
Chapter One

When his limo came around a corner, Darian saw something that made his heart stop. A young woman stood alone, surrounded by three men. He could tell the girl was drunk, confused, and terrified right away.

"Hicks, come to a halt!" Darian yelled and jumped out before the car came to a complete stop. He twisted the first man around and shoved his knee into his groin, effectively finishing him off. The next guy was flattened by his right hook. The last guy yelled and bolted, leaving his injured friends to perish on the sidewalk.

Darian directed his finger to the men on the ground.

Hicks had returned with a tire iron as backup. He nodded and threatenedly slammed the metal against his palm.

Darian arrived at the girl just as her legs gave out. "I've got you covered."

She looked up at the stranger, as if trying to comprehend what had just occurred. "What is your name?"

"Hello, my name is Darian. You're in good hands with me. Just unwind."

"I didn't mean it," she sobbed, laying her head on his chest. "I don't want to cause any problems."

Darian wrapped his arms around her and drew her closer to him. "You did nothing wrong, love."

She gave a nod. “I did. I always have."

As two girls raced around the corner, he nuzzled the side of her head and looked up.

"Jesus, Larkin, you almost killed us," one of the women exclaimed.

When the other noticed the men on the ground, she put her hand to her mouth. "Oh my goodness. "What occurred?"

"Three men were harassing your friend right here."

"Oh my goodness, Larkin." The tall one exclaimed.

Darian's pupils constricted. "What were you doing?"

The accusing expression on his face caused both women to flush. The shorter one swallowed and cleared her throat. "We were at a bar around the corner." She was gone when we turned around for a second. We dashed through the bar and out as soon as we saw that.

"Are you her friends?" Darian inquired, raising one eyebrow.

The tall woman crossed her arms across her chest. "I mean, we haven't known each other for very long, but we met when she started working with us."

"Can you tell me your names?"

"My name is Monica," the tall one introduced herself. "My name is Laura, and I'm holding Larkin."

"I'll need your phone numbers, and I'll give you my contact information and have her call you first thing in the morning."

“Wait! What?” Laura screamed. "You're not going to get her. We'll look after her."

Darian raised his head. "From the way you both look, you've had a few drinks." Correct?”

Both ladies nodded.

"She is inebriated and should be watched all night." "Are you going to be able to stay awake and take care of her?"

Both ladies exchanged glances. "She's only had a few beers." We had no idea she'd have such a strong reaction to alcohol."

"Now that you see it does, how would you handle the situation?" he asked Monica.

"We'll have someone come over," Monica said.

Darian looked behind him. "Hicks, will you get a business card for them and write my phone number on it?"

Hicks nodded and looked at the men on the ground, as if he wanted to make sure they weren't causing any trouble. "Yes, sir." Monica received the card from the driver within a minute.

"That contains all of my data..."

Laura shook her head and took a step toward them, but she was stopped by the look in his eyes. "Listen, you can't take our friend." We're not sure if you're a good guy."

Darian exhaled a sigh. He praised them for fighting for her, but all he wanted was for her to return home. "What would make your minds at ease?"

Monica looked at Laura then back at him. "First and foremost, someone to confirm your identity."

"Will you go into the bar where they were and summon the manager?"

"Of course." His driver had vanished around the corner.

When her legs wouldn't stop shaking and he was having trouble holding her up, Darian took on more of her weight.

"Are you certain she's only had one?"

"Are you certain she's only had a couple of beers?" Is it possible that someone slipped something into her glass?"

Laura's head shook. "Not a chance. We don't trust anyone but each other, so we keep a close eye on those around us."

"Perhaps it was the bartender," he speculated.

Monica's head shook. "We only order bottles of beer, and we have our own bottle opener." We're wary because a friend of ours was drugged a few years ago."

Darian gave a nod. "What makes you think she's this way now?"

"She isn't a drinker. Monica explained, "We told her she didn't have to drink to come with us." "But she said she wanted to get off the porch for a while."

"What the hell does that mean?" he exclaimed, frustrated.

"It's a proverb. Stay on the porch with the puppies if you can't play with the big dogs," Laura explained.

Darian shut his eyes. He began to ask another question, but Hicks had returned with another man.

"Hello, this is Danner. He's the boss." Hicks looked at Danner. "Can you tell me who this is?"

When the man's eyes widened and his mouth opened, Darian knew the answer.

"Mr. Marsh," he says.

"Is he a good person?" Laura inquired of Danner.

Danner gave a nod. "Oh, yes." I'm surprised you've never heard of him. He owns several businesses in town."

"Like, like what?" Monica inquired, clearly intrigued.

"For starters, he owns the entire Stapleton Building."

"I'm not the only one who owns it," Darian pointed out. "Some of my friends are involved in a number of my ventures."

Larkin murmured against Darian's chest, "I'm dizzy."

"Are you sure you have everything you need?" Because she's going to pass out here soon," Darian predicted.

Monica and Laura exchanged nods.

"When and where will she be?" Laura inquired.

"This is my townhouse." The address is printed on the card. I don't think it's a good idea to keep her in the car for as long as it takes to get to the house."

"Call if you want us to come get her," Monica said.

Darian knelt and lifted Larkin into his arms. "I doubt I'll call, but I'll have her call in the morning, so don't be concerned."

Hicks pushed open the limo's back door. "What are you planning to do with those two?" Hicks pointed to the men lying on the ground.

Darian turned to face the pitiful men he'd laid out. "Nothing," he said as he slid into the car.

He sat Larkin in his lap, her head on his chest, her legs stretched out over the padded seat. He was vaguely aware of the three pairs of eyes on the sidewalk watching him. "Bring us to the building." "I can almost guarantee she'll be sick."

As he pulled into the street, Hicks muttered, "Poor girl."

"We'll look after her." Darian brushed her hair away from her face. She was a lovely lady. He admired how she wrapped herself around him and lay so trustingly against him. He was aware she was inebriated, but the way she looked at him made his stomach tighten with desire