
Chapter Two

Larkin was outside getting some fresh air when she was suddenly surrounded by three men and terrified.

She felt stupid for putting herself in this situation. She'd only had a few beers, but she hadn't eaten anything all day, and she was well aware that she was a lightweight.

"No, please leave me alone," she pleaded. She was perplexed as to how she had gotten outside and why the men were touching her.

"Come on, sweetheart. We simply want to assist you."

She moved her head. Even though she was dizzy, she knew they were out to hurt her.

She was immediately drawn to the man's fragrance. The moment she was held against his chest by powerful arms, she felt secure for the first time in...ever.

She had the impression that she was dreaming. While she tried to stand upright and pay attention to the man despite the various voices and sounds that appeared,

She was finally able to lay down in the back seat of a large truck.

The hardest yet coziest thing Larkin had ever felt was pressed against her. It was a male, but she didn't recognize him. Although the fact that they were alone themselves might have raised some concerns, she had never felt safer.

When he hoisted her out of the car and into his arms, she was slightly jostled. Her gut twisted, and her brain whirled. She leaned against him, wrapping her arms around his neck because she knew he would look after her.

She whispered, "Where are we?" against his neck. "You smell good," I said.

As he seated them in the elevator and entered the penthouse's access code, Darian rolled his eyes. You smell great, too, little one.

She raised her hunched-over head to face him. "Do I have a sexy odor?"

Darian scowled as his head snapped back. "What?" he demanded.

The females gave me some perfume and told me that I would now smell like sex and eventually find a man to pop my cherry.

Anger surged through Darian, making him want to yell. He detested the fact that her acquaintances would undervalue her virginity. He took a moment to calm down and close his eyes so as not to startle her. "Why do you think they want you to lose your virginity?"

They told me that I had to be open to new experiences even though I didn't want to because I was 23 years old.

Darian entered the condo's foyer before heading to his bedroom. "Why do you feel the need to alter yourself? You are great the way you are, in my opinion."

She grinned drowsily as she said. "You don't yet know me. I'm an absolute disaster."

Darian flipped her over on the bed and helped her take off her shoes. "Who said that to you?"

Larkin stretched out her arms to the sides. "There are too many persons for me to recall them all.

Why, love?" he questioned.

"Because I don't appear to be able to mature,"

She was crying, and he could see the tears.

How did you decide what constitutes a "grown-up"?

When Larkin grabbed for him, he nearly hit him in the face.

Darian yanked back his head and clung to her hand. "Answer me," he softly commanded.

"I can't…"

He questioned, "Why the heck not?"

She fought to sit up before standing and placing her palm over her lips.

S**t, baby. He hurried her into the restroom, grateful that they had just arrived. He grabbed a washcloth and pushed her hair back so it wouldn't fall into the bathroom.

When Larkin's episode of vomiting was ended, she sagged against the toilet. She said, "I don't like this."

Darian gave a sympathetic grin. "I'm aware, baby. If I have anything to say about it, it won't occur again."

She closed her eyes and nodded drowsily.

He placed her in front of the sink and gave her some mouthwash.

She gave her mouth a good rinsing. I detest the taste of vomit. Her nose was turned up.

After flushing the toilet, shutting the lid, and setting her on top, Darian grinned. "Are you stable so that I can turn on the shower?"

Larkin put her head on her elbow and leaned over toward the counter without responding. She then placed her arm on top of it. "Who is bathing right now?"

He smiled. "We are both. Your clothes and hair are covered in vomit."

Darian swiftly started the shower and changed out of everything but his boxers. He then began removing her sparsely-clad clothing. She was wearing a scarlet, silky dress that was several inches over her knees. She was down to barely-there panties after he yanked that off.

He looked all around her. She was flawless. Although she wasn't overly slender, she had good, rounded hips, a small waist, and firm-looking breasts that he assumed would be difficult for him to handle.

As a drip of perspiration rolled down his back, Darian bit his teeth. "We'll wash that vomit out of your hair once we get you in the shower," the person said.

She extended her arms toward him, and the sight of trust on her face warmed his heart. He carried her with ease as he entered the shower.

He used the shampoo and conditioner he normally uses to first wash her hair. Although he was aware that she probably required extra product, he only had that on hand. He held her up with a hand on her arm and thoroughly bathed her despite the difficulty of the situation.

She began to waver as he shut off the water.

She was swiftly covered in a towel, and he placed her back on the lid of the toilet. He took a second towel and wrung the moisture from her hair.

Her eyes started to droop, so Darian tossed the towel and pulled her up. He thought her hair was sufficiently dried. Her thick hair would need to be dried for a few more minutes with a blow dryer, but she didn't seem to have the stamina for that.

On the bed, he placed her. He flung the blanket and comforter to the side and slid her inside. He put on dry boxers after rapidly removing his wet ones, sat next to her hips with one of his shirts, and managed to get her into it while fastening numerous buttons.

She had left. He was aware that that was finest. She needed to get some rest, but he wanted to ask her so many things. He had no experience with patience, but he would have to wait.

Except for the lights in the toilets, he switched off all of the lights. In this manner, he could see her and, in the event that she woke up, she wouldn't be as confused.

Darian was still holding her to his side and gazing up at the ceiling a long hour later. His thoughts were racing through several scenarios, but they were all focused on keeping her. He spent years looking for someone who resembled her. She virtually fell into his lap when he opened the door, which he found a little ironic.

He found it a little odd that she would almost fall into his lap after he had all but given up trying to find her.

Before making any firm decisions, Darian still had a number of questions.