

Ethan don't worry it's all gonna be okay, that was my last memory of my parents,the next i remember i'm lying on the ground my parents corpses a few metres in front burned . Apparently the plane we boarded had crash landed on a mountain the first emotions that came to me were sadness ,grief, denial because I was petrified by what i saw for a kid who was just six years old and lost his parents right in front of him this was a scar for life.

Hours passed by and I was doing nothing because what was there for me to do I just the people close to me all that I could do is just sit there and wait for death maybe . I could be with them again in the afterlife that's what I thought then I heard a voice calling me , Hey kid are just gonna bellow out your tears for your parents or are you gonna give em a proper burial . I looked up and saw an old man looking down on me . I opened my mouth and said, what's the point of living if there 're dead . He looked at me with a surprised face and said , for a kid your age you sure are mature and stupid what of parent will let there kid die , a parents job is to protect their child that's what they did they want you to live out your life and i help you to live out that life . After hearing what he said I cried out loud and he comforted me. After that ordeal we buried my parents and he took me to his placefar from were the plane crashed .

After arriving at his place I wondered who this guy was from the looks of his place I put two n two together and found out we were in Japan. I thought it to be suspicious because we were heading towards Australia in the south but ended up here . I was going to figure out why the plane changed courses but now I must find who this guy is that didn't take long to find out this guy's name Joe Clynn and he was the head of an international non government organisation called SHADOW and i became on of it's many agents.

Joe took me to a room and gave me an two options I stay here and became an agent of SHADOW or i get sent to orphanage, but he said if choose any of the latter he will support me anyway he can if i choose to be an agent I will put through hellish training and put my life on the line , I contemplated about the options and i thought if i want to find the truth to the plane crash i need to yave resources and i choose the best option and i said i will became an agent and him my reason he looked at me and nooded his head and said , alright and i will help with your parents investigation . Then he told me to rest up because i'm going to start my training in a week. After that day I became an agent of shadow and after a few years of training i started my field missions across the world .

Nine years later .....

Hey Ethan someone called me I turned back and my senior Lily she took care of me has her brother, the head wants you at his asap she said what does the old man Joe want , I replied. She answered, you'll find out for yourself , while she was smiling . I looked at her with a questionable look and headed to his office. When I arrived I greated the head and asked for the reason for calling me to his office. He replied , always straight to the point huh Ethan okay I want you to go start high school next month . I looked at him with a dumbfounded face and that's how I started my part-time job as an agent .