of beasts.


Even though that group of Evil beast were stupid, they seemed to know that someone was going to take away the main Star core, so they rushed towards the short mountain without a care for their own safety.

When the beasts were chasing after Little Lizhi, they had already trampled many big trees in the forest. At this moment, they could clearly see the short mountain from afar.

"What is this guy doing? Hurry up and get it." Little Lizhi initially thought that Chen Xiang was as straightforward as before, but now, he dragged his feet and stood there.

Little Lizhi had killed dozens of Evil beast and had some of them fight back against her.

"The Evil beast have returned." Long Xueyi said: "The one thousand that is rushing in the front is the strongest, I'm afraid you cannot handle it, so quickly settle it."

Seeing that the group of Evil beast was about to return, Chen Xiang clenched his teeth and threw the Green dragon demon-slain broadsword high into the sky. Then, he used his mind to control the Green dragon demon-slain broadsword and made it become as large as a thirty thousand meter tall mountain.

"I'll just have to wait and see." Chen Xiang released more than half of his sacred and divine power from his body into the divine blade, and then let the Green dragon demon-slain broadsword fall down.

Not far away, Little Lizhi saw the gigantic and shocking divine blade, as well as the engraved gigantic green dragon. She knew immediately that this was the Green dragon demon-slain broadsword, she was extremely shocked and immediately thought of many things, including the fact that the Hundreds of Flowers Heavenly Emperor was actually Chen Xiang.

The Green dragon demon-slain broadsword s had now become extremely huge, and in front of the gigantic blade, the short mountain was like a small steamed bun, fiercely thrusting down the divine blade, the heavy divine blade caused a very strong force when it fell down, and when the tip of the blade touched the mountain, it created a burst of cyan colored strong light, causing a shockwave that flattened the surroundings, and the Evil beast that were rushing over were also blown away by the remnant waves of the divine power.

Chen Xiang relied on his own strength and was only blown a few steps back.


The short mountain exploded, a large piece of solid rock flew out in all directions following the shock wave. Some of the Evil beast were struck by the rocks, and even their bodies were smashed into pieces.

Chen Xiang was already prepared, and immediately jumped into the middle. Long Xueyi had already used her divine power to find that piece of Star core, which was only as big as a fist, but the energy it contained made Chen Xiang feel fear.

Chen Xiang withdrew his Green dragon demon-slain broadsword and released his Holy Devil-suppressing seal, allowing it to float in the air in front of him. The moment he saw the Evil beast, he controlled it to smash onto the ground.

"Come here." Releasing his divine power, Chen Xiang made a grasping motion with his palm, causing several hundred Evil beast s to fly over and be caught by him. At this moment, he had also arrived beside the astonished Little Lizhi.

"Let's go."

Chen Xiang withdrew his Holy Devil-suppressing seal, grabbed Little Lizhi, stepped on the Shrinking step, traveled through space, and quickly got rid of those thousands of crazy Evil beast. Those were all Immortal-becoming realm s, and they were not easy to deal with.

Very soon, Chen Xiang brought Little Lizhi to a peaceful place. Little Lizhi frowned and snorted, "You really are Chen Xiang."

Previously, Lv Qilian had thought that he was Chen Xiang, but later on, something had changed her mind.

"That's right, the third condition that you agree to give me away now is that you are not to tell your Asgard Mistress about me being Chen Xiang." Chen Xiang threw a small bag to Little Lizhi. Inside it, there were a few Evil beast s, there were more than 200 of them.

"This is for you." Chen Xiang laughed.

"Bastard, why did you harm the Palace Master?" Little Lizhi expressed his confusion.

"I have a little conflict with her. I just want to disgust her a little." Chen Xiang laughed: "You must remember to fulfill the third agreement, if not …"

"Otherwise what?" said in a cold voice. She actually wanted to tell Lv Qilian about Chen Xiang's identity, but she couldn't go back on her words. She really didn't want to see her own Asgard Mistress being played by Chen Xiang in the middle of the applause.

"It doesn't matter. In short, I won't trust you in the future. If you don't fulfill your promise, then in my eyes, you are an ungrateful vile character." Chen Xiang sighed, to deal with someone like Little Lizhi who had strong principles, this was the best way.

She felt that Chen Xiang was just competing in intelligence with Lv Qilian. In this aspect, Lv Qilian had indeed lost, and he had lost very miserably, so even now, he still did not know.

"I don't understand, the palace masters and the experts of the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace were watching you closely, but you were able to escape to Xie Tian to eliminate the Xie Clan, and later on you attacked the branches of the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace and the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace." Little Lizhi said: "You were in the hotel all day."

Little Lizhi suddenly realized that when Chen Xiang was fighting with her, she had kept a lot of power hidden. She did it so that she would not reveal her true strength, but she was still very powerful, especially with her powerful body.

"I didn't do that. Rumor has it that I have a friend from the White Dragon. This isn't a rumor, it's true." Chen Xiang laughed: "I don't have any hatred towards your Asgard Mistress, I'm just playing around with her. I won't hurt her, so you can't tell her and you don't have to feel guilty."

"Hmph." She had long heard of Chen Xiang's achievements, so she knew that he was very cunning and powerful. Now that she had finally experienced it, if it wasn't for the situation today, she would probably never know that she had experienced such things in her entire life.

"Don't be angry. You call me a bastard all day long. I'm always smiling at you, but you're always scowling at me." Chen Xiang laughed.

"Because you're a bastard." Little Lizhi glared at him.

"Although you're a bit rough, I really want to marry you. Little Lizhi, you're supposed to be eating this anyway, I don't know if you're sweet or not." Chen Xiang laughed.

"Don't even think about it, I won't marry you even if I die." Little Lizhi coldly snorted.

"Since that's the case, then I feel excited just thinking about marrying your Palace Master, a generation's Flower Emperor." Chen Xiang laughed sinisterly.

"If you keep talking, I'll kill you." Little Lizhi immediately shouted out in anger.

"Hey, if you don't agree to my marriage, won't you allow me to marry your Palace Mistress? Don't tell me you like her?" Chen Xiang seemed to have discovered a big secret as he smiled wickedly.

Little Lizhi gritted his teeth as he looked at him, "It's best if you don't spout nonsense. Who wants to be your scoundrel's woman?"

Chen Xiang took out the treasure web, and sighed: "Although I'm a bastard, I still have a woman, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously, your palace is mainly my woman, I don't think much of her, I actually quite wish for her to be my female slave."

Just as he finished speaking, Little Lizhi's sword was already at his throat.

"Watch your mouth." Little Lizhi kept his sword, his face full of anger. If it was anyone else, they would have been sliced into pieces by her already.


Chen Xiang and Little Lizhi returned to the teleportation spot. Along the way, no matter how Chen Xiang teased her, Little Lizhi did not say a word, because she felt that if she said a single word to Chen Xiang, she would be inexplicably angry.

"Little Lizhi, why isn't Xiao Xiang here? She should be quite strong, why didn't you send her to fight me? Maybe I'll listen to her." Chen Xiang asked.

"She went into seclusion. We didn't want to disturb her. We really wanted her to come." Little Lizhi snorted, if he had known earlier that Hundreds of Flowers Heavenly Emperor was Chen Xiang, things would not have gone this far.

When they returned to the Transmission array, there were already five people who had returned. Including Chen Xiang and the rest, there were only seven people at the moment, and there were only half a day away from the deadline of five days.

When the time was almost up, three more people returned, a total of only ten people were able to return to the Transmission array. Chen Xiang asked around, and found out that only two groups of people managed to get their hands on Star core.

Opening the Transmission array, everyone returned to the great hall of the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace. Seeing that only ten people had returned, everyone was a little surprised, especially the big shots of the Fire Divine Palace and the Divine Devil Cult.

Little Lizhi took out a Star core and gave it to the old Hall Master, proving that they had hunted a Evil beast.

At this time, a lady from the Hundreds of Flowers Palace said unhappily: "The reason this guy could become the Palace Mistress is all because of us, Little Lizhi."

Chen Xiang swept his eyes across the lady and laughed: "Isn't it just Star core, I have a bunch of them here."

As he spoke, he took out a handful. There were dozens of these, which caused the old Palace Masters of the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace to be dumbstruck, because this meant that he had killed many powerful Evil beast.

He and Little Lizhi split the Star core evenly, and no one had more than two hundred of these, but Little Lizhi could not say anything, because she had promised Chen Xiang that she would not say anything about what had happened inside, so she could not take out the Star core either, or else Lv Qilian would be suspicious. At that time, if Lv Qilian continued to ask, she might not be able to keep it a secret.

"Little girl, do you know how powerful my Hundreds of Flowers Heavenly Emperor is? Tens of Evil beast s, to me, are as easy as killing chickens. Your Little Lizhi can only pass this trial with my care. Chen Xiang sneered.

"You …" Little Lizhi glared at him but did not refute him. She could tell that Chen Xiang was giving her a hard time, because if that happened, Lv Qilian would definitely come and question her.

From now on, you are the hall masters of our Devil-suppressing Divine Palace. We will assign you to a place to manage our branch halls. The old Palace Lord said, "Carry on with your Devil-suppressing method. This is something you need to do."

"Hundred Flowers... Sky Emperor, where do you plan to go to be the Palace Lord? If possible, we can arrange for you to take over. " the old hall master asked.

Chen Xiang thought for a moment, then said: "I want to go to the Ancient Star Immortal Palace, is that possible?"

"Sure, when you pick up some things, you can use our Transmission array to teleport over. But before that, you all have to swear to join our Devil-suppressing Divine Palace, and you all can stay with your original forces." The old Hall Master said.

Little Lizhi glanced at Lv Qilian, and Lv Qilian nodded to her. This Devil-suppressing Divine Palace was her father to begin with, so it wasn't a big deal for her to have Little Lizhi join them. However, to others, Lv Qilian wanted to take over the entire Devil-suppressing Divine Palace.

After he finished his oath, Chen Xiang received a jade pendant. This jade pendant was not only a symbol of the Palace Master, but also a Storage magic treasure.

"Little Lizhi, from now on, we are from the same sect. When I have time, I will come to the Hundreds of Flowers Immortal Country's main palace to find you to properly cultivate our feelings." Chen Xiang laughed evilly, causing people to wonder what had happened inside the Evil Killing Forest.

Little Lizhi glowered at Chen Xiang, but Chen Xiang simply smiled and turned, stepped into a Transmission array and headed towards the Ancient Star Immortal Palace.

… …. Inside the Hundreds of Flowers Palace, Lv Qilian was in his own room. He asked Little Lizhi, "What happened inside the forest, why does that guy have so many Star core? Those Evil beast should not be that weak."

really wanted to tell her that that guy was Chen Xiang. Using Holy Devil-suppressing seal to kill that kind of Evil beast was as easy as killing ants, she almost blurted it out. She also hated Chen Xiang a lot and wanted to let Lv Qilian know the truth behind it even more.

"That guy is very powerful. Previously, when we fought, he hid a lot of his strength, so he killed a lot of Evil beast."

Little Lizhi sighed. Although Chen Xiang was annoying, Mu Qianxiang was Lv Qilian's disciple after all, so she felt that he would not do anything to hurt Lv Qilian.

Lv Qilian nodded his head: "You should be very tired, go back and rest. Those fellows who are keeping an eye on the seed are already inside the main hall, I just don't know when they will make their move."

"Then when should I go challenge the Lord Hallmaster?" Little Lizhi asked. It seemed that Lv Qilian did not send her to participate in the examination just to teach her a lesson.

"The Lord Hallmaster is very strong, it is hard to say if he could even win two Divine Palace Protectors s, and he has to use Devil-suppressing method as well. I will pass some Devil-suppressing method to you, you can go after mastering it, Divine Palace Protectors will not win that easily."

How could she not see that Little Lizhi had something to hide from her? Only, she knew that Little Lizhi was very loyal to her, so she did not pursue the matter further, and did not expose her. She felt that Little Lizhi had her own difficulties.

When Chen Xiang came to the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace s of the Ancient Star Immortal Palace, he was now the boss. The branch palaces here were of average scale and only had more than a thousand disciples.

Other than him, the hall master, there were also four other elders. They were all Immortal King level old men and they were all very old. Not only that, they were all decent people.

The purpose of the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace Branch Hall was to absorb outstanding disciples and send them to the Main Hall. At the same time, they would impart knowledge on the Devil-suppressing method, allowing more people to join the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace.

Chen Xiang did not want to take care of these things and leave it all to the elders. He specially came to the Ancient Star Immortal Palace with a purpose, because the location of the Divine Devil Cult was very close to this place.

Chen Xiang's goal was the Divine Devil Cult's "Demonic Pool Water", the strange thing that could help a person develop divine soul.


The Devil-suppressing Divine Palace was a giant stone building. Even though it was a branch hall, it still had fifty floors, and the highest floor was Chen Xiang's. He had a panoramic view of the prosperous center of the Ancient Star Immortal Palace.

However, it's very ancient. Legend has it that it's because an ancient planet fell down here, but the star didn't explode, and instead brought along the energy to nourish the earth. That's why people are here, so it's a good idea for you to stay here for a while. Su Meiyao said.

"The two Divine Palace Protectors s are not weak, I heard that they are from the Immortal-becoming realm, there is no need to talk about the Lord Hall Master who is in charge of the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace, he is probably at the same level as Duan Ming, both in the later stages of the Immortal-becoming realm." Last time in Evil Divine Palace, the Lord Palace Master of the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace caught him as well.

"The Immortal-becoming realm has nine cycles, I think that hall master is only at the fourth or fifth cycle, and Duan Ming is equivalent to around the sixth cycle. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to fend off so many people by himself." Long Xueyi said.

"Even if she's at the fourth or fifth transition of the Immortal-becoming realm, she's still not someone I can handle right now. I wonder how strong Lv Qilian is right now." Chen Xiang said: "Seems like she is going to let Little Lizhi challenge the hall master. In that case, the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace will be under her control."

"She might have reached the Saint Ruler realm. She is indeed very strong, and she is progressing very quickly. Sooner or later, she will become a true Flower Emperor." Long Xueyi said.

Chen Xiang took out a small and said: "I have to hurry up and cultivate my divine soul up, and condense the God wind earlier."

He was already an Immortal King, but he was still unable to condense God wind. If he could, his cultivation in the divine way would increase by a big step.

"Actually, cultivating the holy power in your body to become the same as the divine power in your Divine Sense Sea is the final state, because when the divine power reaches a certain state, it can simulate a variety of powers. Our White Dragon race only cultivates divine power alone, but we can use a variety of different types of energy, which is the ultimate goal of the divine way of cultivation." Long Xueyi said.

"This must be very difficult. How can the strength of a physical body be the same as the strength of divine soul?" Chen Xiang shook his head, he felt that this was not realistic.

"Hehe, I won't hide it from you. Divine power is divine power, and the divine power in your Divine Sense Sea is very weak. It's actually not that type of physical divine power." Long Xueyi said: "There are many experts at the peak of the Nine Heavens, in the end, they are all transforming all of their power into divine power. However, it is indeed very difficult."

Chen Xiang swallowed all the energy inside the Evil beast and fused it into the Divine Sense Sea. The Star core's energy was quite beneficial to cultivation and divine soul and he could feel that there was a lot more divine power inside his own Divine Sense Sea. If he continued this, he felt that he could open up the Divine Sense Sea even more.

Many people knew that the Hundreds of Flowers Heavenly Emperor was the hall master of the Ancient Star Immortal Palace, so Huang Jintian quickly came here to find Chen Xiang.

Of course Chen Xiang would receive him. Even if Huang Jintian did not come, he had planned to find an old man like Huang Jintian, who had nothing better to do, to help him look after this Devil-suppressing Divine Palace.

"Little brat, I didn't expect you to get this position, it's so cool." Huang Jintian and Chen Xiang made a table on the platform and ate and drank. While looking at the bustling streets outside, they chatted and farted.

"Master, if you like it here, you can stay here for a long time." Chen Xiang laughed.

"No problem, I also want to stay in peace and quiet for the time being. I'll stay here." Huang Jintian understood Chen Xiang's intention, he wanted him to be a helper here.

"Teacher, can you calculate how long it will take for Di Tian to recover to his original state?" Chen Xiang asked, he was extremely concerned about this matter, if Di Tian appeared again, then that place would be the biggest battlefield, and everyone would want to fight for a piece of his territory there.

"It's strange. I calculated it a few times, but the result was always the same." Speaking of that, Huang Jintian's expression became serious and he placed the wine cup down.

"How so?" Chen Xiang asked anxiously.

Every time I calculate it, three times a year will appear. The first is in a hundred years, the second is a thousand years, and the third is ten thousand years. Huang Jintian raised his wine cup and took a deep breath. After pondering for a while, he said, "I suspect that once Di Tian reappears, he will appear at most a hundred years later, or even ten thousand years at the latest."

Chen Xiang was a little confused: "Why is it like this, could it be that it can reappear after a hundred years? If that's the case, I will soon have another thousand and ten thousand years."

Huang Jintian said, "It might appear or not appear in a hundred or a thousand years, and there might be some factors that influence it, so there might be some unpredictable variables, but at the latest it would be ten thousand years, and at that time, it would definitely appear."

"In that case, the appearance of Di Tian can be interfered with by humans? What kind of power is this?" Chen Xiang frowned: "Master, can you figure out who did it, or where something big will happen when the time comes?"

Huang Jintian shook his head: "My Heaven extended method can only be considered a big matter, or Nirvana Doom etc., it is precise to the point of people and things, then that won't work, but I can try to see if I can calculate what might happen during that time period."

Chen Xiang nodded, then asked: "Master, do you know how strong the Devil-suppressing Divine Palace is, and what cultivation level they usually need to be able to defeat?"

"As for Divine Palace Protectors... At the very least, you need to complete the first transition of Immortal-becoming realm, and the Lord Hallmaster can complete the fourth transition in this way. " Huang Jintian said: "Devil-suppressing Divine Palace's First Hall Master is not too strong, but if we go deal with the demons, he can be two or three levels stronger."

Chen Xiang calculated in his heart, he felt that he should be able to try out the middle stage Immortal King Stage, because he had cultivated a large amount of Holy Spirit Qi, adding that he had made a breakthrough in the divine way, he should be able to fight shoulder to shoulder with Immortal-becoming realm s.

Huang Jintian had been arranged to sit on the lower level of the tower by Chen Xiang. He had absolute authority here, and only the hall master could call him over.

"Seems like if I want to obtain the Alive Slain Method, I have to defeat those two Divine Palace Protectors s. This is not easy." Chen Xiang took out a golden fruit. This was a Diamond fruit, and it was currently only at the high grade of Heaven level.

The Diamond fruit had two stages, one was the high grade of the Heaven level and the other was the first stage of Immortal Grade. He planned to use the creation divine liquid to obtain the immortal grade Diamond fruit and then refine the Immortal Grade Vajra Pellet.

The Vajra Pills were mainly used to strengthen the body, but they were also very helpful in strengthening the Saint Force.

Chen Xiang could concoct immortal pills now, but he was only an immortal rank Sacred animal Dan. The difficulty was not very high, but he had yet to try out other immortal pills.

Most of the First Tier Immortal Grade pills could be refined using one type of main ingredient, and even if there was no need for supplementary ingredients, the difficulty of refining them would not decrease at all. If he were to use Foreseeing Alchemy, Chen Xiang would probably need a very long time to even try it.