
My Pain,His Pleasure

Sweet Ophan with an optimistic mind. Coldhearted with a defencive mind

SalshaV25Nov · Thành thị
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Even mother can't love

Since then her mother never look her the same way.She always beat her up,her back his cover with bruises and scars.Sometimes she is thrown out from the house in the middle of the night.

Sometimes she had clothes on, sometimes she is walking around their area naked,trying to find a place to stay warm and search for something to eat.

Helen had her Third child,a girl again.She is white as Snow,they named her Hope.The second child is Faith.Sarah had to look after two children on her own.Cause her mother didn't like to look after them.When Hope was born She is unhealthy and had to stayed at the Hospital for a week.Sarah did the laundry and look after the house.

Before Hope was 1month old,Helen Hiding somewhere.Saying her alcoholic Husband is way too worst to stay with.Sarah is now in a mess,,They didn't have money to buy milk or sugar to sweetened the water for Hope.

Sarah didn't know what to do so she pour water in her sister mouth,But the infants can't drink so she choke..After a long struggle,a loud cry their neighbors came over.They gave Sarah Cotton,so she can wet it with water and drop a dew at her sister mouth.

After a week or two her mother came back like nothing happened.And started to torture Sarah.Sometimes she is send to bed with an empty stomach, sometimes she is told to sleep outside naked,saying she is already impure.

Sometimes she give her own meal to her sister Faith,She wish to see her sisters smile and happy and planned to sacrifice everything for them.Yet,she has a long way to go.

Sarah always get beat from her mother,but she never complained.She still smile like nothing happened.But nothing's feels the same way.Sometimes she stole money from her mom's purse so she can have something to eat.She always puts her guards on,so she won't get beat again.But to help her sisters she got beaten again and again.

She always fight anyone who bully her sisters.Everyone is scared of her,she didnt mind as long as she saw her sisters smile.After a few months her mom ran away again.Leaving her and Hope with her stepfather.

Sarah has to take her sister where ever she went,school,church even at a playground.Everyone made fun of her saying she's just a kid but already have a child.She hide her timid side and act like she didn't give a shit.

But deep down she is lost,dying and feeling lonely.After a few months their relatives took them in.And she can finally feel how it's like to be a kid but nothing last forever.Her mom came to pick her up but she refused.She turned everything she saw upside down.You may call her drama queen but she is way too sick of her life even though she is only 5yrs old.