
Chapter 32 Coral Breaks down

When Janet heard what had happened in Conrad's office through the listening device, her face was the same passionless severity as before.

She played with the custom-made pen and sneered, "Penny wise pound foolish. That's what these people are."

"Even if she heard Coral's desperate scream, Janet would not sympathize with her. "

After all, she knew very well that if she hadn't been prepared for this, she would have been the one to suffer what Coral had suffered.

Conrad's face was ghost pale, staying in his office.

"How can there be no way to withdraw it? Since I've spent so much money posting it, you can tell me how much it will cost to remove it."

When Conrad heard from his assistant that there was no way to withdraw it, he was still wondering if the media would ask for a sky-high price, and he would probably have to pay a lot if that were the case.

After all, as long as things could be solved, then everything would be fine.