
Chapter 232 Lose for Sure

"The fourteenth Canadian World Hacking Competition is about to begin.

"Teams from each country, please enter in turn."

Janet led her four participating members to the first floor of the competition venue slowly. In the grand hall, the announcer kept reminding the participating members to go to the lounge on the fourth floor to make preparations before the competition.

People came and went in the hall on the first floor, and the audience filed in. For a moment, not many people noticed the participants.

However, Janet's outstanding appearance attracted many people's attention. After a while, some people inevitably saw the equipment on the backs of Melissa and the others and began to whisper.

"That seems to be a team from our country. Is the one leading the team the manager? So beautiful..."

"I don't know. I didn't hear there was such a team in our country participating in this competition."