
Chapter 326 Get My Three Kowtows for Nothing

Marvin took a sip of tea, and said calmly, "There's nothing to say."

Janet said, "Marvin, do you still remember that when you were young, you and Beacher always teamed up to bully me? And even made me put vinegar in the coffee of Donahue, which almost killed me by his eyes?"

Marvin glanced at her because he didn't understand why she talked about this.

Janet continued, "When you plot against me, you have this expression."

The tone of the winning ticket, the secret shrewdness in the eyes, and the lazy posture all revealed the feeling that "You have fallen into my trap."

But only those who were familiar with Marvin would find out. Others would only think that Mr. Gu's indifferent appearance was simply extraordinary, and he was completely different from all the playboys.