
The day I came to know about her.

I was hardly three and my mother wasn't home from about 15 days. She was admitted to the hospital to welcome another member to our family of five and a half. My grandmother, who was always cool but hot when it comes to my mother, my father who obviously loved mom, or why else she would end up in the labour room for the third time, lol kidding. my elder brother who never misses a chance to beat me up and poor me. Sorry, I said five and a half, the last one is my widowed aunt who was a constant. She sometimes used to cook for herself and sometimes used to include herself in our family, that's why she is half.

Anyway I was three and my parents left me to my aunt to the hospital, and everybody around me used to tease me that whoever my mom and dad will bring with them will share the amount of love and attention I get from my parents. It was around noon of the 15th day from the day my mom left for the hospital, the bad news came. My mom gave birth to another girl, my sister, it made me very angry coz being the second girl in the family and younger she will share more amount of love. I would never ever love her I swore with strong determination in mind.

She should have been a boy, then at least I would have been the only girl.

Anyway, I became a little happy also to know that my mom will return in two days.

I started counting days and finally, she came home carrying a covered small being in her arms, I was utterly happy seeing her after a long time and jumped from my aunt's lap, ran towards my mother.

I couldn't reach her to give her a hug so I hugged one of her legs.

-"be careful dear," She said looking at the towel covered sac and holding it more carefully.

What the hell is this thing? she was snatching my mother in front of me in the place I knew from three years as my house. So this happens when something new and maybe more updated comes into your life. you start to ignore those old belongings that entertained you before.

'I will never abandon my old toys when I get a new one, maybe they feel the same as I am feeling now.' I promised myself in mind and the rest is the only way to do that and learnt a very important lesson of life.