
Chapter 235 He Loses

"The semi-finals of Canada's Hacking Competition have officially begun. The two teams from Group A that entered the semi-finals have arrived on the field. They are on the screen now..."

In the crowded field, the spotlights suddenly lit up. Janet's and Nigel's teams sat on both sides. When the camera swept over Janet and Nigel, the audience area was in an uproar.

"The Longfellow Group has replaced the team member Ruby with a newcomer... Will this beautiful young lady be a strong performer in the competition? We'll wait and see!"

There were whistles and cheers on the stage.

Although most of the audience knew the event well, Janet's outstanding appearance still caused a lot of boos.

The female commentator said with a smile, "A lot of spectators have doubts about the new member of the Longfellow Group. Director, please give the camera to the new substitute for the Longfellow Group team."